Creates a bubble chart and returns the handle of the scatter graphics object.
h = bubblechart(x, y, size)
h = bubblechart(x, y, size, cdata)
h = bubblechart(..., property, value, ...)
h = bubblechart(hAxes, ...)
- x,y
- Range of the x and y axes.
- size
- The marker size of each point.
- cdata
- An Mx3 matrix that defines the color of each scattered dot.
- property
- Properties that control the appearance or behavior of the graphics object.
- value
- Value of the properties.
- hAxes
- Axis handle. .
- h
- Handle of the scatter graphics object.
Simple bubblechart example:
x = rand(50,1);
y = rand(50,1);
s = 50*rand(50,1);
b = bubblechart(x, y, s);
Set marker color and opacity:
x = rand(50,1);
y = rand(50,1);
s = 50*rand(50,1);
b = bubblechart(x, y, s, 'markerfacecolor', 'r', 'markerfacealpha', 0.8);
Use a colormap to set the color of each point:
x = rand(20,1);
y = rand(20,1);
s = 50*rand(20,1);
cmap = plasma(30);
cdata = cmap(ceil(s*30/max(s)), :);
bubblechart(x, y, s, cdata, 'markerfacealpha', 0.8);
If there is no axis, one will be created first.
bubblechart is a wrapper on the scatter command. By default, the marker style ('marker') is set to circle ('o') and the marker opacity ('markerfacealpha') is set to 0.6.