- *absoluterotatedummyjoint
Rotate the dummy’s joint to an absolute position. Rotation occurs first about the X, then Y, then Z.
- *absorbbeamsections
FE-absorb 1D properties into beam sections.
- *absorbentities
Absorbs HyperMesh entities.
- *absorbloads
Absorb classical loads or groups to engineering loads.
- *absorbmember
Absorbs existing 1D elements or lines to skeleton entities.
- *accepteditedsurface_with_user_tolerance
Moves surfaces from the midsurface to edit component into the middle surface component and stitches surfaces according to a specified tolerance.
- *acm_create_mpc
Creates MPCs between selected main and secondary elements.
- *acousticmeshcreate
Previews and creates a solid acoustic cavity mesh after running *acousticmeshinit.
- *acousticmeshend
Clears memory after previewing or generating an acoustic mesh using *acousticmeshcreate.
- *acousticmeshinit
Initializes an acoustic cavity mesh before running *acousticmeshinit.
- *acousticmeshinterface
Identifies acoustic cavity interfaces.
- *acousticmeshinterface_2
Identifies acoustic cavity interfaces.
- *activatetransformations
Apply or unapply all the transformations in the model.
- *adaptive_triangle_mesh
Creates an adaptive tria mesh from an STL tria mesh input.
- *adaptive_wrapper_build
Builds the skeletal octree structure for the adaptive wrap mesher.
- *adaptive_wrapper_end
Terminates the adaptive wrap mesher.
- *adaptive_wrapper_init
Initializes the adaptive wrap mesher input elements.
- *adaptive_wrapper_leak_check
Checks for leaks from selected elements with specified seed nodes during adaptive wrap meshing.
- *adaptive_wrapper_leak_check_mc
Check leakage and generate 1Ds for the leak path for an adaptive wrap mesh control.
- *adaptive_wrapper_mesh
Generates an adaptive wrap mesh.
- *adaptive_wrapper_mesh_mc
Creates the mesh for selected adaptive wrap mesh controls.
- *adaptive_wrapper_mesh_reject
Rejects the *adaptive_wrapper_mesh operation.
- *adaptive_wrapper_preview
Previews the cavities for the adaptive wrap mesher.
- *adaptive_wrapper_preview_clear
Clears the preview generated by *adaptive_wrapper_preview.
- *adaptive_wrapper_preview_reject
Rejects the mesh generated by *adaptive_wrapper_preview and the preparation generated by all *adaptive_wrapper_* commands.
- *adaptive_wrapper_proximity_params
Assigns proximity parameters to the adaptive wrapper mesher.
- *adaptive_wrapper_reject_clear
Clears the reject buffer for all *adaptive_wrapper_* commands.
- *adaptive_wrapper_set_features
Assigns/extracts features for the adaptive wrapper mesher.
- *adaptive_wrapper_set_params
Assigns meshing parameters to the adaptive wrapper mesher.
- *add_multi_washer_elements
Adds washer elements to circular holes of shell meshes.
- *add_remove_distance_manipulator
Adds or removes distance (dimension) manipulators between two surface vertices.
- *add_rib
Creates a triangular or quadrilateral rib at a given position.
- *addedgesorfaces
Adds faces of solid elements or edges of shell elements to a segment set and contactsurf.
- *addfacestocontactsurf
Adds elements using the face/edge option to a contact surface.
- *addfacestocontactsurfusingfacenumber
Adds elements using the face number to a contact surface.
- *addicconnectivity
Updates the connectivity of an IC element.
- *addincludetodisplay
Adds the entities contained in the specified include file to the current display.
- *addnewmodel
Used by multiple models to add a new secondary model.
- *addposition
Adds a solver position into another solver position entity.
- *addshellstocontactsurf
Add selected 1D and 2D element(s) to existing contactsurf.
- *addtransformation
Adds transformations to positions.
- *adjustcontactsurfacenormal
Adjusts a contact surface normal using an orientation element.
- *adjustgroupsnormal
Adjusts a group normal using an orientation element.
- *adjustnodes
Fixes the penetrations by moving only the failed nodes.
- *admasconnectivityupdatemultentselectwithvisnod
Updates mass elements. A visualization node is used when updating and the number of selected entities are greater than one.
- *admascreatemultentselectwithsets
Creates mass elements with the option to create the mass on the independent entities or to create a set out of those entities and attach the set to the element mass created.
- *AE_AttachmentAbsorb
Absorb FE into attachments.
- *AE_AttachmentControlConvert
Convert an existing attachment control to a different config.
- *AE_AttachmentControlCreateFromAnother
Duplicate an attachment control.
- *AE_AttachmentControlCreateFromDefault
Creates an attachment control that can be used for attachment realizations and saved to the binary file.
- *AE_AttachmentControlDefaultCreate
Initializes the attachment control defaults.
- *AE_AttachmentCreateWithOptions
Creates attachments with options.
- *AE_ConvertBoltLinkToAttachment
Converts connector bolt comp/part links to attachment links.
- *AE_Realize
Realize attachments.
- *AE_Unrealize
Unrealize attachments
- *AE_UpdateLink
Updates the link for selected attachment entities.
- *aic_addparts
Adds parts to the specified label.
- *aic_classify
Classifies selected parts by predicting their label and creating part sets.
- *aic_createnew
Creates a new classifier or label for classification process.
- *aic_importtrainedfile
External trained model file is imported for classification process.
- *aic_initialize
Initializes the shape AI modules used for classification.
- *aic_removeparts
Removes parts from the specified label.
- *aic_setoption
Sets current project directory, classifier, or label.
- *aic_train
Train the parts added in labels for classifier and generate a binary file in classifier.
- *align_entities
Projects entities to a line, surface, or plane.
- *align1delemsbysystem
Aligns 1D elements with respect to global or local system.
- *alignnode
Aligns a node along the imaginary line between two other nodes.
- *alignnode2
Aligns a node along the imaginary line between two other nodes, using a ratio coefficient.
- *alignnode3
Aligns multiple nodes along the imaginary line between two other nodes.
- *aligntoedges
Aligns nodes of mesh edges along geometric edges.
- *allsuppressactive
Sets the active/inactive state of all supported entities.
- *allsuppressoutput
Sets the export/do not export state of all entities.
- *alternatefejointcreate
Creates an FE joint element for use with the OptiStruct FE solution sequence.
- *alternatefejointupdate
Updates FE joint elements for use with the OptiStruct FE solution sequence.
- *alternatejointcreate
Creates a joint element for use with the OptiStruct MBD solution sequence.
- *alternatejointupdate
Updates joint elements for use with the OptiStruct MBD solution sequence.
- *altgapelement
Creates a node-to-node gap element (CGAP) for use with the OptiStruct solver.
- *altgapelementupdate
Updates property and orientation of node-to-node (CGAP) or node-to-element (CGAPG) gap elements.
- *ameshclearsurface
Frees memory temporarily allocated for the automesher.
- *analysiscurvecreate
Creates a curve by extracting values from a results file.
- *analysiscurvecreatecomplex
Creates a curve pair by extracting complex values from a results file.
- *analysisfileset
Loads a results file for use in subsequent operations.
- *analysisfilesetwithsolverids
Loads a results file for use in subsequent operations.
- *animationframenext
Advances to the next animation frame.
- *animationframeprevious
Returns to the previous animation frame.
- *animationstart
Starts the animation.
- *animationstop
Stops the animation.
- *animatecycles
Sets the number of animation cycles for the subsequent animation.
- *animatelegendsetrange
Sets the animation legend range for transient animation sequences.
- *answer
Provides an answer to the previous command for .cmf files.
- *appendmark
Appends entities on a mark based on user supplied options.
- *appendmarksolverdata
Appends a mark with entities of the given type that match a defined pattern of identifying information.
- *applybeamsection
Applies a beamsection to selected members or membersections.
- *applydisplayattributes
Sets the components on the graphics component list (select/apply on the menu) to the specified style and color.
- *applyresults
Modifies node coordinates by applying displacements from a .res file.
- *applyresultsasloads
Create loads at an entity's nodes based on a models result information.
- *applyscenario
Applies control and realizes the entity for a given scenario.
- *assemblyaddmark
- *assemblymodify
Creates or modifies an assembly.
- *assemblymodifyhierarchy
Adds an assembly.
- *assemblyremovemark
Removes the components within a mark from the components contained in an assembly mark.
- *assignedplot
Creates an assigned plot from results data.
- *assignidpooltocweldelements
Assigns correct ID Pools to cweld elements when switching from Nastran/OptiStruct to OptiStruct/Nastran profiles.
- *assignsystem
References a coordinate system to an element.
- *assignsystem_fromcurves
Assigns a system to an entity type based on lines/nodes.
- *assignsystem_option
References a coordinate system to an element.
- *assignsystemfromcurveswithnormals
Assigns a system to an entity type based on curves with surface normal.
- *associate_nodes_to_geom
Associates nodes to geometry.
- *attributeupdate_entityidarray2d
Updates an attribute that is a 2D array of entity IDs.
- *attributeupdate_entityidarray2d_mark
Updates an attribute, which is a 2D array of entity IDs, on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdatedouble
Updates an attribute of type double.
- *attributeupdatedoublearray
Updates an attribute of type double array.
- *attributeupdatedoublearray2d
Updates an attribute of type 2D double array.
- *attributeupdatedoublearray2delementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type 2D double array.
- *attributeupdatedoublearray2dmark
Updates an attribute of type 2D double array on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdatedoublearrayelementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type double array.
- *attributeupdatedoublearraymark
Updates an attribute of type double array on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdatedoublemark
Updates an attribute of type double on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdateentity
Updates an attribute of type entity.
- *attributeupdateentityidarray
Updates an attribute that is an array of entity IDs.
- *attributeupdateentityidarray2delementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type 2D entity ID array.
- *attributeupdateentityidarrayelementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type 2D entity ID array.
- *attributeupdateentityidarraymark
Updates an attribute, which is an array of entity IDs, on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdateentitymark
Updates an attribute of type entity on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdateint
Updates an attribute of type int.
- *attributeupdateintarray
Updates an attribute of type int array.
- *attributeupdateintarray2d
Updates an attribute of type 2D int array.
- *attributeupdateintarray2delementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type integer array.
- *attributeupdateintarray2dmark
Updates an attribute of type 2D int array on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdateintarrayelementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type int array.
- *attributeupdateintarraymark
Updates an attribute of type int array on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdateintmark
Updates an attribute of type int on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdatesolverid
Updates an attribute of type solver_id.
- *attributeupdatestring
Updates an attribute of type string.
- *attributeupdatestringarray
Updates an attribute of type string array.
- *attributeupdatestringarrayelementmark
Updates one element of an attribute of type string array.
- *attributeupdatestringarraymark
Updates an attribute of type string array on a set of entities.
- *attributeupdatestringmark
Updates an attribute of type string on a set of entities.
- *autocolor
Automatically colors any collectors that are currently set to gray (colors 10-18).
- *autocolorwithmark
Autocolors the selected entities.
- *automesh
Employs a surface-based automeshing algorithm to generate a mesh on a given surface face.
- *automesh_mc
Meshes elements or surfaces using automesh mesh controls.
- *automesh_params
Set 2D meshing parameters on edges and faces.
- *autotopocleanup
Performs automatic preparation of a model’s topology for meshing, using specified element size and element quality criteria.
