- -
- -[1]
- :
- :[1]
- .
- ~
- ~[1]
- *
- *[1]
- \
- \[1]
- &
- +
- +[1]
- <
- =
- ==[1]
- >
- |
- A
- abfadddata[1]
- abfclose[1]
- abfcreatesubcase[1]
- abfsetversion[1]
- abs[1]
- accumarray[1]
- accuracy[1]
- acker[1]
- acos[1]
- acosd[1]
- acosh[1]
- acot[1]
- acotd[1]
- acsc[1]
- acscd[1]
- adaptivethresholdcv[1]
- addaxis[1]
- addcv[1][2]
- addition[1]
- addlibrary[1]
- addmenuitem[1]
- addmenuseparator[1]
- addpath[1]
- addpopupmenu[1]
- addribbonmenu[1]
- addribbonpage[1]
- addribbonpagegroup[1]
- addspriteaction[1]
- addspriteactiongroup[1]
- addtoolbox[1]
- agglomerativefit[1]
- agglomerativepredict[1]
- all[1]
- analysisusingpythonbegin[1]
- analysisusingpythonend[1]
- and[1]
- angle[1]
- anonymous functions[1]
- ans[1]
- any[1]
- append[1]
- appendix 1 - sample loader.oml script[1]
- appendix 2 - html help page example[1]
- applycolormapcv[1]
- apriori[1]
- area[1]
- arg[1]
- arithmetic operators[1]
- arrayfun[1]
- arsm[1]
- arsmoptimset[1]
- ascii[1]
- asec[1]
- asecd[1]
- asin[1]
- asind[1]
- asinh[1]
- assert[1]
- assign[1]
- assoc[1]
- asterisk[1]
- atan[1]
- atan2[1]
- atan2d[1]
- atand[1]
- atanh[1]
- audioformats[1]
- audioinfo[1]
- audioread[1]
- audiowrite[1]
- augstate[1]
- autumn[1]
- axes[1]
- axis[1]
- B
- backgroundsubtractorcv[1]
- balance[1]
- balreal[1]
- bar[1]
- bar3[1]
- barthannwin[1]
- basic Python types and OML type mapping[1]
- batch execution[1]
- batch mode start options[1]
- bbdesign[1]
- bdschur[1]
- bernoullinbfit[1]
- bernoullinbpredict[1]
- bessel3ap[1]
- besselap[1]
- besself[1]
- besself3[1]
- besselh[1]
- besseli[1]
- besselj[1]
- besselk[1]
- bessely[1]
- beta[1]
- betacdf[1]
- betafit[1]
- betainc[1]
- betainv[1]
- betaln[1]
- betapdf[1]
- betarnd[1]
- bi2de[1]
- bicgstab[1]
- bilateralfiltercv[1]
- bin2dec[1]
- binarize[1]
- binarizetransform[1]
- binary[1]
- bins[1]
- bitand[1]
- bitor[1]
- bitwiseandcv[1]
- bitwisenotcv[1]
- bitwiseorcv[1]
- bitwisexorcv[1]
- bitxor[1]
- blackman[1]
- blanks[1]
- blkdiag[1]
- blurcv[1]
- bode[1]
- bone[1]
- bookmarks window[1]
- box[1]
- boxplot[1]
- break[1][2]
- breakpoints window[1]
- bsxfun[1]
- bubblechart[1]
- builtin[1]
- builtinor[1]
- buttap[1]
- butter[1]
- buttord[1]
- C
- c2d[1]
- CAE applications, CORA and ISO-18571[1]
- CAE applications, HDF5 viewer[1][2]
- CAE applications, reader[1]
- CAE applications, reader, 3D[1]
- CAE applications, test and CAE data handling[1]
- caereaderoptions[1]
- callaltairbatch[1]
- call stack window[1]
- cannycv[1]
- care[1]
- cart2pol[1]
- cart2sph[1]
- case[1]
- cat[1]
- catch[1]
- caxis[1]
- cd[1][2]
- cdf[1]
- cdfplot[1]
- ceil[1]
- cell[1]
- cell2mat[1]
- cell2struct[1]
- cell arrays[1]
- celldisp[1]
- cellfun[1]
- cellstr[1]
- center[1]
- char[1]
- chdir[1]
- cheb1ap[1]
- cheb1ord[1]
- cheb2ap[1]
- cheb2ord[1]
- chebwin[1]
- cheby1[1]
- cheby2[1]
- chi2cdf[1]
- chi2inv[1]
- chi2pdf[1]
- chi2rnd[1]
- chirp[1]
- chol[1]
- circlecv[1]
- circshift[1]
- cividis[1]
- cla[1]
- class[1]
- classdef[1]
- classificationerror[1]
- clc[1]
- clear[1][2]
- clearing functions[1]
- clearprofiledata[1]
- clearvars[1]
- clf[1]
- clip[1]
- clock[1]
- close[1][2]
- close a scripts[1]
- closeh3dfile[1]
- closing the notebook[1]
- cmorwavf[1]
- collections[1]
- colon[1]
- colorbar[1]
