Methods for the C/C++ OML Libraries

This section describes the methods exposed in OML to interface new libraries.

OMLInterface Class Methods

RegisterFunction(const char* function_name, FUNCPTR function_pointer)

It is often convenient to define FUNCPTR using the following typedef:

typedef bool (*FUNCPTR) (OMLInterface*, const OMLCurrencyList* inputs, OMLCurrencyList* outputs);

This method is called once for each function that the library needs to register with OML.

If a function with the given name already exists, it will be replaced by this function call.

ThrowError(const char* message)

Call this method when an unrecoverable error occurs. Execution of the script is halted and the message is reported.

int Nargout() const

Returns the number of outputs expected from this function for the given call. This value is dependent on how the function is called, not on anything in the function itself.

OMLInterface2 Class Methods

OMLInterface2 is a subclass of OMLInterface and extends it with the following methods.

const OMLCurrency* CallFunction(const OMLFunctionHandle* handle, OMLCurrencyList* inputs)

This method calls the specified function handle with parameters specified in inputs. The result is a single const OMLCurrency*. Multiple return values are not supported at this time.

OMLCurrencyList* CreateCurrencyList()

Creates an empty OMLCurrencyList for use as the inputs to the CallFunction.

OMLInterface3 Class Methods

OMLInterface3 is a subclass of OMLInterface2 and extends it with the following methods.

const OMLCurrency* CallFunction(const char* func_name, OMLCurrencyList* inputs)

This method calls the specified function with parameters specified in inputs. The result is a single const OMLCurrency*. Multiple return values are not supported at this time.

void RegisterFunctionWithMetadata(const char*, ALT_FUNCPTR, const char* module, int num_inputs, int num_outputs)

This method is identical to RegisterFunction, but allows passing metadata regarding the function and its inputs and outputs to allow for a better GUI experience.

OMLInterface4 Class Methods

OMLInterface4 is a subclass of OMLInterface3 and extends it with the following methods.

void RegisterHiddenFunction(const char*, ALT_FUNCPTR)

This method is identical to RegisterFunction, but indicates that this function should not be exposed in the GUI via autocompletion.

const OMLCurrency* GetGlobalValue(const char* varname)

This method returns a const pointer to a Currency that contains the value of the specified global variable. If there is no such variable, the value is an empty matrix.

OMLInterface5 Class Methods

OMLInterface5 is a subclass of OMLInterface4 and extends it with the following methods.

void RegisterFunctionWithMetadata(const char*, ALT_FUNCPTR, const char* module, int num_inputs, int num_outputs, bool thread_safe)

This method is identical to RegisterFunctionWithMetadata, but allows passing an additional parameter to indicate if the function is thread-safe.

OMLCurrencyList Class Const Methods

These are the only methods that can be called on the inputs list.

int Size() const

Returns the number of OMLCurrency objects in the list. It may be 0.

const OMLCurrency* Get(int idx) const

Returns a pointer to the specified OMLCurrency. The index is 0-based. If the index is out of range, a NULL pointer is returned.

OMLCurrencyList Class Non-const Methods

void AddScalar(double);

Appends the specified double value to the list.

void AddString(const char* string)

Appends the specified (NULL terminated) string to the list.

void AddCellArray(OMLCellArray*)

Appends the specified cellarray object to the list.

void AddStruct(OMLStruct*)

Appends the specified struct object to the list.

void AddMatrix(OMLMatrix* matrix)

Appends the specified 2-dimensional matrix to the list.

void AddNDMatrix(OMLNDMatrix* nd_matrix)

Appends the specified N-dimensional matrix to the list.

void AddComplex(OMLComplex* complex)

Appends the specified complex value to the list.

double* AllocateData(int size)

Allocates data for use in conjunction with CreateMatrix and CreateNDMatrix.

The matrix data MUST be allocated using this method, not new or malloc. This facilitates freeing the memory when appropriate.

OMLCellArray* CreateCellArray(int rows, int cols)

Creates an empty OMLCellArray object with the specified dimensions and returns a pointer to it. You need to fill in the contents of this object.

OMLStruct* CreateStruct(int rows, int cols)

Creates an empty OMLStruct object with the specified dimensions and returns a pointer to it. You need to fill in the contents of this object and then add it to the outputs if desired.

OMLMatrix* CreateMatrix(int rows, int cols, double* data)

Creates an OMLMatrix object with the specified dimensions using the real data supplied and returns a pointer to it. The data is assumed to be column-major. The double arrays must be allocated using AllocateData.