- *autotopocleanup2
Performs automatic preparation of a model’s topology for meshing, using specified element size and element quality criteria.
- *autotopocleanuplimited
Performs a limited set of topology cleanup operations on CAD or FE surfaces.
- *autoupdate1delems
Update orientation and/or offset of 1D elements with reference to neighboring shells.
- *axisymmetry
Creates or modifies the main plane of an axisymmetry entity.
- *bagdeleteall
Deletes bags on a mark and all of the child entities within each bag.
- *bar3element
Creates a bar3 element.
- *bar3elementcreatewithoffsets
Creates a bar3 element with offsets.
- *bardirectionupdate
Updates the direction node for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
- *barelement
Creates a bar element.
- *barelementcreatewithoffsets
Creates a bar element with offsets.
- *barelementorientbysystem
Orients bar elements along a given direction with respect to an input system.
- *barelementrotatebyangle
Rotate bar elements along their respective X-axis using an input angle.
- *barelementupdate
Updates the vector (global system), pin flags and property for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
- *barelementupdatebytable
Update bar elements using an input table.
- *barelementupdatelocal
Updates the vector (local system), pin flags and property for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
- *barelementupdatewithoffsets
Updates the vector, pin flags, property, direction node and offset for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
- *baroffset
Updates the offsets in the global system for a single bar or bar3 element.
- *baroffsetupdate
Updates the offsets in the global system for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
- *baroffsetupdatelocal
Updates the offsets in the local system for multiple bar and/or bar3 elements.
- *barpinsupdate
Updates pins of bar elements.
- *barrierpositioner
Positions the barrier according to various protocols with respect to a given vehicle.
- *batchmesh_mc
Meshes geometry using BatchMesh mesh controls.
- *batchparams_update
Updates the global mesh parameter values.
- *batchparams_write
Write the global mesh quality parameters to a file.
- *BCM
Creates loads by performing linear interpolation between existing loads or loads defined in a text file.
- *beams_to_surfaces
Create surfaces/meshes from 1D beams.
- *beamsectionautoconnectshell
Connects the parts of a shell section.
- *beamsectioncalculateresults
Calculates results for selected beam sections.
- *beamsectioncreateatplane
Creates a shell or solid beam section by cutting a plane through the selected entities.
- *beamsectioncreatefromentities
Creates a beamsection entity from in-plane entities.
- *beamsectioncreatefromsectioncut
Creates a beamsection entity from one or more section cuts on entities.
- *beamsectioncreateshell
Creates a shell beam section for HyperBeam.
- *beamsectioncreateshelldirect
Creates a shell beam section for HyperBeam.
- *beamsectioncreatesolid
Creates a solid beam section for HyperBeam.
- *beamsectioncreatesoliddirect
Creates a solid beam section for HyperBeam.
- *beamsectioncreatesolidfrompoints
Creates a solid beam section for HyperBeam.
- *beamsectioncreatestandardsolver
Creates a standard solver-specific HyperBeam section.
- *beamsectionsetdatageneric
Updates the data for a generic type beam section.
- *beamsectionsetdataroot
Updates the root data for a beam section.
- *beamsectionsetdatashell
Updates the data for a shell type beam section.
- *beamsectionsetdatasolid
Updates the data for a solid type beam section.
- *beamsectionsetdatasolidelems
Calculates results for selected beam sections.
- *beamsectionsetdatastandard
Updates the data for a standard type beam section.
- *beamsectiontranslate
Translates a shell or solid beam section within its local coordinate frame.
- *beamsectionupdateparts
Updates the beam section by modifying the section parts.
- *beamsectionupdateshellpartname
Renames a HyperBeam shell section part.
- *belttensioning
Applies tension on the seat belt and updates its nodes to any intermediate/final configuration, with a choice to maintain the length of the seat belt.
- *blmesh_2d
Generates a 2D boundary layer mesh on surfaces/elements.
- *blmesh_2d_computeblthickness
Generates boundary layer thickness on boundary nodes, with specified parameters.
- *blmesh_2d_computeblthickness1
Generates boundary layer thickness on boundary nodes, with specified parameters and default boundary layer/non-boundary layer type definition.
- *blmesh_2d_input_bl
Specifies boundary layer input.
- *blmesh_2d_input_nonbl
Specifies non-boundary layer input.
- *blmesh_2d2
Generates a 2D boundary layer mesh on boundary layer edges, with specified parameters
- *blmesh2d_mc
Imprints edge layers on a surface mesh based on parameters defined in the edge layer control.
- *blockcontrollines
Controls the lines on a block.
- *blockcontrolplanes
Controls the planes on a block.
- *blocknodeupdate
Updates the finite difference nodes in a finite difference block.
- *blocksetcurrent
Sets the current block.
- *blockvisualize
Creates a fill hide plot of a finite difference block.
- *blockwalladdcell
Adds one cell to a finite difference wall.
- *blockwallcreate
Creates a wall in a finite difference block.
- *blockwalldelete
Deletes a wall from a finite difference block.
- *blockwalleditrange
Adds or deletes a range of cells in a finite difference wall.
- *blockwallfill
Fills an enclosed plane of cells in a finite difference wall.
- *blockwallfindintersect
Intersects one- and two-dimensional finite elements with cells in a finite difference block.
- *blockwallremove
Removes all cells from the given finite difference wall.
- *blockwallremovecell
Removes one cell from a finite difference wall.
- *blockwallreset
Deletes all walls from a finite difference block.
- *blockwallupdate
Updates the color of a wall in a finite difference block.
- *bm_markpreservedcompsboundary
Flags the boundaries of components to be preserved during batch meshing and autocleanup.
- *body_split_with_morphed_lines
Splits surfaces or solids using swept lines.
- *body_split_with_points
Split a set of solids or surfaces along a spline constructed from a series of specified points.
- *body_split_with_swept_lines
Splits surfaces or solids using swept lines.
- *body_trim_with_templine
Trim selected solids or surfaces by sweeping line constructed from input coordinates in input direction.
- *boolean_merge_solids
- *boolean_solids
Performs a Boolean operation on selected solid entities.
- *cadwrapper
Wraps the geometry.
- *calculateElemDrapingAngles
Calculates the draping angles of elements associated with ply.
- *calculateproximityelements
Used to determine the proximity distance between elements.
- *carddelete
Deletes a control card.
- *carddisable
Disables an existing control card from being output through the template system.
- *carddisablebyid
This command allows browsers to disable duplicate control cards by id and name.
- *cardenable
Enables an existing control card to be output through the template system.
- *cardenablebyid
This command allows browsers to enable duplicate control cards by id and name.
- *categorizeskeletonmodel
Creates sets of glazing, casting, skeleton, panel and hardpoint elements from provided model using geometrical and mechanical procedures.
- *CE_AddLinkEntities
Update connectors with entities.
- *CE_AddLinkEntitiesDirectByRule
Allows the user to add link directly to the connectors without considering tolerance or number of layers.
- *CE_AddLinkEntitiesWithArrays
Update connectors at the specified locations with arrays.
- *CE_AddLinkEntitiesWithDetails
Update connectors at the specified locations with rules and other details.
- *CE_AddLinkEntitiesWithRules
Update connectors at the specified locations with rules.
- *CE_AddLinkEntitiesWithXYZs
Update connectors as group links with criteria.
- *CE_AutoCreateMatingConnectors
Identifies the mating holes in selected parts and creates connectors.
- *CE_AutoReorganize
Automatically reorganize connectors into parts or subsystems based on given criteria.
- *CE_BoltAutoCreateFromAttachments
Creates bolt connectors from attachments.
- *CE_Cleanup
Sets connectors to unrealized and back to a clean undefined state.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaCreate
Create area connector(s) at the specific location(s) by mark with certain rules.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaCreateFromList
Create area connector(s) at the specific location(s) by list with certain rules.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaMapMesh
Use the projections of components or elements to mesh area connectors.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaMesh
This command meshes area connectors.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaMeshWithDetails
Meshes area connectors and updates the width and offset stored on the connector.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaRebuild
Rebuilds the area connector mesh patch.
- *CE_ConnectorAreaTrim
Trim/split area connectors using nodes.
- *CE_ConnectorCombine
Combines connectors.
- *CE_ConnectorCreate
Creates spot connector(s) at the specified location(s) by mark.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateAndFERealizeForTrimMass
Create apply mass connectors at the specified location with certain rules, and realize them using a specified config type, mass value and distribution type.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByAutopitch
Create connectors using autopitch points, obtained by flange detection techniques.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByAutopitchNew
Create connectors using autopitch points, obtained by flange detection techniques.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByAutoseam
Creates line connectors between the input components.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByList
Creates a certain style of connector at locations specified by a list, with certain rules and details.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByListAndRealizeWithDetails
Creates a certain style of connector at locations specified by a list, with certain rules and details, and realize the connectors using specified realization details.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByListWithCC
Creates a connector from a list and assigns a connectorcontrol/connectorcontroldefault.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByMark
Creates a certain style of connector at locations specified by a mark, with certain rules and details.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByMarkAndRealizeWithDetails
Create a certain style of connectors at locations specified by mark using certain rules and details, and realize them using specified details.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateByMarkWithCC
Creates a connector from a mark and assigns a connectorcontrol/connectorcontroldefault.
- *CE_ConnectorCreateWithRules
Creates connector(s) at the specified location(s) with defined rules.
- *CE_ConnectorGroup
Group or ungroup seam connectors on mark to behave as a single/multiple seam connector(s).
- *CE_ConnectorLineCombine
Combines multiple line connectors to a single line connector.
- *CE_ConnectorLineCombineWithCC
Combines multiple line connectors to a single line connector and assigns a connectorcontrol.
- *CE_ConnectorLineCreate
Creates connector(s) on the lines at the given density or spacing.
- *CE_ConnectorLineCreateWithRules
Creates connector(s) at the specified location(s) with defined rules.
- *CE_ConnectorPartition
Partitions seam connectors.
- *CE_ConnectorRemoveDuplicates
Deletes connectors that are considered to be duplicates of other connectors within a given tolerance.
- *CE_ConnectorSeamCreateUsingLinelist
Create seam connectors at specified locations by line list with certain rules.
- *CE_ConnectorSeamCreateUsingLines
Create seam connectors at specified locations by line list with certain rules.
- *CE_ConnectorSeamTrim
Trim/split seam connectors using nodes.
- *CE_ConnectorSetVectorById
Sets the projection vector for a connector specified by ID.
- *CE_ConnectorSetVectorByMark
Set projection vector for connectors specified by mark.
- *CE_ConnectorSpotTrim
Trims/splits spot line connectors using nodes.
- *CE_ConnectorsUpdateByMetadata
Extracts link and other information from the connector location entity and applies it on the connector.
- *CE_ConnectorTrimAdvanced
Trim/split the spot/seam connectors using nodes.
- *CE_ConnectorUpdateByCC
Updates connectors using a connector control or connector control default.
- *CE_ConvertByMark
Converts between bolt and spot connectors.
- *CE_ConvertByMark_new
Converts several spot or bolt connectors into a spotline or boltlline.
- *CE_ConvertLinksByMark
Converts connector links to a new entity type.
- *CE_CreateNodeOnSeamConnector
Creates a node on a seam connector at a given position.
- *CE_CreateNodeOnSpotConnector
Creates a node on a spot line connector at a given position.