- colormap[1]
- command history window[1]
- comments[1]
- complex[1][2]
- complex transpose[1]
- Compose-1000: author OML in Compose[1]
- Compose-1100: the Compose debugger[1]
- Compose-2000: initial OML script[1]
- Compose-2020: manipulate matrices in OML[1]
- Compose-2025: cells and structs in OML[1]
- Compose-2030: create plots in OML[1]
- Compose-3000: strings in OML[1]
- Compose-3010: read and write ascii files in OML[1]
- Compose-3015: read data from text files[1]
- Compose-3020: read CAE data in OML[1]
- Compose-3030: Compose and OML in batch mode[1]
- Compose-3050: linear algebra operations in OML[1]
- Compose-4000: Compose math functions for fitting curves[1]
- Compose-4010: solve ordinary differential equations[1]
- Compose-4020: solve differential equations[1]
- Compose-4030: optimization algorithms in OML[1]
- Compose-4040: Compose math functions for digital filtering[1]
- Compose-5010: Python and OML in Compose[1]
- composedir[1]
- Compose ide[1]
- Compose introduction[1]
- Compose menus[1]
- Compose notebook[1]
- Compose Notebook licensing[1]
- Compose Notebook menus[1]
- compose online learning[1]
- Compose overview[1]
- Compose release notes[1]
- Compose user guide[1]
- cond[1]
- confusionmatrix[1]
- conj[1]
- console execution[1]
- console mode start options[1]
- contains[1]
- continue[1]
- contour[1]
- contour3[1]
- conv[1]
- conv2[1]
- convertscaleabscv[1]
- convhull[1]
- convhulln[1]
- cool[1]
- copper[1]
- copycv[1]
- copyfile[1]
- copymakebordercv[1]
- copystyle[1]
- cora[1]
- corr[1]
- cos[1]
- cosd[1]
- cosh[1]
- cosinedistance[1]
- cosinesimilarity[1]
- cot[1]
- cotd[1]
- cov[1]
- covar[1]
- cplxpair[1]
- cpsd[1][2]
- cpsdplot[1]
- cputime[1]
- createabffile[1]
- create a library[1]
- create and execute a Compose Notebook[1]
- create a script[1]
- createdistributable[1]
- createh3ddatatype[1]
- createh3dfile[1]
- createh3dlayer[1]
- createh3dpool[1]
- createh3dsubcase[1]
- createhdf5attribute[1]
- createhdf5dataset[1]
- createhdf5group[1]
- cropcv[1]
- cross[1]
- crossvalscore[1]
- crtbf[1]
- csc[1]
- cscd[1]
- csvread[1]
- csvwrite[1]
- ctime[1]
- ctranspose[1]
- ctrb[1]
- cubehelix[1]
- cumprod[1]
- cumsum[1]
- cumtrapz[1]
- cvtcolorcv[1]
- D
- d2c[1]
- damp[1]
- dare[1]
- datah3dtypehascorners[1]
- data types[1][2]
- date[1]
- datenum[1]
- datestr[1]
- datetick[1]
- datevec[1]
- day[1]
- db2mag[1]
- dba[1]
- dbb[1]
- dbc[1]
- dbu[1]
- dcgain[1]
- de2bi[1]
- deblank[1]
- debug scripts[1]
- dec2bin[1]
- dec2hex[1]
- decoder[1]
- deconv[1]
- define a preference setting[1]
- deg2rad[1]
- delaunay[1]
- delaunayn[1]
- delete[1][2][3]
- deletecv[1]
- demo browser[1]
- det[1]
- detrend[1]
- dftcv[1]
- diag[1]
- diary[1]
- dicomanon[1]
- dicominfo[1]
- dicomlookup[1]
- dicomread[1]
- dicomuid[1]
- dicomupdate[1]
- diff[1]
- dilatecv[1]
- dir[1][2]
- diric[1]
- disp[1]
- display[1]
- distancetransformcv[1]
- dividecv[1]
- dlmread[1]
- dlmwrite[1]
- dlqr[1]
- dlyap[1]
- dlyapchol[1]
- dock[1]
- dos[1]
- dot[1]
- dot product[1]
- double[1][2]
- downsample[1]
- drawnow[1]
- dsacpsdplot[1]
- dsafftplot[1]
- dsafrfplot[1]
- dss[1]
- dss2ss[1]
- dssdata[1]
- dtcfit[1]
- dtcpredict[1]
- dtrfit[1]
- dtrpredict[1]
- E
- e[1]
- edit[1]
- edit colorbar[1]
- editor[1]
- edit properties of plots[1]