OMLMatrix* CreateMatrix(int rows, int cols, double* real, double* imag)

Creates an OMLMatrix object with the specified dimensions using the complex data supplied and returns a pointer to it. The data is assumed to be column-major. The double arrays must be allocated using AllocateData.

OMLNDMatrix* CreateNDMatrix(int num_dims, int* dims, double* real)

Creates an OMLNDMatrix object with the specified dimensions using the real data supplied and returns a pointer to it. The data is assumed to be stored FORTRAN-style. The double arrays must be allocated using AllocateData.

OMLNDMatrix* CreateNDMatrix(int num_dims, int* dims, double* real, double* imag)

Creates an OMLNDMatrix object with the specified dimensions using the complex data supplied and returns a pointer to it. The data is assumed to be stored FORTRAN-style. The double arrays must be allocated using AllocateData.

OMLComplex* CreateComplex(double real, double imag)

Creates an OMLComplex object using data supplied and returns a pointer to it.

OMLCurrency* CreateCurrencyFromDouble(double dbl)

Creates an OMLCurrency object using data supplied and returns a pointer to it. This is useful when inserting a double value into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct.

OMLCurrency* CreateCurrencyFromString(const char* str)

Creates an OMLCurrency object using data supplied and returns a pointer to it. This is useful when inserting a string value into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct.

OMLCurrency Class Methods (all are const)

bool IsScalar()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a scalar.

bool IsComplex()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a single complex value.

bool IsString()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a string. The string may span multiple lines.

bool IsMatrix()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a two-dimensional matrix or a one-dimensional vector.

bool IsNDMatrix()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a multi-dimensional matrix.

bool IsCellArray()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a cell array. It may be a single cell.

bool IsStruct()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a struct array. It may be a single struct.

double GetScalar()

Returns the underlying double value for this OMLCurrency.

const char* GetString()

Returns a pointer to the underlying character string for this OMLCurrency.

const OMLCellArray* GetCellArray()

Returns a pointer to the underlying OMLCellArray for this OMLCurrency.

const OMLMatrix* GetMatrix()

Returns a pointer to the underlying OMLMatrix for this OMLCurrency.

const OMLNDMatrix* GetNDMatrix()

Returns a pointer to the underlying OMLNDMatrix for this OMLCurrency.

const OMLComplex* GetComplex()

Returns a pointer to the underlying OMLComplex for this OMLCurrency.

const OMLStruct* GetStruct()

Returns a pointer to the underlying OMLStruct for this OMLCurrency.

Note: Calling an improper Get method will not generate an error, but it returns unsafe data that could result in a crash later.

OMLCurrency2 Class Methods (all are const)

OMLCurrency2 is a subclass of OMLCurrency and extends it with the following methods.

bool IsFunctionHandle()

Returns true if this OMLCurrency is a function handle.

OMLFunctionHandle* GetFunctionHandle()

Returns a pointer to the underlying OMLFunctionHandle for this OMLCurrency.

OMLCurrency3 Class Methods (all are const)

OMLCurrency3 is a subclass of OMLCurrency2 and extends it with the following methods.

  • AddLogical
  • CreateTemporaryCellArray

OMLComplex Class Methods (all are const)

double GetReal()

Returns the real value of the OMLComplex.

double GetImag()

Returns the imaginary value of the OMLComplex.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLComplex. This is useful to insert an OMLComplex into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct.

OMLMatrix Class Methods (all are const)

bool IsReal()

Returns true if the OMLMatrix contains only real data.

int GetRows()

Returns the number of rows in the OMLMatrix.

int GetCols()

Returns the number of columns in the OMLMatrix.

const double* GetRealData()

Returns a const pointer to the underlying real data of the OMLMatrix. The data is stored column-major. This can be used for both real and complex matrices.

const double* GetImaginaryData()

Returns a const pointer to the underlying imaginary data of the OMLMatrix. The data is stored column-major. This method will return NULL for a real OMLMatrix.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLMatrix. This is useful to insert an OMLMatrix into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct.


