- adaptivethresholdcv
Applies adaptive threshold to the image, handle.
- addcv
Adds inputs source1 and source2.
- addweightedcv
Adds weighted inputs.
- applycolormapcv
Converts an image to the specified color map.
- backgroundsubtractorcv
Applies a background subtractor and computes a foreground mask for image handle.
- bilateralfiltercv
Apply a bilateral filter on the image handle.
- bitwiseandcv
Performs bitwise union on given inputs, source1 and source2.
- bitwisenotcv
Inverts bits of given image, source.
- bitwiseorcv
Performs bitwise or/disunion on given inputs, source1 and source2.
- bitwisexorcv
Performs bitwise exclusive or on given inputs source1 and source2.
- blurcv
Uses normalized box filter to blur an image.
- cannycv
Detects edges of an image handle with the Canny algorithm.
- circlecv
Draws a circle on the image.
- clearcv
Clears data for image(s) processed in the ComputerVision library.
- convertscaleabscv
Scales image, handle, calculates absolute values and converts to 8-bit
- copycv
Copies an image.
- copymakebordercv
Copies given image, handle into R with a border around it.
- cropcv
Crops an image to the specified region of interest.
- cvtcolorcv
Convert the image handle to a different color space.
- dftcv
Computes the Discrete Fourier Transform of an image. dftcv is available only on Windows.
- dilatecv
Dilates the given image, handle.
- dividecv
Divides each element of source1 by each element of source2.
- distancetransformcv
Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel and normalizes the output image.
- erodecv
Erode the given image, handle.
- filter2Dcv
Apply a linear filter to the image, handle.
- findcontourscv
Finds and draws contours in an image.
- getcv
Gets the grayscale/RGB/RGBA matrix R, which represents the pixels of the image handle.
- gaussianblurcv
Blur the image, handle, by applying a Gaussian filter.
- getgaussiankernelcv
Gets Gaussian kernel coefficiants.
- getstructuringelementcv
Gets a structuring element that can be used for morphological commands on an image.
- goodfeaturestotrackcv
Finds prominent corners in an image.
- histogramcv
Computes the histogram of the red, green and blue colors of an image.
- houghcirclescv
Detect circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transformation algorithm.
- imfinfocv
Gets information about an image with the image's ComputerVision handle, without re-reading the image again.
- imreadcv
Reads an image and returns its handle R, using functions defined in the ComputerVision library.
- imshowcv
Displays an image in the current figure.
- imsizecv
Gets the height and width of an image using its ComputerVision handle.
- imwritecv
Writes an image, whose pixel data comes from a matrix that can be referenced by imagedata.
- inpaintcv
Restores the input handle.
- inrangecv
Gets the handle Rto a binary image specifying which pixels are within the specified range.
- laplaciancv
Apply a Laplace filter on the image, handle.
- linecv
Draws a line on the image.
- magnitudecv
Computes the magnitude of 2D matrices.
- medianblurcv
Applies the median filter to blur an image.
- mergecv
Merges specified RGB/RGBA channels into a single image.
- morphologyexcv
Executes morphological transformations such as dilation, erosion, opening, closing, morphological gradient, top hat, black hat and hit ot miss on the given image, handle.
- multransposedcv
Computes the product and transposition of a matrix.
- normalizecv
Normalizes image, handle
- multiplycv
Calculates product of each element in source1 and source2.
- puttextcv
Adds text on an image.
- pyrdowncv
Applies the pyramid transformation on an image by downsampling it.
- pyrupcv
Applies the pyramid transformation on an image by upsampling it.
- rectanglecv
Draws a rectangle on the image.
- resizecv
Resizes the given image, handle.
- rotatecv
Rotates the image, handle, by a given angle.
- saturatecastcv
Saturates the image handle with a contrast and brightness.
- sobelcv
Calculates the derivatives using the Sobel operator.
- subtractcv
Finds differences in each element of source1 and source2.
- splitcv
Splits an image into RGB/RGBA channels.
- templatematchcv
Finds a template within an image and returns the handle to an output image highlighting the match and the position of the match.
- thresholdcv
Applies a threshold to each element of the given image, handle, resulting in a grayscale image, R, whose pixels represent the elements exceeding the threshold.