- edit scripts[1]
- eig[1]
- eigs[1]
- ellip[1]
- ellipap[1]
- ellipord[1]
- ellipse[1]
- else[1][2]
- enable R languge support in Compose[1]
- enablespriteaction[1]
- encoding[1]
- encryptfile[1]
- end[1]
- eps[1]
- eq[1]
- erf[1]
- erodecv[1]
- error[1]
- error and warning messages[1]
- errordlg[1]
- errormsgonly[1]
- errors[1]
- esort[1]
- estim[1]
- euclideandistance[1]
- eval[1][2]
- evalin[1]
- evalomlfile[1][2]
- evalomlscript[1][2]
- evalpyfit[1]
- evalpythonfile[1]
- evalpythonfunction[1]
- evalpythonscript[1]
- evaltclfile[1]
- evaltclscript[1]
- exist[1]
- exit[1]
- exp[1]
- expcdf[1]
- expfit[1]
- expinv[1]
- explainedvariance[1]
- expm[1]
- expm1[1]
- exportarraytooml[1]
- exportdicttooml[1]
- exportdicttoomlmatrix[1]
- exportlisttooml[1]
- exporttooml[1][2]
- exporttopython[1]
- exporttotcl[1]
- exppdf[1]
- expressions[1]
- expressions and statements[1]
- exprnd[1]
- extension manager[1]
- extension manager libraries[1]
- extract[1]
- eye[1]
- F
- f1score[1]
- factor[1]
- factorial[1]
- false[1]
- fanplot[1]
- fcdf[1]
- fclose[1]
- feof[1]
- ferror[1]
- feval[1]
- fflush[1]
- fft[1]
- fft2[1]
- fftn[1]
- fftplot[1]
- fftshift[1]
- fgetl[1]
- fgets[1]
- fieldnames[1]
- figure[1]
- figure browser[1]
- file browser[1]
- fileparts[1]
- files[1]
- filesep[1]
- fill[1]
- filt[1]
- filter[1]
- filter2[1]
- filter2Dcv[1]
- filtfilt[1]
- filtic[1]
- find[1]
- findall[1]
- findcontourscv[1]
- findobj[1]
- findpeaks[1]
- finv[1]
- fir1[1]
- firls[1]
- fix[1]
- flag[1]
- flintmax[1]
- flip[1]
- fliplr[1]
- flipud[1]
- floor[1]
- flow of control and looping[1]
- fminbnd[1]
- fmincon[1]
- fminsearch[1]
- fminunc[1]
- fold[1]
- fopen[1]
- for[1]
- for loop[1]
- format[1]
- fpdf[1]
- fprintf[1]
- fread[1]
- freq[1]
- freqs[1]
- freqz[1]
- frewind[1]
- frfplot[1]
- frnd[1]
- fscanf[1]
- fseek[1]
- fsolve[1]
- fspecial[1]
- ftell[1]
- ftp[1]
- full[1]
- fullfact[1]
- fullfile[1]
- func2str[1]
- funccount[1]
- funclist[1]
- function[1]
- function calls[1]
- function defintions[1]
- functions[1]
- fwrite[1]
- fzero[1]
- G
- ga[1]
- gamcdf[1]
- gamfit[1]
- gaminv[1]
- gamma[1]
- gammainc[1]
- gammaln[1]
- gampdf[1]
- gamrnd[1]
- gaoptimset[1]
- gauspuls[1]
- gaussianblurcv[1]
- gaussiannbfit[1]
- gaussiannbpredict[1]
- gca[1]
- gcd[1]
- gcf[1]
- ge[1]
- genpath[1]
- gensig[1]
- genvarname[1]
- get[1]
- getappdata[1]
- getargc[1]
- getargv[1]
- getcmdinput[1]
- getcompindex[1]
- getcompindex3d[1]
- getcomplist[1]
- getcomplist3d[1]
- getcompname[1]
- getcompname3d[1]
- getcv[1]
- getelemindex3d[1]
- getelemlist3d[1]
- getelemname3d[1]
- getenv[1]
- getfield[1]
- getfilteredcomplist[1]
- getfilteredtypelist[1]
- getfold[1]
- getframe[1]
- getgaussiankernelcv[1]
- geth3ddatatypebind[1]
- geth3ddatatypeformat[1]
- geth3ddatatypes[1]
- geth3dlayers[1]
- geth3dpools[1]
- geth3dsubcases[1]
- getlayerindex3d[1]
- getlayername3d[1]
- getlayerslist3d[1]
- getmousepos[1]
- getnodeindex3d[1]
- getnodelist3d[1]
- getnodename3d[1]
- getnumcomps[1]
- getnumcomps3d[1]
- getnumelems3d[1]
- getnumlayers3d[1]
- getnumnodes3d[1]
- getnumofcmdinputs[1]
- getnumreqs[1]
- getnumsubcases3d[1]
- getnumtypes[1]
- getnumtypes3d[1]
- getomlvar[1][2]
- getpid[1]
- getprofiledata[1]
- getprojectdata[1]
- getpyfitdetails[1]