- *CE_CreateXMCFData
Adds seam weld connector and link data to an xml file in xMCF format.
- *CE_DetailDelete
Delete connector details (stored in connector metadata) from connectors specified by ID.
- *CE_DetailDeleteByMark
Delete connector details (stored in connector metadata) from connectors specified by mark.
- *CE_DetailsCopy
Copy realization details from a connector to a list of connectors.
- *CE_DetailSetDouble
Sets a double connector detail for a single connector.
- *CE_DetailSetDoubleByMark
Sets a double connector detail for a mark of connectors.
- *CE_DetailSetInt
Sets an integer connector detail for a single connector.
- *CE_DetailSetIntByMark
Sets an integer connector detail for a mark of connectors.
- *CE_DetailSetString
Sets a string connector detail for a single connector.
- *CE_DetailSetStringByMark
Sets a string connector detail for a mark of connectors.
- *CE_DetailSetTriple
Sets a triple connector detail for a single connector.
- *CE_DetailSetTripleByMark
Sets a triple connector detail for a mark of connectors.
- *CE_DetailSetUint
Sets an unsigned integer as connector detail for a connector specified by ID.
- *CE_DetailSetUintByMark
Sets an unsigned integer as connector detail for a connector specified by ID.
- *CE_DetermineConnectionType
Determines the seam connectors' connection type.
- *CE_EditSeamAndLineDetail
Edit density, spacing and offset details for seam or line spot connectors specified by mark.
- *CE_ErrorSet
Assign a pre-defined error code to a connector.
- *CE_ExportFile
Export connectors in the native XML/ASCII format.
- *CE_ExportFiles
Export connectors to their original files in their original or specified format.
- *CE_ExportMainConnectorsFile
Export the connector information to a main connectors file.
- *CE_ExportOneFile
Export connectors which belong to specified original file in their original or specified format.
- *CE_FE_1DQuality
Checks the quality of 1D elements (welds) created by realizing connector entity (CE).
- *CE_FE_3DQuality
Checks the quality of 3D elements (welds) created by realizing connector entity (CE).
- *CE_FE_Absorb
Absorbs certain FE information into connectors.
- *CE_FE_AbsorbUsingControl
Absorbs certain FE information into connectors. Currently supported only for absorbing bolts.
- *CE_FE_AutoRegisterSharedEntitiesByMark
Auto register pre-existing entities to multiple connectors.
- *CE_FE_CreateDCC
Creates all connector control default entities.
- *CE_FE_CreateUCCFromConnector
Creates a connector control from a connector.
- *CE_FE_CreateUCCFromDCC
Creates a connector control from a connector control default.
- *CE_FE_CreateUCCFromUCC
Creates a connector control from another connector control.
- *CE_FE_GlobalFlags
Set global flags for connectors to perform different operations.
- *CE_FE_LoadFeConfig
Load or unload an FE config file.
- *CE_FE_RealizeWithDetails
Realize existing connectors, using specified details.
- *CE_FE_Register
Registers pre-existing FE to a single connector ID.
- *CE_FE_RegisterAdvanced
Registers pre-existing FE to multiple connector IDs.
- *CE_FE_RegisterSharedEntities
Registers pre-existing entities to a single connector.
- *CE_FE_RegisterSharedEntitiesByMark
Registers pre-existing entities to multiple connectors.
- *CE_FE_SetCommonDetails
Sets common parameters required to realize connectors as welds.
- *CE_FE_SetDetails
Set FE realization details for the connectors on a mark.
- *CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize
Set FE realization details for the connector(s) on mark and realize them with welds.
- *CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail
Changes a single FE realization detail for connectors on the mark.
- *CE_FE_SetSpecificDetailById
Changes a single FE detail for a connector specified by ID.
Updates a connector control using a connector control default.
- *CE_FE_UnregisterRealizedEntities
Unregister the realization entities from connectors.
- *CE_FE_UnregisterSharedEntitiesByMark
Un-register registered entities from multiple connectors.
- *CE_FE_UpdateUCCUseConnector
Updates a connector control using a connector.
- *CE_GlobalSetDouble
Set global double parameters relating to the display of connectors.
- *CE_GlobalSetInt
Set global integer parameters relating to the display of connectors.
- *CE_GlobalSetString
Set a value to a global string variable.
- *CE_InputSigPoints
Imprints nodes or points as significant points on connectors.
- *CE_MarkCombineLinks
Combine the individual/group links into a single group link.
- *CE_MarkRemoveLink
Remove a link entity of a specific type and ID or name from the connectors on mark.
- *CE_MarkRemoveLinkMark
Remove link entities of a specific type and ID or name from the connectors on mark.
- *CE_MarkReplaceLinkEntities
Replaces the links from scratch in connectors.
- *CE_MarkSplitLink
Split group links into individual links.
- *CE_MarkUpdateLink
Allows search and replace of an existing link in the specified connector mark with a new link entity.
- *CE_MarkUpdateLinkGroup
Allows search and replace of existing link information in the specified connector mark with new link information.
- *CE_MarkUpdateLinkMark
Allows search and replace of existing links in the specified connectors with new link information.
- *CE_PositionConnectors
Positions connectors to the middle point or back to the source location.
- *CE_PreviewBoltCylinder
Set cylinder bolt parameters for bolt connectors and display the graphical preview.
- *CE_PreviewCombine
Find connectors that need to be combined and place them on the output mark.
- *CE_PreviewDuplicates
Find duplicate connectors and place them on the output mark.
- *CE_ProjectionCheck
Check quality of projections with connectors.
- *CE_ReadXmlString
Creates a connector from an XML string.
- *CE_Realize
FE realize all the defined connectors on mark (creates FE).
- *CE_RemoveLink
Remove a link entity of a specific type and/or ID/name from a connector entity.
- *CE_RemoveSigPoints
Removes significant points from a connector.
- *CE_RerunPost
Reruns post factory for realized connectors.
- *CE_ReverseSigPoints
Reverses the direction of a line connector.
- *CE_ReviewConnectorsReverse
Performs reverse connector review operation.
- *CE_ReviewConnectors
Review connectors according to user options.
- *CE_ReviewLinks
Review links according to user options.
- *CE_SeamConnectorFromWeldLine
Converts weldlines to seam connectors.
- *CE_SetColorByMark
Assigns color value to selected connectors.
- *CE_SetGlobalSharedEntitySettings
Set the global shared entity management settings.
- *CE_SetLinkChangeManagerSettings
Modifies/unrealizes/rerealizes connectors when there is change in attribute values or deletion of referenced entities.
- *CE_SetSpecificDetail
Sets a specific detail for all the connectors on the mark.
- *CE_SetSpecificDetailById
Sets a specific detail for a specific connector ID.
- *CE_Unrealize
FE unrealize all the defined connectors on mark (removes all created FE).
- *CE_UpdateCustomMessage
Attaches a custom error message to a connector.
- *CE_UpdateLink
Allows search and replace of an existing link in the specified connector with a new link entity.
- *cfdoutput
Writes a CFD output deck.
- *change_edgedensities
Changes the densities of selected surface edges and remeshes the adjacent surfaces, according to the specified mode.
- *change_edgedensities_advanced
Changes the edge density and remeshes only the given layers of elements on the surface attached to the edge.
- *check_symmetric_mesh
Checks whether a selection of meshes is symmetric.
- *check_symmetric_surfaces
Checks whether a selection of surfaces is symmetric.
- *checkpenetration
Checks a group of elements for penetrations and/or self-interference.
- *cleanmember
Performs cleaning operations on selected members.
- *cleanup_unoffsetable_nodes
Smooths the area around any unoffsetable nodes to attempt to make them offsetable.
- *cleanupmodelfile
Cleans up model specific data after a box trim operation.
- *clearallidranges
Clears all ID ranges for various portions of a model.
- *clearallpreservednodes
Clears the preserve nodes flag from all the nodes that were marked as preserved.
- *clearallunresolvedids
Removes from the unresolved IDs database all entries for a specified entity type.
- *clearclipboard
Clears the HyperMesh clipboard.
- *clearlist
Clears the specified list.
- *clearlock
Clears all entity locks.
- *clearlock2
Clears all entity locks.
- *clearmark
Clear all entity IDs of the passed entity type from the specified mark.
- *clearmarkall
Clear all entity IDs for all entity types from the specified mark.
- *clearpreservednodes
Clears the selected nodes that were marked as preserved.
- *clearunresolvedid
Removes from the unresolved IDs database a single ID for a specified entity type.
- *clearunusedunresolvedids
Audits the list of unresolved ID references and discards any which are no longer needed.
- *coarsen_and_decimate_mesh2
Performs mesh coarsening and decimation on selected components.
- *coarsening_mesh
Performs mesh coarsening on selected components.
- *collectormarkmove
Moves and/or sorts the entities on a mark.
- *collisioncheck_temp
Performs a collision detection.
- *collisioncheck2_temp
Performs a collision detection.
- *collisionfix_temp
Fix collisions by moving nodes.
- *collisionimportresults
Imports collision results from solver output message files and populates them into the Penetrations Browser.
- *collisionrecheck_temp
Updates the results of a collision check.
- *collisionsetoutdated
Sets collisions referred by selected components to outdated.
- *colormapedit
Modifies a color in the color map.
- *colormark
Colors the entities on a mark a specified color.
- *combineelements
Combines the selected elements into one.
- *combineplotels
Creates a line from a group of plot elements.
- *compactsubmodelids
Renumbers ID ranges starting from the minimum allowed ID.
- *complexanimatemodal
Creates a complex modal animation from results data.
- *compositeanalysis
Analyzes composite materials, plies, sequences, laminates, or elements.
- *compute_midmesh_thickness
Calculates the thickness of a midmesh and assigns properties.
- *computeboundarylayerthickness
Calculates the boundary layer thickness reduction factors based on the proximity used for the boundary layer mesh generation.
- *configedit
Changes the configuration of a selection of elements.
- *connect_surfaces_11
Extends surfaces to meet other surfaces.
- *contactsurfcreatewithfaces
Creates a contact surface using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
- *contactsurfcreatewithfacesusingfacenumber
Creates a contact surface using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
- *contactsurfcreatewithshells
Creates a contact surface using 1D or 2D elements.
- *contourplot
Creates a contour plot from results data.
- *control_sum_print
Outputs a control sum number to the specified text file.
- *convertbeamsection
Updates the target solver ID for beamsections.
- *convertcord3rtocord1r
Updates the target solver ID for beamsections.
- *convertelements
Converts certain elements from one solver to another.
- *convertlegacyentities
Converts any of the source legacy entities, in a particular solver interface, to a specified target entity.
- *convertinclude
Converts a regular include file into an include transform include file or vice versa.
- *convertthermalloads
Converts thermal loads from one solver to another.
- *convertthickness
Converts the thickness of the specified entities to the target solver.
- *convertunit
Converts entity values from one unit system to another unit system.
- *copy_feature
Copies a selection of elements and pastes them onto the displayed shell elements at the target location.
- *copymark
Copies entities from one collector to another.
- *copymarkgroup
Copies main/secondary elements from one group to another.
- *copysegments
Copies segments from original set-segment to another set-segment.
- *copytoclipboard
Copies entities to the HyperMesh clipboard.
- *correctoverflowsubmodelentityids
Corrects an entity ID range overflow for a submodel.
