- addaxis
Plots the given dataset on a new vertical axis in an existing 2D plot.
- area
Creates stacked areas in an axes and returns handles of the areas.
- autumn
Create autumn colormap.
- axes
Create a new axes or set current axes by passing a handle argument.
- axis
Sets the scaling and range of x, y, and z axes (x by default). Called without arguments, axis turns autoscaling on.
- bar
Creates bars in an axis and returns handles of the bars.
- bar3
Creates 3d bars on an axis and returns the handles of the bars.
- bone
Create bone colormap.
- box
Turn on/off the border of a 2D plot.
- boxplot
Creates a box plot. Returns the statistics of the input data and the handles of the graphics object.
- bubblechart
Creates a bubble chart and returns the handle of the scatter graphics object.
- cividis
Create cividis colormap.
- cla
Clears the current axes or axes specified by handle.
- clf
Clears the current figure or figure specified by handle.
- close
Close the current, or a specific, or all figure window.
- colorbar
Turns the axes colorbar on/off. Get and set the colorbar's minimum and maximum values.
- colormap
Gets or sets the colormap of a figure or axes.
- contour
Creates a 2D contoured surface in an axes.
- contour3
Creates 3D contoured surface in an axes.
- cool
Create cool colormap.
- copper
Create copper colormap.
- copystyle
Creates a copy of the style properties of a plot object.
- cubehelix
Create cubehelix colormap.
- datetick
Sets date formatted ticks on axis.
- delete
Deletes the file(s), f, or a graphic object, h.
- dock
Docks a floating figure in the main window.
- drawnow
Forces an update of the current axes.
- ellipse
Creates an elliptical shape on the figure.
- fanplot
Creates a surface and a set of 3D lines defined by the x, y, and z matrices.
- figure
Creates a new figure for plotting and uicontrols.
- fill
Creates 2D filled in polygons of range x and y and color c.
- findall
Finds all objects that have a property named propertyName and the value for such property is propertyValue. findall performs the same search as findobj but includes objects for which 'handlevisibility' property is set to 'off' and their children.
- findobj
Finds all objects which have a property named propertyName and the value for such property is propertyValue.
- flag
Create flag colormap.
- gca
Returns a handle to the current axes object.
- gcf
Returns a handle to the current figure.
- get
Returns the value of the named property p from the graphics handle, h. If property name is omitted, all properties of h will be returned.
- getappdata
Gets the application data of an object.
- getframe
Captures an image of a figure.
- getmousepos
Returns the mouse position in the figure area.
- ginput
Records the mouse position(s)/keyboard input(s) in the current figure.
- gray
Create gray colormap.
- grid
Turn on/off grid lines in a plot. Toggle the states if no argument is used.
- guidata
Gets or sets user defined data in the GUI.
- hist
Creates a histogram in an axis.
- hist3
Creates a 3d histogram in an axis.
- hold
Turn on/off the "hold" state of axes. When the "hold" state is on, new plotting data will be added to the axes.
- hot
Create hot colormap.
- hsv
Create hsv colormap.
- imagesc
Display a matrix as an image with scaled colors.
- imshow
Displays an image file in a figure.
- inferno
Create inferno colormap.
- isaxes
Returns true if x is an axis handle; returns false if otherwise.
- isfigure
Returns true if x is a figure graphics handle; returns false if otherwise.
- ishandle
Returns true if x is a graphics handle; returns false if otherwise.
- ishold
Returns true if the next plot will be added to the current one; returns false if otherwise.
- jet
Create jet colormap.
- legend
Update axes' legend text, turn on/off the legend of axes. Toggle the states if no argument is used.
- line
Add a curve in current axes or a specified axes.
- lines
Create lines colormap.
- linkaxes
Links and synchronizes the range of axes between plots.
- loglog
Plots a given dataset in 2D axes with logarithmic scales for x and y axes.
- magma
Create magma colormap.
- mesh
Creates mesh in an axes and returns handles of the mesh.
- meshgrid
Construct a grid of points from coordinate vectors.
- movie
Captures an image of a figure.
- ocean
Create ocean colormap.
- openfig
Restore a figure from a .fig file.
- pareto
Creates a pareto plot and returns the handle of the graphics objects.
- pastestyle
Sets the style properties to a plot object.