- getpyfitresponses[1]
- getpyfitvariables[1]
- getpythonvar[1]
- getreqindex[1]
- getreqlist[1]
- getreqname[1]
- get started[1]
- getstructuringelementcv[1]
- getsubcaseindex[1]
- getsubcaseindex3d[1]
- getsubcaselist[1]
- getsubcaselist3d[1]
- getsubcasename[1]
- getsubcasename3d[1]
- gettclarray[1]
- gettcldict[1]
- gettcllist[1]
- gettclnumdict[1]
- gettclvar[1]
- gettimesteplist[1]
- gettimesteplist3d[1]
- gettotalsubcases[1]
- gettypeindex[1]
- gettypeindex3d[1]
- gettypelist[1]
- gettypelist3d[1]
- gettypename[1]
- gettypename3d[1]
- getunitlist[1]
- getunittypelist[1]
- ginput[1]
- global[1][2]
- gmonopuls[1]
- gmres[1]
- goodfeaturestotrackcv[1]
- gradient[1]
- gram[1]
- graphics object properties[1]
- gray[1]
- greater than[1]
- greater than or equal to[1]
- grid[1]
- grid view/matrix edition area[1]
- grpdelay[1]
- grsm[1]
- grsmoptimset[1]
- gt[1]
- GUI, assign axes to GUIs[1]
- GUI, create control objects with uicontrol function[1]
- GUI, create with callback alternatives[1]
- GUI, create with callback functions[1]
- GUI, create with OML[1]
- GUI, File I/O options[1]
- GUI, UI inbuilt functions[1]
- guidata[1]
- H
- I
- i[1]
- i/o and file operations[1]
- icdf[1]
- identifiers[1]
- if[1][2]
- ifft[1]
- ifft2[1]
- ifftn[1]
- ifftshift[1]
- imadd[1]
- imag[1]
- image[1]
- imagesc[1][2]
- imaginary[1]
- imattributes[1]
- imfilter[1]
- imfinfo[1]
- imfinfocv[1]
- importdata[1]
- impulse[1]
- impute[1]
- imputetransform[1]
- impz[1]
- imread[1]
- imreadcv[1]
- imshow[1][2]
- imshowcv[1]
- imsizecv[1]
- imsubtract[1]
- imwrite[1]
- imwritecv[1]
- ind2sub[1]
- indexing[1]
- inequality operators[1]
- inf[1]
- inferno[1]
- inpaintcv[1]
- input[1]
- inputdlg[1]
- inputname[1]
- inrangecv[1]
- install additional Python packages[1]
- installpythonpackage[1]
- interactive usage[1]
- interp1[1]
- interp2[1]
- interpn[1]
- intersect[1]
- introduction to compose[1]
- inv[1]
- invfreqs[1]
- invfreqz[1]
- invoke Compose[1]
- invoke Compose Light[1]
- ipermute[1]
- isa[1]
- isaxes[1]
- isbanded[1]
- isbatch[1]
- isbool[1]
- isbw[1]
- iscell[1]
- iscellstr[1]
- ischar[1]
- iscolumn[1]
- iscomplex[1]
- isct[1]
- isctrb[1]
- isdiag[1]
- isdicom[1]
- isdir[1]
- isdt[1]
- isempty[1]
- isequal[1]
- isfield[1]
- isfigure[1]
- isfile[1]
- isfinite[1]
- isfloat[1]
- isglobal[1]
- isgraph[1]
- isgray[1]
- ishandle[1]
- ishermitian[1]
- ishold[1]
- isinf[1]
- isletter[1]
- islogical[1]
- ismac[1]
- ismatrix[1]
- ismember[1]
- isnan[1]
- isnumeric[1]
- iso6487[1]
- iso18571[1]
- isobsv[1]
- isonormals[1]
- ispc[1]
- isprime[1]
- isprint[1]
- isreal[1]
- isrow[1]
- isscalar[1][2][3]
- issiso[1]
- issorted[1]
- isspace[1]
- issparse[1]
- issquare[1]
- isstable[1]
- isstr[1]
- isstruct[1]
- issymmetric[1]
- istft[1]
- istril[1]
- istriu[1]
- isunix[1]
- isvarname[1]
- isvector[1]
- J
- K
- kafkaconsumer[1]
- kafkaproducer[1]
- kaiser[1]
- kalman[1]
- keyboard[1]
- keyboard shortcuts[1][2]
- keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls[1]
- keywords[1]
- kfold[1]
- kmeansfit[1]
- kmeanspredict[1]
- kmodes_fit[1]
- kmodes_predict[1]
- knnclassifierfit[1]
- knnclassifierpredict[1]
- knnregressorfit[1]
- knnregressorpredict[1]
- kron[1]
- kronprod[1]
- kurtosis[1]
- L
- labelbinarizer[1]