- *create_batch_file
This command sets a limited set of cleanup parameters directly in the command file for use with *autotopocleanup.
- *create_bead_elements
Creates a bead on 2D elements.
- *create_lines_by_mesh_plane_intersection
Create the lines at the intersection between input elements and a plane.
- *create_shell_mesh_features
Generates plot elements between 2D elements.
- *create_solid_from_eight_points
Creates a solid from eight points.
- *create_springs
Creates spring elements between selected coincident nodes.
- *create_tube_midline
Creates midlines from tube solids.
- *create_voxel_lattice_mesh
Creates 1D and 2D axis parallel lattice meshes.
- *createairbag
Creates an airbag control volume.
- *createandadjustmass
Adjusts mass for a selection of source components by creating solvermasses on the target components.
- *createandmanagesetsandcontents
Creates a hierarchy of set entities to include all entities on a given mark according to set creation rules specified in a configuration file.
- *createarray
Creates an array of integers for use in a subsequent command.
- *createautoddp
Create a design points from the selected elements.
- *createbead
Creates beads on selected shell elements.
- *createbestcirclecenternode
Creates a node or a point at the center of the circle that best approximates the input set of lines or points.
- *createCAERO1
Creates an aero component of type CAERO1.
- *createcaero1panelmeshing
Creates a component for aeroelastic panel mesh CAERO1.
- *createcaero2bodymeshing
Creates a component for aeroelastic panel mesh CAERO2.
- *createCAERO2card
Creates a body component of type CAERO2.
- *createcenternode
Creates a node at the center of a circle defined by 3 input nodes.
- *createcirclecenterpoint
Creates a point at the center of a circle defined by 3 input points.
- *createcirclefromcenterradius
Creates a circle or arc given the center and radius.
- *createcirclefrompointplane
Creates a circle or arc by spinning a point about the normal vector of a plane.
- *createcirclefrompoints
Creates a circle or arc from 3 nodes.
- *createcollectorforpartiallycontained
Creates a collector and moves certain entities into the collector.
- *createconnectionelements
Creates elements of a specified type between input nodes and nodes determined from the nearest elements within tolerance.
- *createcontrolvol
Creates an airbag control volume.
- *createcrbrelation
Creates a main-secondary relationship for LS-DYNA *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES keyword.
- *createdoublearray
Creates an array of doubles for use in a subsequent command.
- *createdoublearray2d
Creates a 2D array of doubles for use in a subsequent command.
- *createdoubler
Creates a doubler by offsetting elements at a C section formed by selected elements.
- *createdummytargetpoints
Creates design points with 'TargetPoint' configuration.
- *createdummytargetpointsfromcsv
Creates design points with ‘TargetPoint’ configuration.
- *createdynamicdataname
Creates a dynamic dataname on an entity.
- *createelement
Creates an element from a node list.
- *createelements
Create multiple 1D elements from a list of nodes.
- *createelements1d
Creates 1D beams, bars and rods, and optionally assigns properties to created elements.
- *createelementsbetweennodes
Creates a spotweld element between two surfaces at the selected nodes with an element type, coordinate system, and property ID.
- *createelementsbetweenpoints
Creates a spotweld element between two surfaces at the marked points with an element type, coordinate system, and property ID.
- *createentitiesfromsource
Creates entities using an external source file.
- *createentity
Create a new entity with specified data.
- *createentityarray2d
Creates a 2D array of entities for use in a subsequent command.
- *createentitypanel
Allows you to interactively select a single entity
- *createentitysameas
Create a new entity that is a clone of a source entity.
- *createexoskeletonlattice
Creates a skeleton of beams that attaches to either topology results or a donor model.
- *createfacesonfreeboundaries
Creates face elements on all free solid element boundaries.
- *createfbddisplacementtable
Creates an FBD displacement summary table.
- *createfbdfilefromfbdsummarytable
Creates a .fbd file from an FBD summary table.
- *createfbdgroupfortraceplot
Creates a freebodygroup entity, used for FBD trace plots.
- *createfbdreport
Creates a report for FBD panel and FBD bar from panel and freebodysection entities respectively.
- *createfbdsummarytable
Creates an FBD summary table or min/max table.
- *createfillet
Creates a fillet between two lines.
- *createfilletmidlines
Recognize fillet surfaces of triangular or rectangular shape, and split strings of fillets down to their longitudinal center lines.
- *createflattenfold
Creates a flatten fold setup for solver run to get the resulting position of airbag.
- *createfmvss201u
Creates all impact points on the upper interior of a vehicle.
- *createfmvss201u_createpoints
Creates a single, selected type of impact points on the upper interior of a vehicle.
- *createfmvss201u_end
Closes and deletes all the temporary entities created during upper interior marking of a vehicle.
- *createfmvss201u_start
Initializes defaults for the creation of impact points on the upper interior of a vehicle.
- *createfoldingtable
Creates an airbag folding table.
- *createidrange
Creates an ID range.
- *createinclude
Defines a new include file in the database.
- *createincludeperpart
Create a new include file for prototype parts that do not have an include.
- *createinflatorinsertfold
Creates a Radioss model for solver run to insert an inflator inside the layers of an airbag.
- *createintarray2d
Creates a 2D array of integers for use in a subsequent command.
- *createintersectionsegments
Creates intersection segments as plot elements from the results of hm_collisioncheck.
- *createipimpact
Creates impact points on the instrument panel of a vehicle.
- *createjointelement_twonoded
Creates a two-noded joint element.
- *createlist
Creates an ordered list of entities for use in a subsequent command.
- *createlistbypathpanel
Provides a widget to create an ordered list of entities for use in a subsequent command, with the collector set to "by path".
- *createlistpanel
Provides a widget to create an ordered list of entities for use in a subsequent command.
- *createmark
Places entities on a mark based on user-supplied options.
- *createmarklast
Populates the mark with the entities used in the last command.
- *createmarkpanel
Provides a widget to add entities to a mark.
- *createmembersectionfrommember
Creates member sections from member entity.
- *createmultiplespotwelds
Creates multiple spotwelds between a set of nodes on the finite element mesh for a given type of element, coordinate system, and property ID.
- *createnodesandspotweldelems
Creates nodes and spotweld elements between two surfaces on the selected lines at a specified spacing or density with an element type, coordinate system, and property ID.
- *createnodesbetweennodelist
Creates nodes between each pair of nodes along a list.
- *createnodesbetweennodes
Creates a user-specified number of nodes between two nodes.
- *createnodesbetweenpositions
Creates nodes between two geometric positions in space.
- *createorthotropicdirection
Creates the INSHE/ORTHO_LOC tables based on the composite data in the session.
- *createplane
Defines a plane for use in a subsequent command.
- *createpoint
Creates a point in space.
- *createpointsbetweenpoints
Creates a specified number of points between points.
- *createpointsbetweenpositions
Creates midpoints between two geometric positions in space.
- *createpositionformech
Creates a new position for a mechanism.
- *createreferencegeometry
Creates a reference geometry control volume.
- *createrollfold
Creates a rolling fold setup for solver run to get the resulting position of airbag.
- *createsectioncut
Computes area moments of inertia from a section cut, and creates beam elements along the cuts.
- *createsensor
Creates a sensor entity.
- *createsimplefold
Creates a simple fold setup for solver run to get the resulting position of airbag.
- *createsinglewallbulkhead
Creates a single wall bulkhead inside a C section formed by selected elements.
- *createsketchfrombeamsection
Creates a sketch from shell or solid beamsections.
- *createsolidsfromshells
Creates solid elements from shell elements.
- *createspotweld
Creates a spotweld between two nodes on the finite element mesh for a given type of element, coordinate system, and property ID.
- *createstringarray
Creates an array of strings for use in a subsequent command.
- *create_thin_solid_midline
Constructs midline of a section cut through selected solids.
- *createtuckfold
Creates a tuck fold setup for solver run to get the resulting position of airbag.
- *createvector
Defines a vector for use in a subsequent command.
- *createweldelemsfromalinelist
Creates weld elements between surfaces using a line list to determine the weld points.
- *createweldsbetweencompsusingpoints
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing components at the given point(s).
- *createweldsbetweenelemsusingnodes
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing elements at the given node(s).
- *createweldsbetweenelemsusingpoints
Creates weld element(s) between pre-existing elements at the given point(s).
- *createzigzagfold
Creates a zigzag fold setup for solver run to get the resulting position of airbag.
- *criteria_update
Updates the global mesh quality values.
- *criteria_write
Writes the global mesh criteria to a file.
- *currentcollector
Sets the current collector.
- *curveaddpoint
Adds a new point in the curve.
- *curvedeletepoint
Deletes a point from the curve.
- *curvemathexternalfilter
Runs an external filter on a curve.
- *curvemodifypointcords
Modifies the x or y coordinate of an existing point on a curve.
- *cut_hole
Creates holes of a predefined shape on selected mesh or surfaces.
- *cuttingplanereverse
Reverses a cutting plane display orientation.
- *decimate_mesh
Performs mesh decimation on selected components.
- *defaultmeshelems
Meshes a selection of elements using saved or default parameters and various options.
- *defaultmeshsurf
Meshes a selection of surfaces using saved or default parameters and various options.
- *defaultmeshsurf_growth
Generates surface meshes using surface deviation parameters with growth ratio transitions given by refinement sizes defined on points, edges and surfaces.
- *defaultremeshelems
Re-meshes a selection of elements using various options, and deletes the original elements.
- *defaultremeshsurf
Re-meshes a selection of surfaces using saved or default parameters and various options, and deletes any elements already meshed on those surfaces.
- *deformedshape
Creates a deformed shape plot from results data.
- *delaunay_2d_3d
Performs 2D/3D triangulation of selected nodes.
- *delete_logo
Removes geometric logos.
- *deleteedges
Deletes the edges if any in the current database.
- *deletefeatures
Deletes the features in a model.
- *deletefile
Deletes a file.
- *deletefillet
Deletes a fillet from a line.
- *deleteidrange
Deletes an ID range.
- *deletemark
Deletes entities from the database.
- *deletemodel
Deletes all of the entities in a database
- *deletesolidswithelems
Deletes solids. Includes the option to keep boundary surfaces, and an option to keep attached elements.
- *dependencycheck
Checks nodes for multiple dependence.
- *descriptormove
Moves the plot descriptor.
- *descriptorsetcolor
Sets the color of the plot descriptor.
- *descriptorsetfont
Sets the font for the plot descriptor.
- *descriptorsettext
Sets the text which should be displayed in the plot descriptor.
- *detach_entities
Detaches entities like constraints as a unit from selected elements or nodes, using the specified offset value.
- *detach_fromelements
Detaches elements from selected elements or nodes.
- *detach_fromwall
Detaches elements from each other and from the attached structure, using the specified offset value.
- *detach_geom
Surfaces and solids that are contained in input selection, are topologically detached from either the rest of the model, or from another selection.
- *detach_solids
Separates solids that have shared boundary surfaces.
- *detachallelements
Detaches elements from each other and from the attached structure, using the specified offset value.
- *detachelements
Detaches elements as a unit from the attached structure, using the specified offset value.
- *detectandcreateface2facecontacts
Detects if the specified components are within the contact distance specified and creates contact entities relevant to the solver interface.
- *detectandcreatefeatures
Detect all feature types within the filter options and create feature entities.
- *display_thickness
Sets or graphically reviews the thickness assigned to a midsurface.
- *displayall
Turns on the display of all entities in the model.
- *displaycollector
Controls the display state of a collector.
- *displaycollectorsall
Controls the display state of all collectors.
- *displaycollectorsallbymark
Turns the display of a mark of entities on or off, including toggling their current state.
- *displaycollectorsbymark
Changes the display state of collectors in a mark.
- *displaycollectorwithfilter
Changes the active state of a collector using the menu filter.
- *displayelementsbyproperty
Controls the display of elements that have either a direct, indirect or mixed property assignment.
- *displayelementsbypropertybymark
Controls the display of elements that have either a direct, indirect or mixed property assignment for a selection of properties.
- *displayincludeonly
Displays all entities contained in the specified include file, and hides all other entities.
- *displaynone
Turns off the display of all entities in the model.
- *draglinetoformsurface
Drags a trimmed line to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher.
- *dragnodestoformsurface
Drags a list of nodes to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher.
- *drawlistresetstyle
Resets the display mode on the draw list to the default.
- *dummyautomaticpositioner
Positions a dummy to an optimal position based on a list of design points with 'TargetPoint' configuration and a list of bodies that are free to move.
- *dummyplacerootbodytopoint
Moves a dummy from a source point to a target point.
- *duplicateandreflectskeletonentities
Duplicates and reflects skeleton entities – member joints, members and member panels along the symmetry plane.
- *duplicateentities
Duplicates elems, nodes and comps along with any attached loads.
- *duplicatemark
Duplicates entities.
- *dynamicrotatemode
Sets mode for output of intermediate rotation commands.
- *dynamicviewbegin
Begins a block of *rotate(), *window(), or *quatrotate() commands.
- *dynamicviewend
Ends a block of *rotate(), *window(), or *quatrotate() commands.
- *edgerelease
Unstitches the selected edge.
- *edgerestore
Unsuppress the selected edge.
- *edgesmarkaddmidpoint
Splits each of the input face edges at its midpoint by adding a fixed point on the edge.
- *edgesmarkrelease
Unstitches each of the input edges.
- *edgesmarkrestore
Unsuppresses a group of edges.
- *edgesmarkrestorejoints
Restores previously suppressed fixed points on edges.
- *edgesmarksuppress
Suppresses a group of edges.
- *edgesmarkuntrim
Removes the specified trimming lines from their surface.
- *edgesmerge
Combines two edges to create one unsuppressed common edge.
- *edgesuppress
Suppresses the selected edge.
- *editmarkpanel
Provides a widget to add or remove entities to a mark.
- *ejectionmitigationmarking
Creates the marking points on window glasses of a vehicle to test for ejection mitigation.
- *element_smooth_nodes
Smooths a selection of elements with optional anchor nodes.
- *element1dswitch
Switches the order of 1D element nodes.
- *element2Dalign
Aligns the order of nodes in 2D elements based on the nodes of attached 1D elements.
- *element2Dshiftnodes
Reorders the nodes in a 2D element.
- *element3Dalign
Aligns the order of nodes in 3D elements based on the nodes of attached 2D/3D elements.
- *element3Dshiftnodes
Reorders the nodes in a 3D element.
- *elementchecksettings
Specifies the methods for calculating element quality checks which are generally those used by an FE solver.
- *elementconfigcolor
Sets the color for element config.
- *elementmarksplit
Splits a group of elements based on a graphical split line.
- *elementqualitycollapseedge
Collapses an edge between two elements.
- *elementqualitycollapseelems
Collapses/combines two adjacent trias into a quad.
- *elementqualitydragtriaelem
Moves a tria element towards a specified point within the interactive cleanup tool.
- *elementqualitymodifyhole
Modifies holes in a mesh using radial, angular and circumferential adjustment methods.
- *elementquality_move_node
Moves a node from its current position to a new position to improve element quality.
- *elementqualityoptimizeelement_2
Optimizes 2D element node locations to improve the element and adjacent elements’ quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
- *elementqualityoptimizeelementnew
Optimizes 2D element node locations to improve the element and adjacent elements' quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
- *elementqualityoptimizenodenew
Optimizes a node location to improve the attached elements' quality index according to pre-set quality criteria.
- *elementqualityplacenodenew
Moves the specified node to a target point.
- *elementqualityredoaction
Within the interactive element cleanup tool, repeats the effects of the last specified command that was reversed by a call to *elementqualityundoaction().
- *elementqualitysetup
Prepares a mark of elements for use within the interactive element cleanup tool.
- *elementqualitysetup_new
Prepares a mark of elements for use within the interactive element cleanup tool.
- *elementqualityshutdown
Closes down a session of the interactive element cleanup tool.
- *elementqualitysmoothnodesnew
Smooths/optimizes nodes of selected elements.
- *elementqualitysplitedge
Splits an edge between two elements.
- *elementqualitysplitelem
Splits a quad element into two trias.
- *elementqualityswapedgenew
Switches the connectivity of the two elements that share the specified edge to the next legal configuration.
- *elementqualityundoaction
Reverses the effects of the last specified command within the interactive element cleanup tool.
- *elementsaddelemsfixed
Marks the specified 1D plot elements as feature edges before using the command for remeshing by elements.
- *elementsaddnodesfixed
Marks the specified nodes of the old elements as fixed nodes (nodes that must be retained in the mesh to be created) before using the commands for remeshing/meshing by elements.
- *elementsettypes
Sets the element types to the current global value.
- *elementtestaltitudeaspect
Tests tetra elements for whether or not they pass the tetra AR element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified output mark.
- *elementtestaspect
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the aspect element quality check.
- *elementtestcellsquish
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the cell squish element quality check.
- *elementtestchordaldeviation
Fits an inferred surface through the selected plate or shell elements and measures their chordal deviation from the inferred surface or from the geometric surface to which they belong, and puts those that exceed the given threshold on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestconnectivity
Tests elements for whether or not they are connected in any one of a number of common but invalid ways and puts those that are on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestdependancy
Tests 1D weld and rigid elements for double dependencies and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestduplicates
Tests elements for whether or not any two share the same nodes in the same order and puts all except one of any set of duplicates on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestequiaskew
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the equiangle skew element quality check.
- *elementtestfree1d
Tests 1D elements for free nodes.
- *elementtestinterangle
Tests 2 and 3 dimensional elements for whether or not they pass the interior angle element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestjacobian
Tests 2D and 3D elements for whether or not they pass the Jacobian ratio element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestlength
Tests elements for whether or not they pass the edge length element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestorthogonality
Tests 3D elements for whether or not they pass the orthogonality element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestrigidloops
Tests 1D rigid elements for possible rigid loops, and puts those with rigid loops on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestsizeratio
Tests 3D elements for whether or not they pass the neighbor size ratio element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtestskew
Tests 2D and 3D elements for whether or not they pass the skew element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtesttetracollapse
Tests tetra elements for whether or not they pass the tetra collapse element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtesttimestep
Tests beam, spring, shell, solid and thick shell elements using the time step element quality check.
- *elementtestvolumeareaskew
Tests 2D and 3D elements using the volumetric and areal element quality check.
- *elementtestvolumetricskew
Tests tetra elements using the volumetric skew element quality check.
- *elementtestwarpage
Tests 2D and 3D elements for whether or not they pass the warpage element quality check, and puts those that fail on the specified outputmark.
- *elementtype
Sets the global element type variable.
- *elemoffset
Offsets shell elements normally to create solid elements.
- *elemoffset_thinsolid
Creates layered solid or shell elements in one or more thin solids.
- *elempatchdecraction
Decreases the QI patch checker patch size by one element layer.
- *elempatchincraction
Increases the QI patch checker patch size by one element layer.
- *elempatchnextaction
Moves to the next failed element patch in the QI patch checker patch.
- *elempatchprevaction
Moves to the previous failed element patch in the QI patch checker patch.
- *elempatchstartaction
Starts the QI patch checker.
- *elempatchstopaction
Stops the QI patch checker.
- *elemswarpagefix
Attempts to fix quad elements violating warpage criteria threshold.
- *ellipsoid
Creates a solid in the shape of an ellipsoid.
- *enabledirtinessdetectionforentitytype
Enables/disables automatic dirtiness detection for an entity type.
- *encryptentity
Encrypts an entity.
- *end_batch_import
Finalizes a sequence of multi-file batch import/merge operations.
- *endnotehistorystate
Defines the end of a history state.
- *entity_rotate
The input elements, surfaces or solids are rotated about an axis by 360 degrees and the volume that is swept by this rotation is found, with an optional offset value.
- *entitybundleaddid
Adds a single entity to a data item of a bundle.
- *entitybundleaddmark
Adds the entities on a mark to a data item of an entity bundle.
- *entitybundleclear
Removes all entities either from a single data item of an or from all the data items of an entitybundle.
- *entitybundleregister
Defines a name and signature for a new entity bundle.
- *entitybundleremoveid
Removes a single entity from a data item of a bundle.
- *entitybundleremovemark
Removes the entities on a mark from a data item of an entity bundle.
- *EntityDeleteEmpty
Delete the entities put in the outputmark by *EntityPreviewEmpty().
- *EntityDeleteUnused
Deletes the entities in the outputmark by *EntityPreviewUnused().
- *entitydisplaywithattached
Isolates an entity and its attached entities.
- *EntityMoveUsingArray
Organize a different group of elements to their respective collectors.
- *EntityPreviewEmpty
Searches the entities specified and stores any empty entities in the outputmark.
- *EntityPreviewUnused
Searches the specified entities for any unused entities, and stores them in the outputmark.
- *entitysetdirty
Updates dirtiness status of an entity.
- *equationcreate
Creates an equation between a dependent node and multiple independent nodes.
- *equationcreatebylist
Creates an equation between a dependent node and multiple independent nodes using a list.
- *equationupdatemeshconnectivity
Updates MPC equation connectivity.
- *equivalence
Equivalences or finds duplicate nodes of selected components, elements or nodes within a tolerance.
- *equivalence2
Equivalences duplicate nodes on the "exposed" faces of 2D/3D elements in selected components to all other nodes in the model within a tolerance.
- *evaltclscript
Run a Tcl/Tk based script file.
- *evaltclstring
Evaluate a Tcl/Tk based expression.
- *exclusiveidrange
Sets an exclusive ID range.
- *ExportAssemblyAndGlobalEntities
Exports part assembly and child data.
- *exportbif
Exports the current database to Medina .bif format.
- *exportbom
Exports a UDMXML BOM file for a given part.
- *exportshapes
Exports shape design variables and shapes in several formats.
- *exportuserdefinedshapes
Exports shape design variables, shapes and nodal information in user-defined format for HyperStudy or Templex analysis codes.
- *extend_elements
Extends, connects and optionally remeshes source 2D elements to target 2D elements.
- *external_skin_extraction
Detects leaks and extracts exposed exterior or interior faces and surfaces.
- *extract_skeleton
Extracts the skeleton of a 3D model as a group of 1D elements.
- *facedeleteduplicates
Deletes duplicate faces.
- *facepreviewduplicates
Finds duplicate faces.
- *facesdelete
Deletes the component ^faces.
- *facesmarktosurface
Assigns a group of faces to a different surface.
- *fastenercreation
Creates fastener connectors, elements, properties, and materials using the Huth formula.
- *fatiguewrite
Creates a fatigue analysis input file in the format specified.
- *fbdtraceplot
Creates an FBD trace plot.
- *FE_geometry_clonefromCAD
Creates FE geometry identical to the selected CAD geometry.
- *FE_geometry_converttoelements
Creates FE geometry edges and vertices to 1D and 0D elements respectively.
- *FE_geometry_createfromelements
Creates FE geometry from selected elements.
- *FE_geometry_updatefromelements
Recalculates FE geometry topology.
- *feature_replace
Geometrically replaces a selection of surfaces with a second selection of surfaces, reconnecting the new surfaces to the rest of the original surfaces according to the original connections.
- *features
Generates plot elements between two-dimensional elements whose normals exceed the user-specified angle.
- *features_add
Creates elements or lines between a list of nodes.
- *features_advanced
Generates plot elements between two-dimensional elements whose normals exceed the user-specified angle.
- *features_move_all_opened
Moves all open ^feature elements into a component called ^open features.
- *features_remove_selected
Deletes specified elements from ^feature and ^open features.
- *feinputinteractive
Inputs an ASCII analysis input deck, and for certain import translators, invokes a Part Browser to allow selecting various options while importing the chosen model.
- *feinputmerge
Inputs data from FE files, additionally applying redundant entity management.
- *feinputoffsetid
Sets the value to offset the IDs of the entity type during feinput.
- *feinputomitincludefiles
Informs HyperMesh that the next call to *feinputwithdata2 should have the input translator skip over reading include files entirely, and only import the base file.
- *feinputpreserveincludefiles
Informs HyperMesh that the next call to *feinputwithdata2 should have the input translator recognize and preserve include file information, so that the model might be written out with the entities segregated into their respective files.
- *feinputwithdata2
Reads data from sources such as CAD files, connector files/MCF/MWF, and FE files, with additional input parameters.
- *feoutput_select
Creates an ASCII export file of selected entities based on an output template.
- *feoutput_singleinclude
Creates an ASCII export file based on an output template, for a single include file.
- *feoutputincludes
Exports selected includes which were modified since the last export.
- *feoutputmergeincludefiles
Informs HyperMesh how to handle include files for the next call to *feoutputwithdata.
- *feoutputwithdata
Creates an ASCII export file based on an output template.
- *feoutputwithdata_PI
Creates an ASCII export file based on an output template for part and instance models.
- *fetosurfs
Generates surfaces from shell elements.
- *filewritecomponentgeometry
This command allows you to export HyperMesh files on a per-component basis, so that you can export HyperMesh geometry that is part of a larger assembly without exporting the entire assembly.
- *filewriteentities
Saves a BINARY file with only the contents of selected modules/parts.
- *fill_circular_holes
Fill flat circular holes on 2D elements.
- *fill_fe_gaps_elems
Fills gaps in FE from elements selected on both sides of the gap.
- *fill_fe_gaps_lines
Fills gaps in FE from lines selected on both sides of the gap.
- *fill_fe_gaps_nodeid
Fills gaps in FE from a node selected on both sides of the gap.
- *fill_fe_gaps_nodelist
Fills gaps in FE from node lists selected on both sides of the gap.
- *fill_fe_holes
Fills FE holes by automatic or manual detection.
- *fill_fe_holes_lines
Fills FE holes from a line selection defining the holes.
- *fill_fe_holes_nodelist
Fills FE holes from a node list defining the hole.
- *fillet_surface_edges
Create a fillet surface of a constant radius between two surfaces at the selected edges.
- *fillplot
Generates a fill plot.
- *filtertable
Filter unique cells of key strings of selected column(s) and generate a new table considering the indices of key strings in key columns.
- *find_holes_in_3d_body
- *findandremovethreads
Finds cylindrical threads in 3D geometry and replaces them with smooth surfaces.
- *findattachedelementfaces
Returns information to a table about solid elements attached to quad/tria element.
- *findbetween
Finds entities that are between/connect other entities.
- *findedges
Finds element free or T-connected edges.
- *findedges1
Finds element free or T-connected edges.
- *findfaces
Finds the free faces in a group of elements.
- *findloops
Finds the closed loops in a group of elements.
- *findmark
Finds and displays entities or finds and displays adjacent entities.
- *fix_2d_mesh
Performs local mesh operations to resolve intersections and slivers on a surface mesh.
- *fix_surfaces_orientation
Flips surface normals from a selected surface (or set of surfaces) and any surfaces attached to the selection to all point in the same direction.
- *fixnarrowsurfaces
Fixes narrow surfaces and surfaces having local narrow regions like tails and necks.
- *flanges_detect
Finds and selects flanges from specified geometry.
- *flattenpartmodel
Converts entities that refer to parts to refer to root.
- *fmvss201u_autoposition
Positions the headform to the impact points on the upper interior of a vehicle and exports the positions.
- *freebodysectiondisplacement
Creates an FBD displacement plot and fields or loads from the results for a freebodysection entity.
- *freebodysectiondisplacementtable
Creates an FBD displacement summary table from freebodysection entity.
- *freebodysectionforce
Creates an FBD force plot and fields or loads from the results for a freebodysection entity.
- *freesimulation
Ends the post-processing display, and frees memory used by a contour or assigned plot, a deformed plot, a vector plot, or an animation.
- *freeshapedesvarcreatewithmethod
Creates a free shape design variable.
- *freeshapedesvarupdatewithmethod
Updates a free shape design variable.
- *fuse_shell_mesh
Attempts to mesh two disconnected element/component sets within a certain proximity with each other.
- *gap_sealing
Creates patches to close the gap between components.
- *gapelement
Creates a gap element.
- *gapelementupdate
Updates the property pointer of gap elements.
- *geom_repair
Performs various repair operations on selected surfaces.
- *geom_simplify
Simplifies the general shape of the input selection by fitting a box, a cylinder, or a convex-hull.
- *geomexport
Exports geometry to various CAD formats.
- *geomimport
Imports geometry from various CAD formats.
- *geommatchtopology
Fixes gaps between stitched edges and vertices to make the actual geometry of the surfaces consistent with the model topology.
- *geomupdate
Update CAD files with modified data.
- *geomvectorcreate
From input nodes and geometries, create vectors tangent to lines or normal to surfaces.
- *geomvectorupdate
Updates vector entities using input geometries to set vector directions tangent to lines or normal to surfaces.
- *GetLatitudeLineHandles
Finds the latitude lines handles of the selected latitude lines and shows these handles in HyperMesh.
- *getnodesinsidedomaintomark
Places the displayed nodes inside an element to the specified mark.
- *getqualitysummary
Computes the quality index for the specified selection of shell elements and writes the quality summary to the specified text file.
- *getunmeshedsurfstomark
Places displayed, unmeshed surfaces on the specified mark using basic logic.
- *getunmeshedsurfstomark2
Places displayed, unmeshed surfaces on the specified mark using advanced logic.
- *graphimport_file
Imports a mesh stored in HDF5 into the graphics.
- *graphicfont
Sets the size of the graphics font.
- *graphicsfilecolor
Sets the graphics file image color mode.
- *graphuserwindow_byXYZandR
Re-centers the graphics display to center on a specified point, and resizes (zooms) the display based on a specified view radius.
- *graphuserwindow_to_XYZ
Re-centers the display on a specified point, using a specified number of animation steps to do so.
- *group_matches
Groups parts into partsets based on matching shapes.
- *groupchangetype
Changes the config and type of an existing group.
- *groupcreatesameas
Creates a new group using an existing group’s dictionary/attribute data and type information.
- *groupdeleteunused
Deletes unused groups.
- *grouppreviewunused
Identifies the unused elements within a group.
- *groupsetconfigtype
Sets the configuration and type for a group entity.
- *hex_refinement
Refines selected hexa elements while maintaining connectivity.
- *hf_Addendum_PrepareLatitudeLine
Finds the latitude lines to drag and organize them into the component ^latitude_lines_drag.
- *hf_Addendum_UpdateSlide
Update the handle position.
- *hf_AddSectionHandle
Add a handle on a section. The section is automatically identified.
- *hf_ClearFromWorkingSection
Clears the model from the working section and handles, used to edit the binder.
- *hf_ClearLLHandles
Delete all the handles from the model.
- *hf_Create_DieCadSys
Creates a system from the CAD system stored in the database.
- *hf_CreateBinderSectionAndHandles
Create a section on a binder surface and create five handles on it. The binder section can be identifying by a cutting plane, by two nodes or selecting an existing line. The binder is automatically identified.
- *hf_createdoubleattachedparams
Creates the base point for the symmetry plane, the n1/n2 node of the given line and the part of this line between n1/n2 needed for the double attached feature.
- *hf_CreatePol
Creates POL from the current trim line, with the specified offset.
- *hf_DeleteSectionHandle
Delete a handle of a section.
- *hf_DiePartPositioning
Repositions the model to avoid an undercut for the die module.
- *hf_EditPol
Opens the Section Editor and loads the POL profile into the 2D editor.
- *hf_FeatureFromSurfaces
Creates the feature line from surfaces.
- *hf_FillDoubleAttachedPart
Reflects the current die part, duplicating elements and surfaces, and fills the gap in between, creating the surface and the mesh in the die part component.
- *hf_LevelElementsOnOff
Controls the display/masking state of eroded elements.
- *hf_RejectDragDeleteHandle
Rejects the edit binder drag operation.
- *hf_ResetDFRibs
Reset the ribs attribute.
- *hf_RotateBinderSurf
Rotate the binder around an axis in space. The binder is automatically identified.
- *hf_ScaleBinderSurf
Scale the binder dimension. The binder is automatically identified.
- *hf_setdieline
Sets the selected lines as TL or POL.
- *hf_setdiestampingdirection
Sets the stamping direction for the die module.
- *hf_setdiesymmetry
Sets the symmetry plane for the die module.
- *hf_setformingdirection
Sets the draw direction for 1-step solver.
- *hf_setpartcomponent
Sets the specified component like the die module main part.
- *hf_setpartflangecomponent
Moves the specified entities to the specified component and sets them as flange or part.
- *hf_setTLPOL
Moves the specified line to the specified component and sets it as TL or POL.
- *hf_SlideHandleptrOnSectionPlane
Updates the handle position. The binder and the section are automatically identified.
- *hf_TranslateBinderSurf
Translate the binder along an axis in space. The binder is automatically identified.
- *hf_trim_multi
Trims the selected elements with the selected lines, optionally maintaining selected nodes.
- *hf_TrimBinderOrAddendumWithAddDbeadDbar
Trims the current die module binder or addendum with the current addendum drawbar/bead FL.
- *hf_TrimElementsOnOff
Controls the display/masking state of trim elements.
- *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
Trims surfaces with lines and deletes the part of the surfaces enclosed by the lines.
- *hiddenlinemethod
Selects the algorithm used to perform hidden line removal.
- *hideall
Turns off the display of all entities.
- *hideentity
Turns off the display of an entity.
- *hideentitybymark
Turns off the display of a mark of entities.
- *hideview
Hides the entities with respect to a view saved using *saveviewmask.
- *hm_auto_elem_cleanup_new
Attempts to automatically improve the quality of failed elements using node movements and/or local remeshing, along with optional tria reduction.
- *hm_batchmesh2
Performs interactive BatchMeshing.
- *hm_failed_elements_cleanup
Cleans up the mesh by eliminating reversed and small sized elements. May create new elements instead of reversed.
