Basic Python Types and OML Type Mapping

The table below compares the data types in OML and Python that can be used when creating a bridge between the two languages.

Python Basic Type OML Type Comments
Bool Logical
Int Number
Float Number
Complex Complex
String String In OML, only single quotes are supported.

Support for UTF-8 strings.

List Cell (1, n)

Limitation 1: Not supported if the list contains one of the following: Dict (with limitation), Tuple, or Set

Limitation 2: cell of 1, n only exported to the Python list.

A list in Python is an ordered group of items (or elements). It's a general structure, and list elements do not have to be of the same type; you can put numbers, letters, strings, and nested lists in the same list.
Tuple Not supported. A tuple in Python is like a list except that it is immutable once created.
Set Not supported A set is an unordered collection of objects, unlike sequence objects, such as lists and tuples, in which each element is indexed.
dict Struct

Limitation 1: Only supported if keys in dict are string or char only.

Limitation 2: Only one-dimensional struct is copied to the Python dict.

The key of struct is char | string, but the key of dict can be any hashable, such as integers or floating points.
None Not supported