Anonymous Functions
Anonymous functions can be defined anywhere inside a script.
They are created using the following
myfunc=@(inputVars) expression
Anonymous functions can be used like any other
resultant=@(x,y) sqrt(x^2+y^2)
resultant(5,12) => 13
However, the values of any local variables used by the anonymous function are copied at the
time the function is defined, as shown
silly=@(x) x+b
returns a value of 10, not 11.
Local variables used by an anonymous function cannot be defined later. If they do not exist
at the time the function is defined, an error will occur when the function is used.Anonymous functions also provide a means of passing additional parameters to a function
that is to be used as an argument. Consider the following
function result = ObjFunc(p, data)
init = [5,3]
data = [2,3,5,7];
[x,fval] = fminunc(@ObjFunc, init)
Passing ObjFunc to fminunc will not work because
fminunc expects ObjFunc to have one argument. The
solution is to use an anonymous function, like
[x,fval] = fminunc(@(x) ObjFunc(x, data), init)
The anonymous function satisfies the requirement of having one argument
(x), and allows the second argument (data) to be
passed to ObjFunc. This can also be accomplished using a function handle
for the anonymous function, as
handle = @(x) ObjFunc(x, data)
[x,fval] = fminunc(handle, init)