- *hm_meshutils_cutelements_2points
Cut elements with a box defined by 2 diagonal points.
- *hm_meshutils_cutelements_8points
Cut elements with a general box defined by 8 points.
- *hm_meshutils_cutelements_predefined
Cuts elements with a predefined box.
- *hm_meshutils_cutjoints
Cuts elements of a joint section orthogonal to the cross-sections for joint stiffness studies.
- *hm_trim_elements_with_box
Trims shell elements using solids.
- *hm_trim_elements_with_predefined_box
Trims shell elements using a predefined box.
- *hm_trim_elements_with_two_point_box
Trims shell elements using a box defined by two diagonal points.
- *hmmeshdrag
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *drag...toformsurface commands.
- *hmmeshlinedrag
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *linedrag...toformsurface commands.
- *hmmeshskin
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm that approximates a skin surface. Can only be used together with *surfacemode 3 and *surfaceskin.
- *hmmeshspin
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *spin...toformsurface commands.
- *hmmeshspline
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a flexible surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used together with *surfacemode 3 and *splinesurface.
- *hmmeshsurfacecone
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *surfacecone... commands.
- *hmmeshsurfaceplane
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and *surfaceplane.
- *hmmeshsurfacesphere
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *surfacesphere... commands.
- *hmmeshsurfacetorus
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a surfaceless algorithm. Can only be used with *surfacemode 3 and one of the *surfacetorus... commands.
- *hmplygeomsmoothing
Create smoothed geometry contour lines and surfaces for ply entities, with various options.
- *hmplysmoothing
Smooth ply entities to get better shapes.
- *hmshrinkwrap
Used to shrink wrap mesh selected elements.
- *hwCfdCreateMeshControlsFromSolverOptions
Creates mesh control entities from the equivalent solver options entities in the CFD profile.
- *hwCfdSceneReverseAll
Reverses the display of all the entities of a given entity type.
- *hwCfdSceneShowAll
Turns on the display of all the entities.
- *hwCfdSceneShowHideIsolateEntity
Manages the display of a mark of entities.
- *hwct_addrepsfromlibrary
Adds representations from a connected library.
- *hwct_addselectedrepsfromlibrary
Adds specific representations from a connected library.
- *hwct_closelibrary
Closes a currently open library.
- *hwct_deleterepsfromlibrary
Deletes representations from a connected library.
- *hwct_openlibrary
Opens a library
- *hwct_savetolibrary
Saves representations to a connected library.
- *hwct_synclibrary
Synchronizes library information from a connected library.
- *icelementcreate
Creates an IC element.
- *idmgrshowhide
Show/hide submodel or exclusive entities.
- *importbom
Imports a UDMXML BOM file into a given part.
- *importdummyfrompositioningfile
Creates a dummy by reading the positioner file in the PAM-CRASH 2G solver interface.
- *imprint_elements
Imprints, connects and optionally remeshes source 1D/2D elements onto target 2D elements.
- *imprint_geom
Imprints, connects source points, nodes, lines and surfaces onto target FE surfaces.
- *imprint_mesh
Imprints mesh or geometry onto target mesh or FE geometry surface/lines creating new edges/fixed points or a mesh patch respectively.
- *imprint_nodelist
Imprints, connects and optionally remeshes source segments defined by a node list onto target 2D elements.
- *imprint_pointchain
Imprints chains of points to the mesh.
- *include
Includes a file.
- *includeentitiesfortransformation
Includes connected entities while transforming source entities.
- *includesuppressactive
Sets the active/inactive state of all supported entities contained within the specified include file.
- *includesuppressoutput
Sets the export/do not export state of all supported entities contained within the specified include file.
- *inputsimulation
Sets the current simulation and data type for contour and assigned plots, vector plots, and animations.
- *interactivemeshelems
Brings all marked elements into the automeshing module and prepares them for processing, enabling the use of all restricted module commands.
- *interactivemeshsurf
Brings a surface into the automeshing module and prepares it for processing, enabling the use of all the restricted module commands.
- *interactiveremeshelems
Brings all the marked elements into the automeshing module and prepares it for processing, enabling the use of all the restricted module commands. All elements previously attached to this mark are deleted.
- *interactiveremeshsurf
Brings a surface into the automeshing module and prepares it for processing, enabling the use of all the restricted module commands. All elements previously attached to the surface are deleted.
- *interfaceadd
Creates interface elements.
- *interfaceaddsolidface
Creates interface elements on shell elements and faces of solid elements.
- *intersectmark
Creates nodes/lines by intersecting 1D/2D elements with a plane.
- *intersectmark2
Creates nodes/lines by intersecting 1D/2D elements with a plane.
- *isolateentitybymark
Turns on the display of a mark of entities and turns off the display of all others of the same type.
- *isolateonlyentity
Turns on the display of an entity and turns off the display of all others across types.
- *isolateonlyentitybymark
Turns on the display of a mark of entities and turns off the display of all others across types.
- *isolatesegments
Isolates segments.
- *jointelement_fournoded
Creates a four-noded joint element.
- *jointelement_sixnoded
Creates a six-noded joint element.
- *jointelement_twonoded
Creates a spherical or two-noded joint element.
- *jpegfile
Captures the graphics area to a JPEG image in the current working directory.
- *jpegfilenamed
Captures the graphics area to a JPEG image with the specified name.
- *laminaterealizewithoptions
Realizing laminate to create solver entities for updating layer information.
- *lastsimulation
Sets the last simulation and data type for transient animations.
- *lightswitch
Turns the lights on or off.
- *linear1delements
Creates 1D elements between two sets of plate elements.
- *line_mesh_decimator
Decimate 1D elements to user given element size.
- *line_trim_ends
Trims free lines at the specified locations.
- *linear1delements_byprojections
Creates 1D elements.
- *linearmesh
Within the automeshing module, generates quad or tria elements using a flexible surfaceless algorithm that approximates a ruled surface. Can only be used together with *surfacemode(3) and one of the *linearsurface...() commands.
- *linearsolids
Creates solid elements between two groups of plate elements.
- *linearsolidsbynodelist
Creates solid elements between two groups of plane elements, with the layers identified by nodes in a node list.
- *linearsurfacebetweenlines
Creates a ruled surface between two trimmed line lists, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a ruled surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *linearsurfacebetweennodes
Creates a ruled surface between two node lists.
- *linearsurfacebetweennodesandline
Creates a ruled surface between a node list and a trimmed line list, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a ruled surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *linecombine
Combines two free lines into one.
- *linecombinemark
Combines multiple free lines into one or more continuous segments.
- *linecombinemarkall
Combine a selection of lines into a single line.
- *linecreateatplanesintersection
Create a line at the intersection of two planes.
- *linecreateatsurfacefeatures
Splits selected surfaces at locations of internal features.
- *linecreateatsurfparams
Create lines at parametric locations on a surface.
- *linecreateconic
Create a conic section curve segment.
- *linecreatedragnodealongvector
Create lines by dragging nodes or points along a direction.
- *linecreatefromcoords
Create a line passing through a list of 3D points.
- *linecreatefromnodes
Create a line which passed through a list of nodes.
- *linecreatefromnodesandprojecttobinder
Create a specific type of line from a list of nodes and project it along a direction onto a surface.
- *linecreatefromnodesonsurface
Create a line on a surface from nodes or points on the surface.
- *linecreatenormal2d
Create a line in a plane normal to geometry.
- *linecreatenormalfromgeom
Create straight segment lines from a node or point normal to the respective geometry.
- *linecreatenormaltogeom
Create a straight segment from a point normal to a geometry.
- *linecreatenurbs
Create a NURBS line using input parameters.
- *linecreateoffsetalongcurvature
Creates a line by offsetting the input lines along their curvature direction.
- *linecreatespline
Create a cubic spline curve by interpolating input points.
- *linecreatestraight
Create a straight segment curve from coordinates.
- *linedragelements
Creates a mesh by dragging elements along a line.
- *linedraglinetoformsurface
Drags a trimmed line along a trimmed line to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a line-dragged surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *linedragnodestoformsurface
Drags a list of nodes along a trimmed line to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a line-dragged surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *lineeditlength
Modifies the length of a free line.
- *lineextenddistance
Extends the specified line.
- *lineextendtoline
Extends line1 to line2.
- *lineextendtonode
Extends the specified line to a node.
- *lineextendtopoint
Extends the specified line to a point.
- *lineextendtosurf
Extends the specified line to a surface.
- *linefromsurfedgecomp
Creates lines by copying one or more surface edges.
- *lineimprintpoints
Imprints locations/points, given by coordinates, onto free lines or edges within a given max distance.
- *linelistbypath
Creates a line path from the starting line to the ending line.
- *linemarkbypath
Creates a line path from the starting line to the ending line.
- *linemarkremovepinholes
Removes 2D holes in the geometry, that has single boundary line, by filling it with surface. Optionally, one can create a vertex point at the center of the hole.
- *linemesh_preparedata1
Prepares the selected entities for 1D meshing.
- *linemesh_preparenodeslist1
Prepares the selected node list for 1D meshing.
- *linemesh_savedata_bar1
Creates 1D elements, with options for bar2 elements, and cleans up memory.
- *linemesh_savedata1
Creates 1D elements and cleans up memory.
- *linemesh_saveparameters
Assigns meshing parameters to line or node list segments for 1D meshing.
- *lineplot
Generates a line plot.
- *linereverse
Reverse line direction.
- *lines_approximate
Simplifies curved free lines.
- *linescombine
Combines two free surface edges to create one unsuppressed common edge.
- *linescreatemidline
Creates a line that approximates the middle path between two roughly parallel, roughly planar, lines.
- *linesplitatjoint
Splits a line at a joint.
- *linesplitatline
Splits a group of lines at a line.
- *linesplitatmultiplelines
Splits a group of selected free lines by a group of selected cut lines or edges.
- *linesplitatplane
Splits a group of lines at a plane.
- *linesplitatpoint
Splits a line at an arbitrary point.
- *linessmoothtoangle
Smooths a line based on a give angle.
- *linessmoothtotol
Smooths a line based on a give tolerance.
- *linestoelementsaddelemsfixed
Marks the specified lines as feature edges before using the command for remeshing elements.
- *loadcreate
Creates a load (force, moment, pressure or constraint) at a node or element.
- *loadcreateonentity
Creates a load (forces, temperature, moment, velocity, acceleration, or constraints) on nodes, fixed points (surface vertices or weld points), surface edges, and surfaces.
- *loadcreateonentity_curve
Creates load with magnitudes defined by a curve.
- *loadcreatewithsystem
Creates a load (force, moment, pressure, or constraint) at a node or element defined in a local coordinate system.
- *loadcreatewithsystemonentity
Creates a load (forces, temperature, moment, velocity, acceleration, or constraints) on nodes, fixed points (surface vertices or weld points), surface edges, and surfaces, defined in a local coordinate system.
- *loadcreatewithsystemonentity_curve
Creates loads, defined in a local coordinate system, with magnitudes defined by a curve.
- *loadcreatewithsystemonentitywithvars
Create loads on nodes using Tcl variables for the load components, using a local system.
- *loaddefaultattributevaluesfromxml
Loads the entity's default setting values in the specified XML file.
- *loadsettypes
Sets the global load type variable.
- *loadsupdate
Updates the magnitude, direction, and coordinate system of selected loads.
