CAE Reader

Use the CAE Reader to import and work with CAE test data.

The CAE Reader leverages Altair HyperGraph™ to import and read in CAE data without the need of a translator or converter.

Supported Files and Formats

  • Time and frequency-based data formats.
  • Files generated with Finite Element method, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Multibody System solvers.
  • File formats: .unv, .iso, .ascii, .csv, and others.

CAE Reader Options

Option Description
File Navigate to the CAE file that you want to load.
Subcase Select a subcase for the specified CAE file.
Type Select a result type based on the specified subcase.
Search box Type a string to search in the requests, components, and timesteps. You can use regular expressions with wildcards like * or Match Case.
Requests Choose an option to enter requests:
  • Select the Selection button, then choose one or more of the requests that are available for the specified file. Select the All check box to specify all of the requests.
  • Select the List button, then enter a list of requests. The format of the list should be separated by:
    • Comma: delimits different requests.
    • Colon: delimits ranges of requests.
    For example using indices:
    or using the names of the requests:
    will query the following list of requests:
    • N1
    • N3
    • N10
    • N11
    • N12
    • N13
    • N14
    • N17
Components Select one or more components based on the specified subcase and result type.

Before making your selection, you can use the Filter option to display only filtered components. These are components without data that are hidden by default.

Select All to select all visible components. If Filter is specified, only the filtered components are selected.

Output Output is matrix or cell:
Matrix format with numeric data:

Cell format:

  • First column: subcase
  • Second column: type
  • Third column: request
  • Fourth column: component
  • Fifth column: output value
Plot Style Choose Line or Scatter.
Note: If you select one request, one component, and many timesteps, the scatter plot style is used by default to differentiate the time step data.
Print Select the Print button to enable the importing of the data. The command generated can be used within any script.

The size of the expected output of the Print command is displayed in the message bar:

Output of Print command will have size 4x3x1

which represents the size of a matrix output as [Requests x Components x Time Steps].

Preview Select the Preview button and review the defined line or scatter plot, which is 2D or 3D depending on the number of specified requests, components and time steps.
  • One request, multiple components and multiple time steps: a 2D plot is generated with time steps displayed in the X axis and curves displayed for the different components.
  • Multiple requests, one component and multiple time steps: a 2D plot is generated with time steps displayed in the X axis and curves displayed for the different requests.
  • Multiple requests, multiple components and one time step: a 2D plot is generated with requests displayed in the X axis as indices and curves displayed for the different components.
  • Multiple requests, multiple components and multiple time steps: a 3D plot is generated with requests displayed as indices in the X axis, curves displayed for the different components in the Y axis, and time steps displayed in the Z axis.
Import Select the Import button, then import data into the workspace with the name data.
Note: If a data variable already exists in the workspace, the software prompts you to confirm if the variable should be overwritten or not.
Stop Select the Stop button to end the file importing.
Note: This option is not valid for ODB files.