- labelbinarizertransform[1]
- labelencoder[1]
- labelencodertransform[1]
- language support in Compose[1]
- laplaciancv[1]
- lassofit[1]
- lassopredict[1]
- lasterr[1]
- lastwarn[1]
- ldivide[1]
- ldl[1]
- le[1]
- leaveoneout[1]
- left division[1][2]
- left matrix division[1][2]
- legend[1]
- length[1]
- less than[1][2]
- less than or equal to[1]
- library, multibody processing[1]
- Library Appendix, Appendix for Libraries[1]
- library creation and management - appendix 1[1]
- library creation and management - appendix 2[1]
- library creation and management in OML[1]
- Library Creator[1]
- librarymanager[1]
- library manager[1]
- library manager - create a library[1]
- library manager - oml library management features[1]
- licensing Compose Notebook[1]
- line[1]
- linearfit[1]
- linearpredict[1]
- linecv[1]
- lines[1]
- linkaxes[1]
- linsolve[1]
- linspace[1]
- listdlg[1]
- literals[1]
- load[1]
- loading R libraries and extensions[1]
- local functions[1]
- log[1]
- log1p[1]
- log2[1]
- log10[1]
- logical[1]
- logical operators[1]
- logical operators tables[1]
- logisticfit[1]
- logisticpredict[1]
- loglog[1]
- logloss[1]
- logm[1]
- logncdf[1]
- lognfit[1]
- logninv[1]
- lognpdf[1]
- lognrnd[1]
- logspace[1]
- lookup[1]
- lower[1]
- lqe[1]
- lqr[1]
- lqry[1]
- ls[1]
- lsim[1]
- lsqcurvefit[1]
- lsqlin[1]
- lt[1]
- lu[1]
- lyap[1]
- lyapchol[1]
- M
- macros[1]
- mad[1]
- mae[1]
- mag2db[1]
- magma[1]
- magnitudecv[1]
- make_absolute_filename[1]
- manage project files[1]
- manage project folders[1]
- manhattandistance[1]
- manipulation[1]
- margin[1]
- mat2cell[1]
- mat2str[1]
- MAT Explorer[1]
- matplotlib plotly python plot[1]
- matrix multiplication[1]
- matrix power[1]
- max[1]
- maxabsnormalize[1]
- maxabsnormalizetransform[1]
- maxerror[1]
- maxk[1]
- mbcrossvalue[1]
- mbindexatvalue[1]
- mbipsd[1]
- mean[1]
- meandev[1]
- meb[1]
- medfilt1[1]
- median[1]
- medianblurcv[1]
- memoryuse[1]
- menus Compose Notebook[1]
- mergecv[1]
- mesh[1]
- meshgrid[1][2]
- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport[1]
- methods[1]
- methods for OML toolboxes[1]
- mexihat[1]
- meyeraux[1]
- mget[1]
- min[1]
- mink[1]
- minkowskidistance[1]
- minmaxnormalize[1]
- minmaxnormalizetransform[1]
- minreal[1]
- minus[1]
- minute[1]
- mislocked[1]
- mkdir[1][2]
- mkpp[1]
- mldivide[1]
- mlock[1]
- mod[1]
- mode[1]
- moga[1]
- mogaoptimset[1]
- month[1]
- morlet[1]
- morphologyexcv[1]
- movefile[1]
- movegui[1]
- movesprite[1]
- movie[1]
- movmean[1]
- movmedian[1]
- mpower[1][2]
- mput[1]
- MQTT[1]
- mqttclient[1]
- mqttclientinfo[1]
- mqttdestroy[1]
- mqttdisconnect[1]
- mqttpublish[1]
- mqttreconnect[1]
- mqttsubscribe[1]
- mqttunsubscribe[1]
- mrdivide[1]
- mscohere[1]
- mse[1]
- msgbox[1]
- mtimes[1]
- multibody processing library[1]
- multidimensional matrices[1]
- multinomialnbfit[1]
- multinomialnbpredict[1]
- multiplication[1]
- multiply[1]
- multiplycv[1]
- multransposedcv[1]
- munlock[1]
- N
- nan[1]
- naneuclideandistance[1]
- nanmean[1]
- nanmedian[1]
- nanstd[1]
- nansum[1]
- nanvar[1]
- nargin[1][2]
- narginchk[1]
- nargout[1]
- nargoutchk[1]
- nchoosek[1]
- ndgrid[1]
- ndims[1]
- ne[1][2]
- nested functions[1]
- nextpow2[1]
- nnz[1]
- norm[1]
- normalize[1]
- normalizecv[1]
- normcdf[1]
