
Realize existing connectors, using specified details.


*CE_FE_RealizeWithDetails ce_mark ce_style solvername config fe_type collectorflag tolerance options options_size


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Realize existing connectors, using specified details.


The mark containing the desired connector entities.
Connector style:
  • spot
  • bolt
  • apply mass
  • seam
  • area
The solver for which the connectors must be realized.
The element realization type:
  • 2 - plot
  • 3 - weld
  • 5 - rigid
  • 21 - spring
  • 55 - rigidlink
  • 60 - bar2
  • 61 - rod
  • 70 - gap
  • 104 - quads
  • 1001 - custom
The type ID for the current solver specified in the FE configuration file (for custom config 1001 only)
The collector that should contain the results of realization:
  • 0 - currently selected collector
  • 1 - connector’s collector
The maximum distance allowed between the connector and each of its links during realization.
A string array specifying optional details for realization:
Detail Default Meaning
ce_propertyid 0 Property ID value
ce_systems 0 build system flag:

0=do not build systems

1=build systems

ce_connectivity 0 Connectivity type:
0 - mesh independent
  1. mesh dependent + remesh
  2. mesh dependent + ensure projection
  3. mesh dependent + quad transition
  4. mesh dependent + projection and find nodes
  5. mesh dependent + find nearest nodes
ce_forcecollinear 0 Collinear flag

0 = non-collinear

1 = collinear

ce_nonnormal 0 Nonnormal projection:

0 = normal

1 = nonnormal

ce_diameter 0.0 Diameter value for some custom types (acm, cweld, mat100 etc.)
ce_areathicknesstype 0 Area connector thickness type:

0 = (T1+T2)/2

1 = shell gap

2 = mid thickness

3 = const thickness

ce_areaconstthickness 0.0 Const thickness value for area connectors.
ce_areastacksize 0 Density for area connectors.
ce_boltmindiameter 0.0 Minimum diameter for a hole to be accepted as a bolt hole.
ce_boltmaxdiameter 10.0 Maximum diameter for a hole to be accepted as a bolt hole.
ce_appliedmass 0.0 Mass value assigned to applied masses.
ce_appliedmassdis 0 Mass distribution type for apply mass:

0= all nodes

1= divide by nodes

2= divide by area

3= unit area

ce_configfile "" fe configuration file.
ce_dvstfile "" diameter versus thickness file
ce_propertyscript "" property script file
ce_fevectorreverse 0 Reverse direction flag for seam connectors:

0 = no reverse

1 = reverse

The size of the options string array.


To realize connectors 1, 2 using a LS-DYNA mat100 config type and the details specified in a string array:
*createmark connectors 1 1 2
*createstringarray 6 "ce_systems=0" "ce_connectivity=0" "ce_nonnormal=0" "ce_configfile=C:/Altair/hw8.0/hm/bin/feconfig.cfg" "ce_diameter=0.000000" "ce_propertyscript=C:/Altair/hw8.0/hm/scripts/connectors/prop_mat100.tcl"
*CE_FE_RealizeWithDetails 1 "spot" "dyna" 1001 100 0 6 1 6 

Note that the example above uses the custom config type (1001) to defined the LS-DYNA mat100 realization.