Bulk Data Entry Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MAT2EC Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entries.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
MATT2EC MID T( ρ XX) T( ρ YY) T( ρ ZZ)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
MATT2EC 24 200 110 150


Field Contents SI Unit Example
MID Material identification number of a MAT5 Bulk Data Entry that is temperature dependent.

No default (Integer > 0)

T( ρ ij) Identification number of a TABLEMi or TABLEG entry that defines the individual elements of the temperature-dependent electric conduction matrix, along each direction.

Default = 0 (Integer ≥ 0)

T(JH) Identification number of a TABLEMi or TABLEG entry that defines temperature-dependent Joule heating fraction.

Default = 0 (Integer ≥ 0)


  1. The quantities defined on the MAT2EC Bulk Data Entry are multiplied by the tabular function referenced by the MATT2EC Bulk Data card to generate the corresponding material properties.
  2. For temperature-dependent material table lookup for an element with different temperatures at each node, the average temperature of all nodes of the element is considered as reference temperature for table lookup for that particular element.
  3. If the fields are blank or zero, constant properties defined on the MAT2EC Bulk Data card are used.