- acker
Ackermann's formula (pole placement gain selection for single-input systems).
- append
Appends the inputs and outputs of the two models.
- augstate
Add states to the outputs of a state-space model.
- balreal
Computes a Gramian balanced realization of an LTI model.
- bdschur
Block diagonalization with the Schur factorization.
- blkdiag
Builds a block diagonal matrix with the input parameters.
- bode
Bode diagram.
- c2d
Computes a discrete-time state-space model from a continuous-time state-space model.
- care
Solves the continuous-time Algebraic Riccati Equation.
- covar
Steady-state co-variance.
- ctrb
Controllability matrix.
- ctrbf
Calculates the controllability staircase form.
- d2c
Converts a discrete model to continuous time model.
- damp
Compute natural frequencies, damping ratios, and poles.
- dare
Solves the Discrete-time Algebraic Riccati Equations.
- db2mag
Transforms decibels (dB) to magnitude.
- dcgain
Low-frequency (DC) gain of a state-space or transfer function model
- dlqr
Linear-quadratic regulator for a discrete-time model.
- dlyap
Solve discrete-time Lyapunov or Sylvester equations.
- dlyapchol
Solves discrete-time Lyapunov equations with a square-root solver.
- dss
Constructs a descriptor state-space model.
- dss2ss
Converts a descriptor state-space system into regular state-space form.
- dssdata
Extracts data from a descriptor state-space model.
- esort
Sorts continuous-time poles in descending order by the real component.
- estim
Returns the state estimator for a given estimator gain.
- expm
Compute the matrix exponential.
- filt
Constructs a transfer function model in DSP format.
- gensig
Generates an input signal for the lsim function.
- gram
Computes the observability and controllability Gramians.
- hsvd
Hankel singular values of a state-space or transfer function model.
- impulse
Compute the impulse response of a control system.
- isct
Returns true if the LTI model is in continuous time.
- isctrb
Returns true if the state-space model is controllable.
- isdt
Returns true if an LTI model is in discrete time.
- isobsv
Returns true if the state-space is observable.
- issiso
Checks if an LTI model is single-input/single-output (SISO)
- isstable
Checks if an LTI model is stable or unstable
- kalman
Kalman filter or estimator.
- logm
Matrix logarithm.
- lqe
Linear quadratic estimator (Kalman Filter)
- lqr
Linear-quadratic regulator for a continuous-time model.
- lqry
Calculates the optimal steady-state feedback gain matrix K.
- lsim
Simulates LTI model response to arbitrary inputs.
- lyap
Solves continuous Lyapunov or Sylvester equations.
- lyapchol
Solves continuous-time Lyapunov equation using a square-root solver.
- mag2db
Computes magnitude from decibels (dB).
- margin
Margin stability.
- minreal
Minimal realization.
- nyquist
Nyquist diagram.
- obsv
Returns the observability matrix of a state-space model.
- obsvf
Calculates the observability staircase form.
- padecoef
Computes the Pade approximation of time delays.
- parallel
Connects two state-space or transfer functions in parallel.
- pid
Constructs a continuous-time PID controller transfer function.
- place
Pole assignment.
- pole
Compute poles for a state-space or transfer function model.
- prescale
Scale a state-space model.
- reg
Creates a state regulator with specified state-feedback and estimator gains.
- rlocfind
Find gain and poles for specific points of a root locus diagram.
- rlocus
rlocus diagram.
- rsf2csf
Transforms a real Schur form to a complex Schur form.
- series
Connects two state-space or transfer function in a series.
- sqrtm
Matrix square root.
- ss
Constructs a state-space model.
- ss2ss
Transforms a state-space model to another state-space model.
- ss2tf
Converts state-space model parameters to transfer function model parameters.
- ss2tfc
Convert state-space model parameters to transfer function model parameters.
- ssdata
Extracts data from a state-space model.
- step
Compute the step response of a control system.
- tf
Constructs a transfer function model
- tf2ss
Transforms transfer function parameters to state-space parameters.
- tf2ssc
Transforms transfer function parameters to state-space parameters.
- tf2zp
Transforms (continuous) transfer function parameters to zero-pole-gain parameters.
- tf2zpk
Transforms (discrete) transfer function parameters to zero-pole-gain parameters.
- tfdata
Extracts data from a transfer function model.
- zp2ss
Zero-pole to state-space conversion.
- zp2tf
Zero-pole to transfer function conversion.
- zpk
Constructs a zero, pole, gain model.
- zpkdata
Extracts data from a zero-pole-gain model.