
Shift frequency spectrum related vectors to center the dc element


y = fftshift(x)

y = fftshift(x,dim)


The frequency spectrum related vectors to shift.
Type: double | complex
Dimension: vector | matrix
The dimension on which to operate.
(default: shift along every dimension.)
Type: integer
Dimension: scalar


The shifted vectors.


fft of signal with two frequency components.

This example is the same as for fft, but with fftshift applied and the frequency axis shifted to show the negative frequencies to the left of 0.
f1 = 25;                 % first frequency component
f2 = 40;                 % second frequency component
fs = 100;                % sampling frequency
ts = 1/fs;               % sampling time interval
n = 20;	                 % number of samples
t = [0:ts:(n-1)*ts];  % time vector
signal = sin(2*pi*f1*t) + 0.8 * sin(2*pi*f2*t);
ft = fft(signal) / n;    % normalized fft
fq = freq(n,fs,'shift'); % frequency vector
plot(fq, fftshift(abs(ft)));

Figure 1. fft figure 1

The frequency spacing is 5 Hz, so both components fall exactly on one of the frequency vector values.


After fftshift, if a vector has an even number of samples, the Nyquist frequency of the input will become the first element of the output vector, where it is viewed as a negative frequency.