Bulk Data Entry Defines a one-dimensional spring-damper structural element.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
CBUSH1D 2 6 8 1


Field Contents SI Unit Example
EID Unique element identification number. Must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.

No default (Integer > 0)

PID PBUSH1D entry property identification number.

Default = EID (Integer > 0)

GA Grid point identification number of the first connection point.

No default (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) 17

GB Grid point identification number of the second connection point.

No default (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) 1 7

CID Element coordinate system identification number. If a value of 0 is input, the basic coordinate system is selected.

(Integer ≥ 0 or blank) 1 - 4


  1. For non-coincident grids (GAGB), when no CID is specified, the line AB is the element axis.
  2. If GA and GB are coincident, or if GB is blank, CID must be specified. If GB is blank, the CBUSH1D element simulates a grounded bushing element.
  3. In large displacement scenarios, the element coordinate system also moves depending on different scenarios:
    1. If CID is not defined and K > 0.0 in PBUSH1D definition, it co-rotates with GA—GB.
    2. If (a) is not satisfied, it rotates according to an average of the rotational DOFs at GA and GB.
  4. If CID > 0, the x-axis of CID is the element axis. In geometric nonlinear analysis, depending on the referenced system being movable or fixed, the axis of the element will move or not move with the axes of the system, respectively.
  5. In all linear analysis, as well as small displacement nonlinear quasi-static (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT) subcases, PBUSH1D and CBUSH1D are converted internally to the equivalent PBUSH (with PBUSHT, if necessary) and CBUSH.
  6. Rod-type spring-damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis.
  7. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of fully-qualified references on CBUSH1D Bulk Data Entries in the model. A fully-qualified reference ("PartName.number") is similar to the format of a numeric reference. "PartName" is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry. Part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model. "number" is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part "PartName".

    Refer to Parts and Instances in the User Guide for detailed information on the use of fully-qualified references.

  8. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh.