Bulk Data Entry Defines the time delay term τ in the equations of the dynamic loading function. DELAY is used in conjunction with RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, and TLOAD2 entries.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
DELAY 3 64 2 5.7 65 2 5.7


Field Contents SI Unit Example
SID Identification number.

No default (Integer > 0)

P1, P2 Grid or scalar point identification number.

No default (Integer > 0)

C1, C2 Component number.

No default (Integer 1 through 6, or 0 for scalar points)

T1, T2 Time delay term, τ , for designated point and component.

No default (Real)


  1. One or two dynamic load time delays may be defined on a single entry.
  2. SID must also be specified on a RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, or TLOAD2 entry. See those entry descriptions for the formulae that define the manner in which the time delay term, τ , is used.
  3. A DAREA entry should be used to define a load at P# and C#. This condition is not required, if SPCD is applied to these degrees of freedom.
  4. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O Option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT, it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT), and that the component be ≥ 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED, it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0, 1 or blank; interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. When the component is greater than 1, the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID).
  5. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh.