
Creates FE geometry edges and vertices to 1D and 0D elements respectively.


*FE_geometry_converttoelements ?<option1>=<value1>? ?<option2>=<value2>? ... ?<optionN>=<valueN>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Converts FE geometry edges and vertices to 1D and 0D elements respectively. New elements are created in a new component with the name ^FE_geometry (or an incremental name like ^FE_geometry.1 or .2 if component already exists). All FE geometry surfaces, lines, and vertices are deleted.


The entity type of selected entities. Valid value is lines. The argument is optional. By default, all edges and vertices are converted to elements.
The ID of the mark containing the selected entities. Valid values are 1 and 2. The value is optional. By default, all edges and vertices are converted to elements.
0 – FE geometry surfaces, edges and vertices are deleted after conversion (default)
1 – No changes to FE geometry entities
0 – FE vertices are not converted to elements
1 – FE vertices are converted to 0D “mass” elements (default)
0 – Only FE geometry surface edges are converted to 1D elements.
1 – All FE geometry lines including surface edges and free lines are converted to 1D elements (default)
0 – New 1D and 0D elements are created in new component with the name ^FE_geometry or an incremental name like ^FE_geometry.1 or .2 if component already exists. (default)
1 - New 1D and 0D elements are created in the same components as original FE geometry edges and vertices.
The name of the new elements component name used instead of ^FE_geometry. Unless vertices_component is also defined the new name is used for both 1D and 0D elements.
The name of the new 0D elements component name used instead of ^FE_geometry.


To convert all FE geometry edges and vertices to 1D and 0D elements:


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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