
Vehicle routing problem with time constraints.

Attention: Valid only with Altair Advanced Optimization Extension


[CarsUsed,Petals,PetalTime,PetalCost,totalCost] = vrptc(T, D, CA, CC, loadTime, workTime)

[CarsUsed,Petals,PetalTime,PetalCost,totalCost] = vrptc(T, D, CA, CC, loadTime, workTime, options)


A time matrix such that T(i,j) is the travel time from site i to site j. Site 1 is the common depot from which all vehicles begin their tours, and the other sites are for the N customers.
A distance matrix such that D(i,j) is the distance from site i to site j.
The car availabilities, a vector containing the number of vehicles of each of M types in the fleet.
The car costs, either a vector or a matrix containing the cost of each vehicle type.
For a vector, the cost of each vehicle type per unit of distance.
For a matrix, an element CC(i,j,k) is the travel cost from site i to site j for each vehicle type k. The matrix thus has dimensions (N+1) x (N+1) x M. The matrix must be passed as CC(:).
The time to load or unload a vehicle at a customer site.
Type: double
Dimension: scalar
The maximum working time for any vehicle.
Type: double
Dimension: scalar
A struct containing the genetic algorithm option settings.
The available options are:
  • Generations: The maximum number of generations or iterations allowed.
  • PopulationSize: The size of the population.
  • Seed: The seed for the random number generator.
See gaoptimset for details.


A vector containing the type of each vehicle used.
A column vector of cells, with a cell for each vehicle used. Each cell is a petal, a row vector of customer indices traversed by that vehicle.
A vector containing the working time for each vehicle used.
A vector containing the travel cost for each vehicle used, including a return to the depot.
The total cost to cover the path distances.


Find a set of paths through the following customer locations map for a maximum of four vehicles, each of which can work for at most 60 minutes.

% create customer site list, transposing locations from columns to rows
custsites = [77, -60, -86,  24,  46, -9,   9, 2, 42, -31, -77, -24,  60, 31, 86, -2, -42, -46;
             59,  55, -27, -10, -88, 70, -70, 9, -2, -48, -59,  10, -55, 48, 27, -9,   2,  88].';
depot = [0, 0];

% create distance matrix
numcus = size(custsites, 1);
numdim = numcus + 1;
D = zeros(numdim);

for jj = 2:numdim	% depot to site distances
	s2 = custsites(jj-1,:);
	D(1,jj) = norm(s2-depot);
	D(jj,1) = D(1,jj);

for ii = 2:numdim	% site to site distances
	s1 = custsites(ii-1,:);
	for jj = ii:numdim
		s2 = custsites(jj-1,:);
		D(ii,jj) = norm(s2-s1);
		D(jj,ii) = D(ii,jj);

% find solution
T = D / 60;
CA = 4;
CC = 1;
loadTime = 10;
workTime = 60;
options = gaoptimset('Seed', 2021);

[CarsUsed,Petals,PetalTime,PetalCost,TotalCost] = vrptc(T, D, CA, CC, loadTime, workTime, options)

% plot
scatter(custsites(:,1), custsites(:,2), 'ob', 'markersize', 4);
hold on;
legendCell = {'Sites'};

for ii = 1:length(CarsUsed)
	n = length(Petals{ii});
	petalLoc = zeros(n+2,2);
	petalLoc(1,:) = depot;
	petalLoc([2:n+1],:) = custsites(Petals{ii},:);
	petalLoc(n+2,:) = depot;
	plot(petalLoc(:,1), petalLoc(:,2));
	legendCell{ii + 1} = strcat('Path_', num2str(ii));

CarsUsed = [Matrix] 1 x 4
1  1  1  1
Petals = 
  [1,1] [Matrix] 1 x 5
  16  7  5  13  4
  [2,1] [Matrix] 1 x 5
  9  15  1  14  8
  [3,1] [Matrix] 1 x 5
  12  17  3  11  10
  [4,1] [Matrix] 1 x 3
  6  18  2
PetalTime = [Matrix] 1 x 4
53.86374  53.88505  53.93456  33.81605
PetalCost = [Matrix] 1 x 4
231.82451  233.10327  236.07362  228.96328
TotalCost = 929.964679
Figure 1. vrptc figure 1

The function is implemented as a genetic algorithm. The gaoptimset options and defaults are as follows:

  • Generations: 100
  • PopulationSize: 6
  • Seed: 0

Larger numbers of generations and population size allow the search to proceed longer.

A non-zero seed will make the result repeatable.