Checks the quality of 1D elements (welds) created by realizing connector entity (CE).
*CE_FE_1DQuality ce_inmark entities outputmark free1d length_flag length angle_flag angle
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Checks the quality of 1D elements (welds) created by realizing connector entity (CE). It places all failed connectors on an output mark and highlights them.
- ce_inmark
- Mark of displayed connectors.
- entities
- Only quality checks for Elements are now supported.
- outputmark
- All connectors that contain FE (welds) that failed quality check criteria are placed on this mark. Mark contains only connectors.
- free1d
- Check if any connectors realized welds that are not connected to the mesh.
- length_flag
- Check if the length of FE (welds) exceeds a certain value specified by the length parameter.
- length
- The value of the length of the weld that should not be exceeded. Used in conjunction with length_flag.
- angle_flag
- Check if the angle between the FE (welds) and the shell element normal exceeds the values pecified by the angle parameter.
- angle
- The orientation that the weld should not exceed with respect to the shell normal. A proper weld is oriented along the shell normal. Used in conjunction with angle_flag.
To check all the quality options of FE (weld elements) in a realized connector with IDs 1,
2, and 3. Let the value of length be 3.0 and the value of the angle be 12.0. The failed
connectors are placed on mark 2 and highlighted.
*createmark connectors 1 1 2 3
*CE_FE_1DQuality 1 elements 2 1 1 3.0 1 12.0