h = uitreenode(parentparent, property, value, ...)
Handle of the parent which is of type uitree or uitreenode.
Type: scalar
property, value
Callback function that is triggered by a single mouse click on h. If
value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes at least
two arguments. The first argument is the handle of the uicontrol. The second
argument is the event data to the uicontrol. OML passes empty
data to the second argument if there is no data to the uicontrol. If
value is a string, it must represent a function handle or a
function name. If value is a cell, it must contain the function
name/function handle in the first cell element and parameters to pass to callback
function in the additional elements.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Function that is triggered when h is created. If
value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes
at least two arguments. The first argument is the handle of the uicontrol. The
second argument is the event data to the uicontrol, which is ignored for
createfcn. If value is a string, it must
represent a function handle or a function name. If value is a
cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element
and parameters to pass to callback function in the additional elements. After it
is being executed, createfcn cannot be interrupted.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Function that is triggered when h is deleted. If
value is a function handle, it must be a function that takes
at least two arguments. The first argument is the handle of the uicontrol. The
second argument is the event data to the uicontrol, which is ignored for
createfcn. If value is a string, it must
represent a function handle or a function name. If value is a
cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element
and parameters to pass to callback function in the additional elements. After it
is being executed, createfcn cannot be interrupted.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Specifies if h is enabled. Valid values are
'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: string
Specifies if h is expanded. Valid values are
'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: string
Specifies the angle of the displayed font. Valid values are
'regular'(default) and 'italic'.
Type: string
Specifies the name of the displayed font.
Type: string
Specifies the size of the displayed font.
Type: scalar
Determines if fontsize property is absolute or
relative based on fontsize of the parent
of handle. Valid values are
'pixels' (default) or 'normalized'.
Type: string
Specifies the weight of the displayed font in all tabs. Valid values are
'normal'(default) and 'bold'.
Type: string
Specifies the foregroundcolor color. Valid values are 'transparent' or
a real vector specifying RGB values in the range 0-255 or
Type: string | vector
Path to the icon of the root node.
Type: string
Specifies if the callback associated with h is
interruptible by the user by clicking on the Stop button in the
user interface. Valid values are 'off' (default)
and 'on'.
Type: string
Specifies the parent handle.
Type: scalar
User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.