- normfit[1]
- norminv[1]
- normpdf[1]
- normrnd[1]
- not[1][2]
- now[1]
- null[1]
- num2cell[1]
- num2str[1]
- numel[1]
- numerics[1]
- nyquist[1]
- O
- Object Inspector[1]
- objects in OpenMatrix Language[1]
- obsv[1]
- obsvf[1]
- ocean[1]
- ode15i[1]
- ode15s[1]
- ode45[1]
- ode113[1]
- odeset[1]
- olsfit[1]
- olspredict[1]
- oml[1]
- omlcellarray class constr methods[1]
- OML class object to Python class object mapping[1]
- oml commands in the Compose notebook[1]
- oml command window[1]
- omlcomplex class methods (all are const)[1]
- omlcurrency2 class methods (all are const)[1]
- omlcurrency3 class methods (all are const)[1]
- omlcurrency class methods (all are const)[1]
- omlcurrencylist class const methods[1]
- omlcurrencylist class non-const methods[1]
- omlfilename[1]
- omlfunctionhandle class const methods[1]
- omlinterface2 class methods[1]
- omlinterface3 class methods[1]
- omlinterface4 class methods[1]
- omlinterface5 class methods[1]
- omlinterface class methods[1]
- oml library management features[1]
- OML library manager[1]
- omllinenumber[1]
- omlmatrix class methods (all are const)[1]
- omlndcellarray class constr methods[1]
- omlndmatrix class methods[1]
- omlpaginate[1]
- oml plots[1]
- omlsparsematrix class methods[1]
- omlstruct class const methods[1]
- oml support[1]
- oml toolboxes[1]
- oml toolbox method examples[1]
- one_hot_encode[1]
- ones[1]
- online and local help[1]
- online help for R commands[1]
- open a saved project[1]
- open a script[1]
- openfig[1]
- operator description inequality operators[1]
- operator descriptions tables[1]
- operators[1]
- optimset[1]
- or[1][2][3]
- order of precedence[1]
- orth[1]
- other literals[1]
- outputlog[1]
- P
- padecoef[1]
- parallel[1]
- parcluster[1]
- pareto[1]
- parfor loop[1]
- parzenwin[1]
- passing by values[1]
- pastestyle[1]
- patch[1]
- path[1]
- path management[1]
- pathsep[1]
- pause[1]
- pcafit[1]
- pcatransform[1]
- pcg[1]
- pchip[1]
- pcolor[1]
- pdf[1]
- pdist[1]
- pdist2[1]
- peak2peak[1]
- peak2rms[1]
- perceptronfit[1]
- perceptronpredict[1]
- permute[1]
- persistent[1][2]
- pi[1]
- pid[1]
- pink[1]
- pinv[1]
- place[1]
- plasma[1]
- plot[1]
- plot3[1]
- plot area[1]
- Plot Assistant[1]
- plots, 2D, 3D[1]
- plots in r[1]
- plotting in Compose[1]
- plot view mode[1]
- plotyy[1]
- plus[1]
- poisscdf[1]
- poissfit[1]
- poissinv[1]
- poisspdf[1]
- poissrnd[1]
- pol2cart[1]
- polar[1]
- pole[1]
- poly[1]
- polyder[1][2]
- polyfeatures[1]
- polyfeaturestransform[1]
- polyfit[1]
- polyint[1]
- polyval[1]
- pow2[1]
- power[1][2][3]
- ppplot[1]
- ppval[1]
- precision[1]
- preferences dialog[1]
- prescale[1]
- primes[1]
- print_apriori[1]
- print_assoc[1]
- printf[1]
- prism[1]
- prod[1]
- profile[1]
- project browser[1]
- properties[1]
- properties - plotting commands[1]
- Property Editor[1]
- PsimASimulate[1]
- PsimCreateNewElement[1]
- PsimFileClose[1]
- PsimFileOpen[1]
- PsimFileSave[1]
- PsimGetElementList[1]
- PsimIsSubcircuit[1]
- PsimReadGraphFile[1]
- PsimSetElmValue[1]
- PsimSimulate[1]
- PsimSimulate_HyperSpice[1]
- PsimSimulate_LTSpice[1]
- PsimSimview[1]
- PsimWriteGraphFile[1]
- pulley[1]
- pulstran[1]
- putenv[1]
- puttextcv[1]
- pwd[1]
- pwelch[1]
- pyrdowncv[1]
- pyrupcv[1]
- python[1]
