
Remesh/Improve selected shell elements with quality and flow considerations, and optional flow guide selections to guide the mesh directions.


*rebuild_mesh_advanced mark_id ?<option1>=<value1>? ?<option2>=<value2>? ... ?<optionN>=<valueN>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Remesh/Improve selected shell elements with quality and flow considerations, and optional flow guide selections to guide the mesh directions. It uses the same parameter and criteria files as used by BatchMesher to specify the quality criteria and mesh parameters. The criteria and parameter files must be properly set and registered before execution. It utilizes the following fields from the parameter file:
  1. Surface hole recognition table
  2. Feature angle during element cleanup
  3. Element type
  4. Mesh type

1Ds attached to the input shell elements are used as features and they significantly impact the mesh quality and flow. If no 1Ds are present in the shells of the input elements, the specified feature angle is internally used to recognize features.

Rebuild/improve is currently supported for first-order shell elements that are not attached to solid elements.


The ID of the mark of elements to rebuild or improve. Valid values are 1 and 2.
A set of lines that are used to guide the mesh directions. Each line is composed of a list of points, and it follows a format of "number_of_points p1_x p1_y p1_z p2_x p2_y p2_z ?p3_x? ?p3_y? ?p3_z? ... ?pN_x? ?pN_y? ?pN_z?".
Flag to keep the element selection for selective rerun. Valid values are:
always - Keep the full selection
failed - Keep only the failed selection (default)
never - Do not keep the selection
The mode of the operation. Valid values are:
rebuild - Rebuild all selected elements (default)
improve - Detect and rebuild only elements that affect flow/quality the most
Flag to rebuild connectors. Valid values are true and false (default).


