- edit
Opens the file, filename, in the Compose text editor. edit is only available in the Compose GUI.
- errordlg
Shows a dialog box with the error s.
- inputdlg
Shows a dialog box with label(s), s for text field(s) that require user input.
- listdlg
Shows a dialog box with a list of strings which the user can pick. This command is only available in the GUI.
- msgbox
Shows a dialog box with the message s.
- questdlg
Shows a dialog box with a question s. By default, the dialog displayed will have the 'Yes', 'No' and 'Cancel' buttons.
- uigetdir
Displays a directory selection dialog.
- uigetfile
Displays a dialog for selecting existing file(s). Multiple files can be selected using the Ctrl key.
- uiputfile
Displays a file selection dialog.
- warndlg
Shows a dialog box with the warning s.
- IDE Customization Commands