Preferences Dialog
From the Preferences dialog, you can define preference settings for the Compose workspace, keyboard shortcuts, and user interface tools.
From the File menu, click Preferences to display the dialog.
Define a Preference Setting
From the File menu, click Preferences to display the
Figure 1.
Under the Category column, select the feature that you want to change the
settings for.
Upon selection, the Preference and Value options for the category are displayed on the right side of the dialog.
The following selection methods can be used to define a preference:
- To enable a preference setting, activate the check box:
- Click on a value to display a drop-down menu:
- Click on a value to make a field editable and enter a new value:
- Click on a value to display a dialog that contains additional
- Click on a color box to display the color palette:
- To enable a preference setting, activate the check box:
- From Interactive Execution to interrupt the Python execution. , select
From Step into installed modules in Python
scripts to debug Python files in Python modules that are in the
Compose installation or installed with
--user option
. , select
Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls
Keyboard Shortcuts
Dock Windows
To do this | Press |
Project Browser | F2 |
Property editor | F3 |
File Browser | Ctrl + Alt + F |
Command history | Ctrl + Alt + H |
Demo browser | F7 |
OML variable Browser | Ctrl + Alt + R |
OML Library Browser | Ctrl + Alt + L |
Python window | F4 |
To do this | Press |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Delete | Delete |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Go To | Ctrl + G |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Redo | Ctrl + Y |
Replace | Ctrl + H |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
To do this | Press |
Close | Ctrl + W |
Close All | Ctrl + Shift + W |
Import | Ctrl + I |
Open | Ctrl + O |
Ctrl + P | |
Save | Ctrl + S |
Save All | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Save As | F12 |
To do this | Press |
Full Screen | Alt + F11 |
Collapse All | Alt + 0 |
Expand All | Alt + Shift + 0 |
Stop Outlining | Ctrl + M, Ctrl + P |
Toggle Outlining | Ctrl + M, Ctrl + O |
To do this | Press |
Start Debugging | F5 |
Run File in Debug mode | F5 |
Stop Debugging | Shift + F5 |
Step Into | F11 |
Step Over | F10 |
Step Out | Shift + F11 |
Step Until | Ctrl + F10 |
New Breakpoint | Ctrl + B |
Clear All Breakpoints | Ctrl + Shift + F9 |
To do this | Press |
Cycle through recent files | Ctrl + Tab |
Indent block | Tab |
Remove indent from block | Shift + Tab |
Delete to start of word | Ctrl + Backspace |
Delete to end of word | Ctrl + Delete |
Delete to start of line | Ctrl + Delete + Backspace |
Delete to end of line | Ctrl + Shift + Delete |
Go to start of document | Ctrl + Home |
Extend selection to start of document | Ctrl + Shift + Home |
Go to start of display line | Alt + Home |
Go to end of document | Ctrl + End |
Extend selection to end of document | Ctrl + Shift + End |
Go to end of display line | Alt + End |
Clear command window | Ctrl + L |
Line copy | Ctrl + Shift + T |
Line delete | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Line transpose with previous | Ctrl + T |
Selection duplicate | Ctrl + D |
Previous word (Shift extends selection) | Ctrl + Left |
Next word (Shift extends selection) | Ctrl + Right |
Rectangular block selection | Alt + Shift + Movement |
Match Brace | Ctrl + ] |
Select to Brace | Ctrl + Shift + ] |
Comment Selection | Line selection and Ctrl + K |
Uncomment Selection | Line selection and Ctrl + K |
Go To Definition | Function name selection and Alt + O |
Plot View - Mouse Control
To do this | Press |
Pan the plot | Ctrl + Mouse left button dragging |
Zoom in/out the plot | Mouse wheel rolling up/down |
Reset plot view |
Middle mouse button (mouse wheel) click Or F key press |
Circle zoom in plot. | Middle mouse button (mouse wheel) dragging |
Box zoom in plot | Ctrl + Middle mouse button (mouse wheel) dragging |
Edit Keyboard Shortcuts
Use the Keyboard Shortcuts editor to introduce new shortcuts or overwrite existing ones to run functions from ribbons and toolbars. It is also possible to run Compose OML, Python, TCL, or R scripts with a shortcut.
You can access Keyboard Shortcuts from Only Dock, File, Edit, View section shortcuts are supported for editing.
.- Ctrl
- Shift
- Ctrl + Shift
Functions Tab
The Functions tab provides a tree structure of the tools available for shortcut assignment. Use the Hide Empty check box to reduce the list to the functions that currently have a shortcut assigned.

To enter a shortcut, highlight the desired function and click on the field in the shortcut column. Then, press the keys you want to use as shortcut.
All newly applied shortcuts are highlighted in blue until you click Apply or OK.
To search for functions and sort alphabetically, click on a column header.
Scripts Tab
In the Scripts Tab, to register your own Compose OML, Python, TCL, or R scripts, click + in the upper right of the table. Right-click on a script to change its name.
You can also delete one or several scripts at a time from the context menu.

Supported Keys
You can use the following with or without the modifier keys Ctrl, Shift, Ctrl + Shift:
- Function keys F2 ... F12
- Numbers 0 – 9
- Letters A – Z
- ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } ; : ’ ” , . < > / ? | \