OMLNDMatrix Class Methods

bool IsReal()

Returns true if the OMLNDMatrix contains only real data.

int GetNumDimensions()

Returns the number of dimensions in the OMLNDMatrix.

int GetDimension(int index)

Returns the requested dimension of the OMLNDMatrix. Index is 0-based.

const double* GetRealData()

Returns a const pointer to the underlying real data of the OMLNDMatrix. The data is stored using FORTRAN storage. This can be used for both real and complex matrices (But currently it will not work properly for complex matrices.)

const double* GetImaginaryData()

(This method is not yet implemented and will always return NULL.) Returns a const pointer to the underlying imaginary data of the OMLNDMatrix. The data is stored using FORTRAN storage. This method should not be called on a real OMLNDMatrix.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLNDMatrix. This is useful to insert an OMLNDMatrix into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct.

OMLSparseMatrix Class Methods

bool IsReal()

Returns true if the OMLSparseMatrix contains only real data.

int GetRows()

Returns the number of rows in the OMLSparseMatrix.

int GetCols()

Returns the number of columns in the OMLSparseMatrix.

const double* GetRealData()

Returns a const pointer to the underlying real data of the OMLSparseMatrix. The data is stored column-major. This can be used for both real and complex matrices. This data only includes the non-zero values of the matrix.

const double* GetImaginaryData()

Returns a const pointer to the underlying imaginary data of the OMLSparseMatrix. The data is stored column-major. This method returns NULL for a real OMLSparseMatrix. This data only includes the non-zero values of the matrix.

const int* GetRowVector()

Returns a const pointer to the row locations of the non-zero data of the OMLSparseMatrix. The data is stored column-major. This can be used for both real and complex matrices.

const int* GetColumnVector()

Returns a const pointer to the column locations of the non-zero data of the OMLSparseMatrix. The data is stored column-major. This can be used for both real and complex matrices.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLSparseMatrix. This is useful to insert an OMLSparseMatrix into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct.

  • GetRowVector
  • GetColumnVector

OMLCellArray Class Const Methods

OMLCurrency* GetValue(int index)

Returns a pointer to the OMLCurrency contained within the OMLCellArray at the specified index. The index is 0-based.

OMLCurrency* GetValue(int index1, int index2)

Returns a pointer to the OMLCurrency contained within the OMLCellArray at the specified indices. The indices are 0-based.

int GetRows()

Returns the number of rows in the OMLCellArray.

int GetCols()

Returns the number of columns in the OMLCellArray.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLCellArray. This is useful to insert an OMLCellArray into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct. OMLCellArrays can contain other OMLCellArrays.

void SetValue(int index, OMLCurrency* val)

Sets the cell value at the specified index to val. The index is 0-based.

void SetValue(int index1, int index2, OMLCurrency* val)

Sets the cell value at the specified indices to val. The indices are 0-based.

OMLNDCellArray Class Const Methods

int GetNumDimensions()

Returns the number of dimensions in the OMLNDCellArray.

int GetDimension(int index)

Returns the requested dimension of the OMLNDCellArray. Index is 0-based.

void SetValue(int index, OMLCurrency* val)

Sets the cell value at the specified index to val. The index is 0-based. Only the single index version is supported at this time.

void SetValue(int index, OMLCurrency* val)

Sets the cell value at the specified index to val. The index is 0-based. Only the single index version is supported at this time.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLNDCellArray. This is useful to insert an OMLNDCellArray into an OMLCellArray, OMLNDCellArray, or OMLStruct. OMLNDCellArrays can contain other OMLNDCellArrays.

OMLStruct Class Const Methods

OMLCurrency* GetValue(int index1, const char* field)

Returns a pointer to the OMLCurrency contained within the specified field of the OMLStruct at the specified index. The index is 0-based.

OMLCurrency* GetValue(int index1, int index2, const char* field)

Returns a pointer to the OMLCurrency contained within the specified field of the OMLStruct at the specified indices. The indices are 0-based.

int GetRows()

Returns the number of rows in the OMLStruct.

int GetCols()

Returns the number of columns in the OMLStruct.

OMLCurrency* GetCurrency()

Returns a pointer to an OMLCurrency that contains the given OMLStruct. This is useful to insert an OMLStruct into an OMLCellArray or OMLStruct. OMLStructs can contain other OMLStructs.

void SetValue(int index, const char* field, OMLCurrency* val)

Sets the value of the field at the specified index to val. The index is 0-based.

void SetValue(int index1, int index2, const char* field, OMLCurrency* val)

Sets the value of the field at the specified indices to val. The indices are 0-based.

OMLFunctionHandle Class Const Methods

OMLFunctionHandle has no user accessible methods.