- copyfile
Returns R after copying file(s) or directories from src to dst.
- csvread
Reads the values of a 2D matrix, R, from the file, f, where the values are comma-separated.
- csvwrite
Writes the values of a 2D matrix, m, to the file, f, where the values are comma-separated.
- dlmread
Reads the values of a 2D matrix, R, from the file, f.
- dlmwrite
Writes the values of a 2D matrix, m, to the file, f.
- fclose
Closes a file opened by fopen(). Requires the fileID returned by fopen as an argument.
- feof
Returns 1 if an end-of-file symbol is encountered.
- ferror
Display the error status of fileID.
- fflush
Flush buffered output to fileID to be written the file.
- fgetl
Reads the characters in a file until reaching request_length of characters read. Reads until a new line or end of file if request_length is not provided.
- fgets
Reads the characters in a file until hitting len of characters read, a new line or end of file if len is not provided.
- fileparts
Returns the directory, name, and extension components of the file filepath.
- fopen
Opens a file, filename, for read/write operations.
- fprintf
This function writes output to a file using the printf format_string capabilities. The first argument is a fileID returned from an earlier call to fopen.
- fread
Reads the binary data of the precision type from the file fileID.
- frewind
Moves the file pointer to the beginning of the file fileID. Returns 0 on success.
- fscanf
Returns result R after reading a formatted data from file handle, f, specified by template t.
- fseek
Sets the file pointer to a position in fileID. Returns 0 if successful; returns -1 if unsuccessful.
- ftell
Returns the current position of the file pointer.
- fullfile
Returns a filename from dir1...dirN and filename fname.
- fwrite
Writes binary data to the file ID.
- getprojectdata
Returns all entities saved in a Project (.aprj) file: breakpoints, files, plots, source code and variables.
- importdata
Returns result R after reading a file, f. Different reading mechanisms are used, based on the type of file, f.
- isdir
Returns true if dir is a directory.
- isfile
Returns true if the input argument is a file.
- ismac
Returns true if the application is running on OSX.
- ispc
Returns true if the application is running on a Windows operating system.
- isunix
Returns true if the application is running on a Unix system.
- load
Reads the content of a MAT file.
- movefile
Returns R after moving file(s) or directories from src to dst.
- omlfilename
Returns the filename of the currently running script.
- omllinenumber
Returns the line number of the currently running script.
- pathsep
Displays or sets the character used to separate directories in the path.
- printf
Displays the string str to the Command window or Console prompt.
- pwd
Returns the current working directory.
- rename
Updates a file name from oldname to newname. Returns 0 if successful and non-zero otherwise. An optional output argument, errormessage, can be used to retrieve any additional system error messages on failure.
- save
Save variables in the MAT file, filename.
Used in the fseek function to change the file position relative to the current file position.
Used in the fseek function to change the file position relative to the end of the file.
Used in the fseek function to change the file position relative to the beginning of the file.
- stderr
Returns the file ID corresponding to the error stream.
- stdin
Returns the numeric file ID corresponding to the standard input stream of the application console mode.
- stdout
Returns the numeric file ID corresponding to the standard output stream of the application console mode.
- textread
Returns result R after reading a formatted data from a file, f, specified by an optional template, t.
- textscan
Returns result R after reading a formatted data from a file stream \, f, or string, s.
- unzip
Extracts file(s) from the archive, archive, and is defined in the omlziptoolbox.
- xlsclose
Closes an Excel file opened through the command, xlsopen, and whose details are in data with functions defined in omlxlstoolbox. xlsclose is available only on Windows systems where Microsoft Excel is installed.
- xlsfinfo
Provides information relevant to spreadsheets in file. This command is only available on Windows at this time.
- xlsopen
Opens an Excel compatible file, file, and stores the information in R using functions defined in omlxlstoolbox. xlsopen is available only on Windows systems where Microsoft Excel is installed.
- xlsread
Reads data, which is an Excel-compatible file or a structure returned from xlsopen. This command is only available on Windows at this time.
- xlswrite
Writes data to file, which is either an Excel-compatible file or a structure returned from xlsopen. This command is only available on Windows at this time.
- zip
Archives the file(s), files, and is defined in the omlziptoolbox.