Performs bitwise exclusive or on given inputs source1 and source2.
R = bitwisexorcv(source1, source2)
R = bitwisexorcv(source1, source2, mask)
- source1
- Handle of an image command.
- source2
- Handle of an image or an integer.
- mask
- Optional handle of an 8-bit single channel image or a 2D matrix of natural numbers representing the elements in R that need to be changed.
- R
- Handle of the output image.
Do a bitwise exclusive or of two images:
Figure 1. Input image 1

Figure 2. Input image 2

Figure 3. Output image

source1 = imreadcv('bitwisexorcv_1.jpg');
source2 = imreadcv('bitwisexorcv_2.jpg');
size1 = imsizecv(source1);
source2 = resizecv(source2, [size1(1) size1(2)]);
R = bitwisexorcv(source1, source2);