Bulk Data Entry Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model, the directions of its displacement, and its permanent single-point constraints or permanent zero electric potential.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
GRID 2 3 1.0 -2.0 3.0   316    


Field Contents SI Unit Example
ID Unique grid point identification number.

(Integer > 0)

CP Coordinate system identification number in which the location of the grid point is defined.

(Integer ≥ 0 or blank)

X1, X2, X3 Location of the grid point in coordinate system CP.


CD Coordinate system identification number in which the displacements, degrees-of-freedom, constraints, and solution vectors are defined at grid point.
= -1
Defines a fluid grid point in the coupled fluid-structural analysis. This type of point may only connect solid elements to defined fluid elements.

(Integer ≥ -1 or blank)

PS Permanent single-point constraints associated with grid point. Up to six unique digits may be placed in the field with no imbedded blanks.
Flag to indicate permanent zero value of electric potential.
Note: This is only applicable for Structural Analysis with piezoelectric materials.

(Integer ≥ 0 or blank)


See the GRDSET entry for default options for fields 3, 7, and 8.


  1. All grid point identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other structural grid and scalar points. A duplicate identification number is only allowed if all fields on the duplicated entries are exactly the same, unless PARAM,DUPTOL is used. PARAM,DUPTOL can be used to set a tolerance that will allow a GRID with same ID, CP, CD, and PS to have slightly different coordinates.
  2. The meaning of X1, X2, and X3 depends on the type of coordinate system, CP, as follows: (see CORDI entry descriptions).
    Type X1 X2 X3
    Rectangular X Y Z
    Cylindrical R q(degrees) Z
    Spherical R q(degrees) f(degrees)
  3. The collection of all CD coordinate systems defined on all GRID entries is called the Global Coordinate System. All degrees-of-freedom, constraints, and solution vectors are expressed in the Global Coordinate System.
  4. If CP, PS, or CD is blank, information from the GRDSET data will be used. If CP or CD contains a zero, the basic coordinate system will be used. If PS contains a zero, single point constraints on the GRDSET data are ignored.
  5. Input data replication is available for the GRID data. This can be used to generate additional GRID data, based on incrementing the GRID ID and coordinate locations.
  6. This card is represented as a node in HyperMesh.