Bulk Data Entry Defines the properties of a beam element by cross-sectional dimensions that are used to create beam elements via the CBEAM entry.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


DIM1(A) DIM2(A) etc NSM(A) SO(1) X(1)/


DIM1(1) DIM2(1)
etc NSM(1) etc SO(B) X(B)/


DIM1(B) DIM2(B) etc

* The format of this Bulk Data Entry is somewhat unusual as the field locations can vary depending on the number of dimensions used to define the cross-section.

Optional continuation line for cross section integration (section type BAR & ROD only):

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
PBEAML 99 21 T
12. 14.8 2.5 26. NO 0.4 6.
7. 1.2 2.6 YES 0.6 6. 7.8
5.6 2.3 YES


Field Contents SI Unit Example
PID Unique simple beam property identification.
Specifies an identification number for this property.
Specifies a user-defined string label for this property. 2

No default (Integer > 0 or <String>)

MID Material identification. 1 2
Specifies a material identification number.
Specifies a user-defined material identification string.

No default (Integer > 0 or <String>)

GROUP Indicates if an arbitrary beam section definition is to be used. Refer to Arbitrary Beam Section Definition in the User Guide. If the value of this field is HYPRBEAM, the following field is NAME; otherwise it is TYPE.

Default = blank (blank or HYPRBEAM)

TYPE Cross-section shape. When GROUP field is blank, this field is TYPE.

No default (BAR, BOX, BOX1, CHAN, CHAN1, CHAN2, CROSS, H, HAT, HEXA, I, I1, L, ROD, T, T1, T2, TUBE, or Z)

NAME Name of arbitrary beam section definition. Refer to Arbitrary Beam Section Definition in the User Guide. When the value of GROUP is HYPRBEAM, this field is NAME.

No default (Character string)

ND Number of dimensions used to specify the Cross-section shape. This is required when the value of the GROUP field is HYPRBEAM. ND represents the total number of dimensions used to define an Arbitrary Beam Section.

Default = blank

DIMi(A) Cross-section dimensions at end A.

No default (Real > 0.0)

NSM(A) Nonstructural mass per unit length at end A.

Default = 0.0 (Real)

SO(#) Stress output request option for intermediate station #.

Stress output is not supported for intermediate stations so this field must be set to NO.

X(#)/XB Distance from end A to intermediate station # in the element coordinate system, divided by the length of the element.

Default = 1.0 (Real > 0.0)

DIMi(#) Cross-section dimensions at intermediate station #.

(Real > 0.0)

NSM(#) Nonstructural mass per unit length at intermediate station #.

Default = 0.0 (Real)

SO(B) Stress output request option for end B.
YES (Default)
X(B)/XB Distance form end A to end B in the element coordinate system, divided by the length of the element.

This must be 1.0

DIMi(B) Cross-section dimensions at end B.

(Real > 0.0)

NSM(B) Nonstructural mass per unit length at end B.

Default = 0.0 (Real)

INT Continuation line flag indicating that beam integration information is to follow.
Q_ORDER Quadrature order for cross-section integration. Defines the quadrature order for calculating the number of integration points automatically distributed in the section (for BAR and ROD section types only). Q_ORDER defines the number of sub-sections in the beam cross-section.
BAR (Default)
5 (5x5 integration points)
ROD (Default)
4 (17 integrations points)
Explicit Analysis
(0 < Integer <= 5)
Implicit Analysis
(0 < Integer <= 9)


  1. For structural problems, MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry. For heat transfer problems, MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry.
  2. String based labels allow for easier visual identification of properties, including when being referenced by other cards. (For example, the PID field of elements). For more details, refer to String Label Based Input File in the Bulk Data Input File.
  3. Up to eleven stations are allowed (end A and B, and nine intermediate stations #).
  4. The cross-sectional properties, shear flexibility factors, and stress recovery points (C, D, E, and F) are computed using the TYPE and DIMi as shown below. The element coordinate system is located at the shear center.
    Figure 1. TYPE = BAR

    Figure 2. TYPE = BOX

    Figure 3. TYPE = BOX1

    Figure 4. TYPE = CHAN

    Figure 5. TYPE = CHAN1

    Figure 6. TYPE = CHAN2

    Figure 7. TYPE = CROSS

    Figure 8. TYPE = H

    Figure 9. TYPE = HAT

    Figure 10. TYPE = HEXA

    Figure 11. TYPE = I

    Figure 12. TYPE = I1

    Figure 13. TYPE = L

    Figure 14. TYPE = ROD

    Figure 15. TYPE = T

    Figure 16. TYPE = T1

    Figure 17. TYPE = T2

    Figure 18. TYPE = TUBE

    Figure 19. TYPE = Z

  5. For PBEAML entries with more than one section, an equivalent PBEAM entry is derived. An echo request will cause a printout of the derived PBEAM.
  6. Stress recovery is only allowed at end A and end B. Stress recovery at intermediate stations is not supported.
  7. For TYPE=ROD, if X(1)/XB is equal to 1.0, then the DIM(1)A references the radius of the beam at end A and DIM(1)B references the radius of the beam at end B and there are no intermediate stations. This element is a tapered beam formulation, and averaging is not used to determine the average radius of the beam. Instead, the true tapered beam formulation is used with the given dimensions. The true tapered beam formulation is only available for TYPE=ROD.
    Figure 20.

  8. DIMi and NSM have to be specified fully on station A. On station B, blank means that the dimensions are the same as at A. On other stations, it is a linear interpolation between A and B.
  9. The NSM specified at end A is the default value for NSM at end B. The default for all other stations is a linear interpolation between end A and end B. So, for a constant NSM over the length of the beam, only NSM at end A is required.

    The mass of the element is calculated as:

    Mass = density * beam _ area * beam _ length + NSM * beam _ length

    If the NSM value is different in different stations, it is averaged over all the stations and the average is used in the element calculation.

  10. For TYPE=ROD or TYPE=BAR, the integrated beam formulation is available. In this case, the beam is computed using cross-section integration. The integration points are automatically distributed in the section according to the quadrature order and the type of the section. For BAR, the number of integration points is Q_ORDER*Q_ORDER. For TYPE=ROD and TYPE=BAR, the integrated beam formulation is automatically activated with default parameters if the reference material is MATS1.

    Some examples of integration point distribution in beam cross sections based on the Q_ORDER value are shown below:

    Figure 21. BAR Section Q_ORDER = 5 (Default)

    Figure 22. BAR Section Q_ORDER = 4

    Figure 23. ROD Section Q_ORDER = 4 (Default)

    Figure 24. ROD Section Q_ORDER = 5

  11. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh.