Bulk Data Entry Defines the amount of memory in Gigabytes to be used by the external AMLS eigenvalue solver.

Parameter Values Description

Default = Memory used by OptiStruct for a particular run.

This parameter is used to define the amount of memory in Gigabytes to be used by the external AMLS eigenvalue solver. This parameter is only valid for AMLS versions 5 and higher.

Refer to AMLS (Automatic Multi-level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver in the User Guide for more details.


  1. If this parameter is not set, AMLS will use the amount of memory that OptiStruct is using for the run.
  2. OptiStruct and AMLS can be run with different allocations of memory. For example, OptiStruct can be run with 10.0 Gigabytes and AMLS with 20.0 Gigabytes in the same run.
  3. If the environment variable AMLS_MEM is set, it will override the value set using PARAM,AMLSMEM.
  4. This parameter can be used only if PARAM, AMLS is set to YES.
  5. The minimum AMLSMEM memory value allowed is equal to 1 GB. If a value lower than 1 GB is specified, it is automatically reset to 1 GB.