- balance
Returns a matrix with rows and columns of roughly equal magnitude.
- bicgstab
Solve a system of linear equations with the biconjugate gradient stabilized method.
- chol
Cholesky decomposition.
- cond
Compute the condition number of a matrix.
- conv
Convolution of two vectors.
- conv2
Compute 2D convolution.
- cross
Vector cross product.
- ctranspose
Matrix transpose.
- det
Compute the matrix determinant.
- dot
Vector dot product.
- eig
Eigen decomposition.
- eigs
Partial Eigen decomposition of a matrix.
- full
Creates a fully populated matrix from sparse.
- gradient
Compute the gradient of a real function or sampled data.
- gmres
Solve a system of linear equations with the generalized minimum residual method.
- hankel
Computes the Hankel matrix.
- inv
Compute the inverse matrix.
- isbanded
Determines if the input is a banded matrix.
- isdiag
Determines if the input is a diagonal matrix.
- ishermitian
Hermitian matrix test.
- issparse
Determines if an input is a matrix with sparse storage.
- issquare
Determines if x is a square matrix.
- issymmetric
Symmetric matrix test.
- istril
Determines if the input is a lower triangular matrix.
- istriu
Determines if the input is a upper triangular matrix.
- kron
Kronecker matrix product.
- kronprod
Kronecker matrix product object.
- ldl
LDL decomposition.
- linsolve
Solve a linear system of equations.
- lu
LU decomposition.
- nnz
Finds the number of non-zero values in a matrix.
- norm
Compute matrix and vector norms.
- null
Compute an orthonormal basis for the nullspace of a matrix.
- orth
Compute an orthonormal basis for the column space of a matrix.
- pcg
Solve a system of linear equations with the preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
- pinv
Compute the matrix pseudo-inverse.
- qr
QR decomposition.
- rank
Compute the rank of matrix A.
- rcond
Compute the 1-norm estimate of the reciprocal condition number.
- schur
Schur decomposition.
- sparse
Sparse matrix creation.
- speye
Sparse identity matrix creation.
- spones
Set non-zero matrix elements to 1.
- svd
Singular value decomposition.
- toeplitz
Computes the Toeplitz matrix.
- trace
Compute the trace of a matrix, the sum of the diagonal elements.
- transpose
Matrix transpose.
- tril
Returns a lower triangular matrix.
- triu
Returns a upper triangular matrix.