Bulk Data Entry This parameter limits the applicability of PARAM,PBUSHTF properties.

  • Do not have corresponding PBUSHT entries, and
  • With PBUSH nominal values falling between the TRACAP/ROTCAP and TRACUT/ROTCUT values.
Parameter Values Options Description

No default

TRACAP PARAM,PBUSHTF with TRA/ROT tables will not apply to PBUSH translational degrees of freedom, if the stiffness is greater than TRACAP.


ROTCAP PARAM,PBUSHTF with TRA/ROT tables will not apply to PBUSH rotational degrees of freedom, if the stiffness is greater than ROTCAP.

Default = 0.0

TRACUT PARAM,PBUSHTF with TRA/ROT tables will not apply to PBUSH translational degrees of freedom, if the stiffness is lower than TRACUT.

TRACUT should be lower than TRACAP.


Default = 0.0

ROTCUT PARAM,PBUSHTF with TRA/ROT tables will not apply to PBUSH rotational degrees of freedom, if the stiffness is lower than ROTCUT.

ROTCUT should be lower than ROTCAP.


  1. TRACAP is required but ROTCAP, TRACUT, and ROTCUT are optional.
  2. TRACUT could be blank and ROTCUT could be non-blank.
  3. The values in this parameter should be entered in sequence, separate by commas. If any option is not entered, the field should be left blank.
    For example, for TRACAP=2000.0, ROTCAP=100000.0, TRACUT is blank, ROTCUT=60000.0, the following parameter can be defined (notice the blank field after 100000.0):