- Python Extended Types and OML Type Mapping[1]
- Python support[1]
- Q
- R
- r2[1]
- rad2deg[1]
- rainbow[1]
- rainflow[1]
- rand[1]
- randi[1]
- randn[1]
- random[1]
- randperm[1]
- Range[1]
- rank[1][2]
- rat[1]
- rcond[1]
- rdivide[1]
- readcae[1]
- readcae3d[1]
- readfiletoc[1]
- readhdf5[1]
- readhdf5attributes[1]
- readhdf5toc[1]
- readmultvectors[1]
- readtable[1]
- readunits[1]
- readvector[1]
- readvectorbuilder[1]
- real[1]
- realmax[1]
- realmin[1]
- recall[1]
- rectangle[1]
- rectanglecv[1]
- rectpuls[1]
- recursion[1]
- reg[1]
- regexp[1]
- regexprep[1]
- register oml functions in Compose[1]
- register oml functions using a preference file[1]
- registerpath[1]
- regress[1]
- rehash[1]
- releasedata[1]
- releasefileinfo[1]
- releasefileinfo3d[1]
- rem[1]
- remove a macro[1]
- removehdf5attribute[1]
- removehdf5dataset[1]
- removehdf5group[1]
- removelibrary[1]
- removemenuitem[1]
- removepopupmenu[1]
- removeribbonmenu[1]
- removeribbonpage[1]
- removespriteaction[1]
- removespriteactiongroup[1]
- rename[1][2]
- renamehdf5attribute[1]
- renamehdf5dataset[1]
- renamehdf5group[1]
- repmat[1]
- resample[1]
- reshape[1]
- resizecv[1][2]
- resolve Python compiling errors[1]
- restoredefaultpath[1]
- restrictions[1]
- return[1][2]
- rfcfit[1]
- rfcpredict[1]
- rfrfit[1]
- rfrpredict[1]
- ridgefit[1]
- ridgepredict[1]
- right division[1]
- right division operator[1]
- right matrix division[1]
- right matrix division operator[1]
- rlocfind[1]
- rlocus[1]
- rmdir[1][2]
- rmfield[1]
- rmpath[1]
- rms[1]
- rmse[1]
- romAI[1][2]
- batch execution[1]
- batch training[1]
- builder[1]
- design fundamentals[1]
- FAQ[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]
- GUI[1]
- installation[1]
- post-processor[1]
- pre-processor[1]
- ROM block framework[1]
- rom generation[1]
- theoretical framework[1]
- workflow[1]
- roots[1]
- rot90[1]
- rotatecv[1]
- round[1]
- rsf2csf[1]
- rss[1]
- rssq[1]
- r support[1]
- run[1]
- run a saved macro[1]
- run commands[1]
- run complete scripts[1]
- run Compose in batch mode[1]
- run Compose in console mode[1]
- run Compose in gui (interactive and graphic) mode[1]
- run macros[1]
- run oml files[1]
- run partial scripts[1]
- run r scripts[1]
- run scripts[1]
- S
- saefilt95[1]
- saefilter[1]
- saturatecastcv[1]
- save[1]
- save a project[1]
- saveas[1]
- savefig[1]
- save macros[1]
- savepath[1]
- sawtooth[1]
- scatter[1]
- scatter3[1]
- schur[1]
- scripting guide for OpenMatrix language[1]
- scripts and functions[1]
- sec[1]
- secd[1]
- second[1]
- select a saved macro[1]
- semilogx[1]
- semilogy[1]
- serialport[1]
- series[1]
- set[1]
- setaltairbatch[1]
- setaltairfolder[1]
- setappdata[1]
- setdiff[1]
- setenv[1]
- setfield[1]
- seth3dcompression[1]
- setmenuaccel[1]
- setmsolveapi[1]
- setxor[1]
- shanwavf[1]
- shiftdata[1]
- shiftdim[1]
- short circuit[1]
- short circuit boolean operator or[1]
- showspriteaction[1]
- sign[1]
- sin[1]
- sinc[1]
- sind[1]
- single[1]
- sinh[1]
- size[1]
- skewness[1]
- skipformat[1]
- sleep[1]
- sobelcv[1]
- sort[1]
- sortrows[1]
- sosfilt[1]
- sparse[1]
- sparse matrices[1]
- special operators[1]
- spectrogram[1]
- speye[1]
- sph2cart[1]
- sphere[1]
- spline[1]
- splitcv[1]
- splitdata[1]
- spones[1]
- spring[1]
- sprintf[1]
- sqrt[1]
