Bulk Data Entry Specifies damp shell elements for a fluid volume. ELIST entries are referenced by the MFLUID entry.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
EID8 EID9 EID10 etc


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
ELIST 25 47 22 THRU 35 -56 -57


Field Contents SI Unit Example
LID List of identification number.

No default (Integer > 0)

EID Element identification number of CQUAD4, CTRIA3, CQUADR, and CTRIAR elements that are damp in the fluid volume.

No default (Integer ≠ 0 or "THRU")


  1. By default, for elements only damp on one side (see WSURF1 on MFLUID entry), the damp side of an element is on the same side of the element's normal. But a negative EIDi indicates that the fluid is opposite to the normal. If there are negative EIDi's specified in a "THRU" range, then both EIDi's in the range must be negative.
  2. Alternatively, the SURF and SET entries may be used to define damp elements but the SURF and SET entries may not be combined in the single with ELIST entries to define damp elements. For example, if any MFLUID references a missing ELIST,25, then the program will not search for a SET,25 if a ELIST card exists in the deck.
  3. ELIST is an alternative to SET and SURF, but ELIST is intended only to provide compatibility with Nastran decks. It is recommended to use SURF/SET instead of ELIST. Additionally,
    • The SURF and SET entries may not be combined with ELIST entries to define damp elements.
    • ELIST entries are internally converted to SET entries. If ELIST is referenced on a minimum of one MFLUID entry, then all MFLUID entries in a model must reference ELIST entries. In such cases, if an MFLUID entry references a particular Set Identification Number (<SID>) to define WSURF1/WSURF2 fields without a corresponding ELIST,<SID> in the model, then OptiStruct will not search for a SET/SURF,<SID>.
  4. ELIST entries are internally converted to SET entries. The continuation is optional.