To remesh the displayed shell elements with 5mm criteria and parameter file settings, with mesh flow guides, and keep the failed areas on selection:
*createstringarray 14 " 0 penalty value              0.00    0.00    0.50    1.00    5.00" \
"  1 min length        1 2.0   5.000   4.333   3.666   3.000   2.833    2" \
"  2 max length        1 1.5   5.000   6.200   7.320   9.000  11.290    0" \
"  3 aspect ratio      1 1.0   1.000   2.000   4.000   5.000  10.000    0" \
"  4 warpage            1 2.0   0.000   5.000  15.000  20.000  40.000    0" \
"  5 max angle quad    1 1.0  90.000 110.000 140.000 150.000 165.000    0" \
"  6 min angle quad    1 1.0  90.000  70.000  40.000  30.000  15.000    0" \
"  7 max angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  80.000 120.000 130.000 155.000    0" \
"  8 min angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  50.000  30.000  20.000  10.000    0" \
"  9 skew                1 1.5   0.000  10.000  50.000  60.000  75.000    0" \
" 10 jacobian           1 2.0   1.000   0.900   0.600   0.500   0.350    0" \
" 11 chordal dev       0 0.0   0.000   0.300   0.800   1.000   2.000    0" \
" 12 taper              0 1.0   0.000   0.200   0.500   0.600   0.900    0" \
" 13 % of trias        1 2.0   0.000   3.000   4.500   6.000   9.000    0"
*setqualitycriteria 1 14 0
*createstringarray 	105 "geometry_cleanup_flag    1" "meshing_flag         5" \
"element_size         5.0" "element_type      		 	2" \
"mesh_align           3" "element_order         	 	1" \
"surf_component       1" "feature_angle              30.0" \
"holes_table_begin" "appl_surf(1)" "appl_solid(0)" "appl_cordsfiles(0)" "appl_flanged_suppr(1)" \
"flanged_suppr_height(1.4)" "narrow_slots_type(0)" "abs_fixed_nodes_count_max(-8)" \
"rad(0.0,2.2) do action(1) washer(0) " "rad(2.2,3.01) do action(0) elems(4) washer(0) " \
"rad(3.01,4.7) do action(0) elems(6) washer(1) layers(3.5) " "rad(4.7,9.0) do action(0) elems(8) washer(1) layers(0.75*radius) " \
"rad(9.0,11.0) do action(0) elems(8) washer(1) layers(7.0) " "rad(11.0,20) do action(0) elems(8) washer(1) layers(auto) " \
"rad(0.0,2.2) solid(1) do action(1) " "rad(2.2,3.01) solid(1) do action(0) elems(4) " \
"rad(3.01,20) solid(1) do action(0) elems(6) " "holes_table_end" "edge_fillet_recognition           1" \
"max_fillet_radius                 5.0" "surface_fillet_table_begin" "surface_fillet_recognition(1)" \
"minimize_transitions(1)" "rad(0,2.2) wid(3.0,6.2) do split(suppress_on)" \
"rad(2.2,15) wid(3.4,6.2) do elems(1)" "rad(0,25.0) wid(6.2,9.2) do elems(2)" \
"rad(0,35.0) wid(9.2,12.5) do elems(3)" "rad(0,40.0) wid(12.5,25.0) do chordal_deviation(0.2)" \
"surface_fillet_table_end" "del_dupl_surfs_flag               2" "del_dupl_surfs_tol                -1" \
"edges_stitch_flags   0" "max_edges_stitch_tol    -1.0" \
"fix_overlapsurfs_flag             	1" "overlapsurfs_maxtangangle         	-1.0" \
"beads_suppression     	1" "beads_recognition        	1" \
"minimal_beads_height  	1.4" "beads_treat_flags      	0" \
"flange_recognition   	1" "flange_elements_across  	3" \
"flange_max_width       	30.0" "flange_min_width      	8.0" \
"flanges_treat_flags  	1" "flange_max_remove_width  -1.0" \
"appl_tria_reduction   	1" "tria_redu_max_elemsize auto" \
"tria_redu_min_elemsize	 auto" "trias_around_holes   	0" \
"common_mesh_flow        0" "extract_thinsolids       	1" \
"midsurf_method     		3" "thinsolid_ratio        		0.3" \
"max_thickness         	10.0" "extract_feature_angle 	25.0" \
"pre_midsurf_cleanup   	1" "direct_midmesh           	0" \
"ignore_flat_edges   	1" "flatten_connections     	0" \
"defeat_open_width_on   1" "defeat_open_width     		1.0" \
"supp_proxim_edges_on   1" "supp_proxim_edges      		0.5" \
"combine_nonmanifold_on  1" "combine_nonmanifold     	0.5" \
"midmesh_extact_elem_size   10.0" "remove_logo      	1" \
"logo_max_size    			30.0" "logo_max_height     		1.4" \
"logo_min_concavity    	1.0" "threads_removal     		0" \
"threads_toremove_max_depth   	5.0" "threads_replacediametertype  	-2" \
"folded_elems_angle   150.0" "smooth_elems_target     0.2" \
"fillets_mesh_flow   	0" "failed_elems_cleanup_flgs  8" \
"move_nodes_across_feature_edges   1" "featureedge_nodes_moveacross_max  0.1" \
"move_nodes_across_free_edges      1" "freeedge_nodes_moveacross_max     0.05" \
"move_normal_flag     	1" "move_normal_dist       		0.8" \
"divide_warped_quads  	1" "ignore_comps_boundary  	0" \
"gen_topology_prepare_flags 7" "cleanup_comp_flag 	0 " \
"comp_select         " "use_wildcards_for_compsnames  	0" \
"cleanup_tolerances      auto" "suppress_features_rate   0" \
"feat_charsize_method 0" "custom_feat_suppr_maxangle 25.0" \
"uncond_constr_lines_suppress      	0" "aggressive_fillet_lines_suppress  	0"
*createbatchparamsfromstrings 1 105
*createmark elements 1 displayed 
*rebuild_mesh_advanced 1 keep_selection=failed "flow_guides=2 308.746697 719.296657 906.673771 339.768568 714.811262 904.452529"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2024 - Added new option rebuild_connectors.