- sqrtm[1]
- square[1]
- squaredeuclideandistance[1]
- squeeze[1]
- ss[1]
- ss2ss[1]
- ss2tf[1][2]
- sscanf[1]
- ssdata[1]
- stairs[1]
- standardize[1]
- standardizetransform[1]
- start macros[1]
- start the Compose Notebook[1]
- startupscript_edit[1]
- startupscript_path[1]
- statements[1]
- std[1]
- stderr[1]
- stdin[1]
- stdout[1]
- stem[1]
- stem3[1]
- step[1]
- stft[1]
- stop macros[1]
- str2double[1]
- str2func[1]
- str2mat[1]
- str2num[1]
- stratifiedkfold[1]
- strcat[1]
- strcmp[1]
- strcmpi[1]
- strfind[1]
- strings[1][2]
- strings data type[1]
- strip[1]
- strjoin[1]
- strncmp[1]
- strncmpi[1]
- strrep[1]
- strsplit[1]
- strtok[1]
- strtrim[1]
- struct[1]
- struct2cell[1]
- structfun[1]
- structures[1]
- strvcat[1]
- sub2ind[1]
- subcaseh3discomplex[1]
- subcaseh3dnumberofsims[1]
- subcaseh3dsimsnames[1]
- subcaseh3dsteps[1]
- subplot[1]
- subsasgn[1]
- subsref[1]
- subtractcv[1]
- subtraction[1]
- sum[1]
- summer[1]
- suppresspythoncmdwindow[1]
- surf[1]
- svcfit[1]
- svcpredict[1]
- svd[1]
- svrfit[1]
- svrpredict[1]
- switch[1]
- switch/case[1]
- system[1]
- system requirements[1]
- T
- table[1][2][3][4][5]
- tan[1]
- tand[1]
- tangent[1]
- tanh[1]
- tcdf[1]
- tcl[1]
- tcl support[1]
- tcpclient[1]
- tcpserver[1]
- templatematchcv[1]
- text[1]
- textread[1]
- textscan[1]
- tf[1]
- tf2ss[1][2]
- tf2zp[1]
- tf2zpk[1]
- tfdata[1]
- tfestimate[1]
- tic[1]
- time[1]
- times[1]
- tinv[1]
- title[1]
- toascii[1]
- toc[1]
- toeplitz[1]
- tolower[1]
- toolbar figure[1]
- toupper[1]
- tpdf[1]
- trace[1]
- transpose[1][2]
- trapz[1]
- tril[1]
- trimesh[1]
- triplot[1]
- tripuls[1]
- trisurf[1]
- triu[1]
- trnd[1]
- try[1]
- try/catch[1]
- try catch[1]
- tsp[1]
- ttest[1]
- ttest2[1]
- tutorials[1]
- twilight[1]
- type[1]
- U
- udecode[1]
- udpport[1]
- uencode[1]
- uibuttongroup[1]
- uicontextmenu[1]
- uicontextmenuitem[1]
- uicontrol[1]
- UI Designer[1]
- uigetdir[1]
- uigetfile[1]
- uimenu[1]
- uimenuitem[1]
- uipanel[1]
- uiputfile[1]
- uiresume[1]
- uispinbox[1]
- uitab[1]
- uitabgroup[1]
- uitable[1][2]
- uitoolbar[1]
- uitpushtool[1][2]
- uitree[1]
- uitreenode[1]
- uiwait[1]
- uminus[1]
- undock[1]
- unifcdf[1]
- unifinv[1]
- unifit[1]
- unifpdf[1]
- unifrnd[1]
- uninstall a Python package[1]
- union[1]
- unique[1]
- unix[1]
- unmkpp[1]
- unshiftdata[1]
- unwrap[1]
- unzip[1]
- uplus[1]
- upper[1]
- upsample[1]
- use an oml function in an OptiStruct DRESP3 bulk data entry[1]
- use oml functions in HyperWorks products[1]
- user guide[1]
- user interface design[1]
- user profile[1]
- user start-up file[1]
- use the command window[1]
- use the debugger[1]
- V
- W
- waitbar[1]
- waitforbuttonpress[1]
- warndlg[1]
- warning[1]
- warning messages[1]
- warningmsgonly[1]
- watch window[1]
- waterfall[1]
- wblcdf[1]
- wblfit[1]
- wblinv[1]
- wblpdf[1]
- wblrnd[1]
- weboptions[1]
- webread[1]
- webwrite[1]
- weekday[1]
- welchwin[1]
- which[1]
- while[1]
- while loop[1]
- white[1]
- who[1]
- whos[1]
- winch[1]
- winter[1]
- workspace and scoping rules[1]
- write a Fortran oml library using the binary-compatible interface[1]
- writeh3ddata[1]
- writehdf5attribute[1]
- writehdf5dataset[1]
- writersp[1]
- writetable[1]
- writing an oml toolbox using the binary-compatible interface[1]
- X
- Y
- Z