- patch
Creates 2D or 3D patches in an axis.
- pcolor
Display a matrix as a heat map. The values of input matrix z are mapped to the colors of the colormap.
- pink
Create pink colormap.
- plasma
Create plasma colormap.
- plot
Plots a given dataset in 2D axes.
- plot3
Creates 3D lines in an axis and returns handles of the lines.
- plotyy
Plots given datasets in independent y-axes and a common x-axis.
- polar
Creates a line plot in polar coordinates.
- prism
Create prism colormap.
- Graphics Object Properties
Properties for the graphics object in OML.
- quiver
Creates a 2D quiver plot in an axis.
- rainbow
Create rainbow colormap.
- rectangle
Creates a rectangular shape on a figure.
- saveas
Save a figure to a specific file.
- savefig
Save a figure to a .fig file.
- scatter
Creates dots in an axes and returns handles of the dots.
- scatter3
Creates 3D dots in an axes and returns handles of the dots.
- semilogx
Plots a given dataset in 2D axes with logarithmic scales for the x axis.
- semilogy
Plots a given dataset in 2D axes with logarithmic scales for the y axis.
- set
Sets property values for graphics handles.
- setappdata
Stores user specified application data in an object.
- spring
Create spring colormap.
- stem
Creates a stem plot in an axis and returns the stem handles.
- stem3
Creates a 3D stem plot in an axis and returns the stem handle.
- subplot
Sets up a plot grid with rows by cols subwindows and sets the current axes for plotting to the location given by index.
- summer
Create summer colormap.
- surf
Creates surfaces in an axes and returns handles of the surfaces.
- text
Creates a textbox at coordinate x,y with text 't'.
- title
Sets the title of the plot.
- twilight
Create twilight colormap.
- trimesh
Creates a 3D triangulated mesh.
- triplot
Creates a 2D triangulated mesh.
- trisurf
Creates a 3D triangulated surface.
- uibuttongroup
Creates a button group in a figure to group radio buttons.
- uicontextmenu
Creates a context menu that is displayed with a right-click for a figure, uitab, or select uicontrol objects.
- uicontextmenuitem
Creates a menu item in a context menu that is displayed with a right-click for a figure, uitab, or select uicontrol objects.
- uicontrol
Creates interactive graphical control objects in a figure. Use the 'style' property of uicontrol to create different types of control objects.
- uimenu
Creates a menu bar for a figure.
- uimenuitem
Creates a menu item, in a menu bar, for a figure.
- uipanel
Creates a frame for interactive graphical control objects in a figure.
- uipushtool
Creates a tool button in a uitoolbar.
- uiresume
Resumes execution of code, stopping uiwait on the given handle, handle, or stopping all uiwait commands in the current session.
- uisearchbox
Creates a search box in a container object.
- uispinbox
Creates a spin box in a figure.
- uitab
Creates a tab in a tabbed frame for interactive graphical control objects in a figure.
- uitabgroup
Creates a tabbed frame for interactive graphical control objects in a figure.
- uitable
Creates a table in a container object.
- uitoggletool
Creates a toggle tool button in a uitoolbar.
- uitoolbar
Creates a toolbar with uipushtool or uitoggletool objects in a container object such as a figure, uipanel or uitab.
- uitree
Creates a hierarchy in the graphical user interface.
- uitreenode
Creates a node in a uitree hierarchy.
- uiwait
Pauses the execution of code until the given handle, handle, is deleted, and the timeout, waittime, is reached.
- undock
Undocks a figure, making it float over the main window.
- view
Sets the viewpoint for the current axes.
- viridis
Create viridis colormap.
- waitbar
Creates a waitbar in the current session.
- waitforbuttonpress
Pauses the GUI until a mouse button/key is pressed in the current window.
- waterfall
Creates waterfall meshes in an axes and returns handles of the meshes.
- white
Create white colormap.
- winter
Create winter colormap.
- xlabel
Annotates the x-axis.
- xlim
Set and query range of x axis.
- xline
Add one or more vertical lines in the current axes or specified axes.
- ylabel
Annotates the y-axis.
- ylim
Set and query range of y axis.
- yline
Add one or more horizontal lines in the current axes or specified axes.
- zlabel
Annotates the z-axis.
- zlim
Set and query range of z axis.