Bulk Data Entry Controls the output of reduced matrices to external data files for use in subsequent analysis.


PARAM, EXTOUT, Value1, Value2

Parameter Value1 Description
DMIGPCH (Default)
The matrices are written to an ASCII .pch file.
The matrices are written to a binary .dmg file.
The matrices are written to the .DMIGOP2 file. This option is only available for CMS Super Elements. This output is not supported for static reduction. This is a binary file. The mass, stiffness, viscous damping, and structural damping matrices, as well as the interface GRID and components are written to the .op2 file. 1
The matrices are written to the .op4 file. This option is only available for CMS Super Elements. This output is not supported for static reduction. This is an ASCII file. The mass, stiffness, viscous damping, and structural damping matrices are written to the .op4 file. The OUTPUT4 FORMAT is 1P,rEw.d where d=DIGITS and w=d+7. The number of columns is the integer portion of r=80/w. So, the default value of 16 gives the format 1P,3E23.16.
Additional files with the extension .USET are written. This file contains the USET U1 data for the connection points as well as SPOINT data for the modal degrees of freedom. 2, 3
Parameter Value2 Description

Default = 16

Controls the format OUTPUT4 data. This can only be used when Value1=DMIGOP4.

Default = blank

Keyword to activate the output of transformation matrices to the .pch file. This can only be used when Value1=DMIGPCH. 4


  1. The DMIGOP2 option is only available for CMS Super Elements. This output is not supported for static reduction. The mass, stiffness, viscous damping, and structural damping matrices, as well as the interface GRID and components are written to the .op2 file.
  2. The DMIGOP4 option is only available for CMS Super Elements. This output is not supported for static reduction. The mass, stiffness, viscous damping, and structural damping matrices are written to the .op4 file. The OUTPUT4 FORMAT is 1P,rEw.d where d=DIGITS and w=d+7. The number of columns is the integer portion of r=80/w. So, the default value of 16 gives the format 1P,3E23.16.
  3. For the DMIGOP4 option, and additional files with the extension .USET is written. This file contains the USET U1 data for the connection points as well as SPOINT data for the modal degrees of freedom.
  4. Refer to Direct Matrix Input (Superelements) in the User Guide for more detailed information.