- *loadsupdatecurve
Updates the magnitude, direction, coordinate system, and other information of selected loads.
- *loadsupdatefixedvalue
Updates the fixed constraint value on SPC and SPCD constraint loads for OptiStruct.
- *loadtype
Sets the load types to the current global value.
- *lockallentities
Lock all entities with the same entity type and ID pool across includes.
- *lockentities
Adds entity locks.
- *lockview
Saves the current view orientation and visible entities with the name "Lock".
- *makepreservednodes
Makes the selected nodes preserved.
- *makesecondarymodeleditable
Sets the editable state of secondary models.
- *maketempfrompreservednodes
Converts nodes from preserved nodes to temp nodes.
- *manualsplit_applypatterns
Splits shell elements with specific patterns, and automatically splits attached 1Ds.
- *map_symmetric_mesh
Maps a mesh between symmetric source/target surfaces.
- *mapgroupelementsfromshellstosolids
Maps base elements of group main/secondary elements from shells to associated solids.
- *maploadtomesh
Creates loads on an FE mesh that correspond to a load on the underlying geometry.
- *mark_preserved_edges
Use this command to highlight edge lines that have been flagged for preservation by means of *set_preserved_edges() .
- *markcombineelements
Combines selected shell elements into one quad or tria element.
- *markdifference
Determines the difference between two marks and stores the results in the first mark.
- *markercreate
Creates an MBD marker.
- *markersupdate
Updates multiple MBD markers.
- *markintersection
Determines the intersection between two marks and stores the results in the first mark.
- *markintersectplane
Selects a chain of elements and nodes cut by a given section plane.
- *markmovetoinclude
Organizes entities into an include file.
- *markmovetoincludewithcontents
Organizes entities into an include file, optionally also moving child entities.
- *markmovetomodule
Organizes entities into a module.
- *markmovetoskeleton
Moves memberjoints, members and memberpanels to skeleton entity.
- *markmovetosubmodel
Organizes entities into a solver submodel.
- *marknodenudge
Moves nodes along a surface. The nodes must first be associated to a surface.
- *marknotintersection
Determines the intersection between two marks and stores everything but the intersection in the first mark.
- *markprojectnormallytoline
Projects entities to the line, using the normal to the line as the direction vector.
- *markprojectnormallytosurface
Project nodes, elems, points, or lines onto the surface along the surface normal.
- *markprojecttoline
Projects entities to the line.
- *markprojecttomanysurfaces
Projects entities to multiple surfaces.
- *markprojecttosurface
Project entities to a surface.
- *marksmoothelements
Applies a smoothing algorithm to a mark of elements for a given number of iterations. Optionally, one or more nodes may be specified as being anchored in place and not movable.
- *marksmoothsolids
Applies a simple smoothing algorithm to reposition the interior floating nodes in a mesh of solid elements, attempting to moderate variations in element size and quality.
- *marktousermark
Store the entity IDs of the passed entity type on the user mark.
- *maskall
Masks all supported entities.
- *maskall2
Masks all supported entities.
- *maskentitiesincollector
Masks the specified entities contained within the specified collectors.
- *maskentitymark
Masks the entities on the specified mark.
- *masknotshown
Masks all supported entities not in the current view window.
- *masknotshown2
Masks all supported entities not in the current view window.
- *maskreverse
Reverses the masking state of a specific entity type.
- *maskreverseall
Reverses the masking state of supported entities.
- *maskreverseall2
Reverses the masking state of supported entities.
- *masksegments
Masks segments.
- *masselement
Creates a mass element.
- *masselementwithvar
Creates a mass element with a Tcl variable.
- *ME_CoreBehaviorAdjust
Adjusts part and part assembly related behaviors based on certain aspects and policies.
- *ME_ModuleExport
Exports the contents of a module to an ASCII export file based on an output template.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceBackPropagate
Pushes all modifications made to a previous split occurrence back to its original prototype and all occurrences based on it.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceClone
Create a module as a copy of another. Module contents are copied unless specified otherwise.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceConvert
Converts a module from part to part assembly and vice-versa.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceCreate
Creates a module part or part assembly.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceDelete
Deletes a module part or part assembly, including any recursive contents.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceInstancesDetach
Breaks a list of module occurrences from their current prototype and re-assigns them to new prototypes.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceInstancesSyncContents
Synchronizes the contents of one module occurrence to the specified target occurrences that share a common module prototype.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceMoveContents
Move the contents from one module part to another.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencePurge
Empty the contents of a module part or part assembly.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceReparent
Move a module part or part assembly underneath another part assembly in the model hierarchy.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceRepresentationLoad
Loads a representation of a part or part assembly using options.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceRepresentationReset2
Resets a part or a part assembly representation.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrenceRepresentationSet2
Sets a representation of a part or a part assembly.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencesCreateByAssemblyMark
Creates parts and part assemblies for given legacy assemblies.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencesCreateByComponentMark
Moves a list of components underneath newly created parts for each component in the model hierarchy.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencesDeleteByMark
Deletes a mark of modules.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencesLink
Links a set of module occurrences to a main module occurrence.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencesPurge
Empty the contents of multiple module parts or part assemblies.
- *ME_ModuleOccurrencesReparent
Move a list of module parts or part assemblies underneath another part assembly in the model hierarchy.
- *ME_ModulePopulate
Moves entities from one module to another.
- *ME_ModulePosition
Positions a module using its hierarchical transformation matrices.
- *ME_ModuleRepresentationAdd2
Adds a representation to a part or a part assembly.
- *ME_ModuleRepresentationAddFile2
Adds a representation file to a part or a part assembly.
- *ME_ModuleRepresentationChangeKey
Changes the representation key.
- *ME_ModuleRepresentationDetailAction
Configures representation metadata.
- *ME_ModuleRepresentationRemove2
Removes a representation from a part or a part assembly.
- *ME_ModuleRepresentationRemoveFile2
Removes a representation file from a part or a part assembly.
- *ME_ModulesHierarchyLibrarySync
Finds library related information for a part from a connected part library and updates Part Browser.
- *ME_TransformationMatrixSet
Sets the transformation matrix for a module.
- *mechadjustballjoint
Actuates a ball joint to reach a new value.
- *mechadjustjoint
Actuates a joint to reach a new value.
- *mechapplybodymovements
Moves the bodies of a mechanism to the specified matrix orientation.
- *mechapplybodytotargetpoints
Moves source points on the bodies of a mechanism to target points.
- *mechapplyediposition
Applies a position to a mechanism.
- *mechcontructfromedi
Creates objects needed for solving enabled mechanisms.
- *mechexportdaf
Exports the dummy angle file for the current dummy.
- *mechimportdaf
Imports the dummy angle file for the current dummy.
- *mechjointlimits
Sets the type of limits to use on joints for the current dummy.
- *mechplacebodytopoint
Moves a body of a mechanism from a source point to a target point.
- *mechplanetranslatebody
Moves a body of a mechanism from a source point to a target point using rotation angles.
- *mechrotatebody
Rotates a body of a mechanism about a normal, passing through the origin of the plane by given angle.
- *memberpanelmesh
Meshes memberpanels to create 2D elements.
- *menufilterdisable
Disables filtering.
- *menufilterenable
Enables filtering.
- *menufilterset
Sets the filter to the filter string.
- *menufont
Sets the size of the menu font.
- *mergefile
Merges a HyperMesh binary file into the current model.
- *mergefile2
Merges a HyperMesh binary file into the current model, additionally applying Redundant Entity Management (REM).
- *meshdragelements2
Creates solid elements by dragging 2D elements along a vector.
- *mesh_fusing
Connect/merge the proximity regions of 2D elements within a given tolerance.
- *meshline_create_from_plot_elements
Creates meshlines from selected plot elements.
- *meshline_create_from_points
Creates meshlines from a node list.
- *meshline_delete
Deletes meshlines.
- *meshline_display_scaffold
Displays the meshline scaffolds for creating surfaces.
- *meshline_end
Cleans up meshline internal structures and memory.
- *meshline_initialize
Initializes meshline internal structures and memory.
- *meshline_mark_entity_inside_class
Marks entities as being inside a meshline class.
- *meshline_mask_class_element
Masks underlying meshline class elements.
- *meshline_reject
Synchronizes meshline internal structures.
- *meshline_set_approximate_tol_factor
Sets the tolerance factor for approximating meshlines with NURBs curves.
- *meshline_update_surface
Creates surfaces on closed meshline loops.
- *meshmode
Sets the mesh line display mode.
- *meshspinelements2
Creates solid elements by spinning 2D elements around a plane normal.
- *meshtopologyadjust
Adjusts the mesh on selected surfaces to its boundary by moving nodes to the boundary, splitting elements or suppressing geometry edges or vertices.
- *messagefilefilter
Sets a filter on the type of messages written when using the *messagefileset command.
- *messagefileset
Writes certain messages to a file.
- *metadatamarkbool
Creates bool metadata on the entities on the specified mark.
- *metadatamarkdate
Creates date metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkdouble
Creates double metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkdoublearray
Creates double array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkentityidtype
Creates entity ID type metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkentityidtypearray
Creates entity ID type array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkint
Creates integer metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkintarray
Creates integer array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkremove
Removes metadata from the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkstring
Creates string metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *metadatamarkstringarray
Creates string array metadata on the specified mark of entities.
- *midmesh_extract
Extracts the midmesh of an input geometry.
- *midmesh_inspect_delete_sets
Deletes sets created in the midmesh inspect module.
- *midmesh_inspect_end
Clears memory and ends the midmesh inspection module.
- *midmesh_inspect_fix_problems
Repairs found problems in the midmesh inspect module.
- *midmesh_inspect_init
Initializes the midmesh inspection module.
- *midmesh_repair
Provides various modes/operators to edit midmeshes.
- *midsurface_accept_edge_target_by_number
Assigns targets for the surface edge.
- *midsurface_accept_point_target
Assigns a target point to a vertex.
- *midsurface_clear_plate_info
Deletes the plate and thickness information from selected surfaces.
- *midsurface_collapse_lines
Sets the selection of lines to be collapsed during mid-surface extraction when performing a rerun operation.
- *midsurface_combine_all_targets
Combines the targets for all the vertices of the surface to offset
- *midsurface_display_plate_sides
Creates two components that contain copies of the model surfaces belonging to two sides of a given plate.
- *midsurface_display_plates
Creates components that show the plate information present in the model.
- *midsurface_edit_base_surfaces
Adds or removes surfaces to the base surfaces used in midsurfacing.
- *midsurface_extract_10
Extracts mid-surfaces from a selection of surfaces or solids.
- *midsurface_imprint
Imprints selected lines or edges of selected surfaces onto midsurfaces.
- *midsurface_merge_into_one_plate
Merges the given surfaces into a single plate of the specified type.
- *midsurface_new_plate
Creates a new plate of the specified type.
- *midsurface_offset_by_targets_11
Offsets a surface according to the targets that are attached to its vertices and edges.
- *midsurface_remove_display_plate_sides
Deletes the two components that contain copies of the model surfaces belonging to two sides of a given plate.
- *midsurface_remove_display_plates
Deletes components that show the plate information present in the model.
- *midsurface_remove_edge_target_by_number
Removes a target from a surface edge specified by a line number.
- *midsurface_remove_edit_bodies
Deletes components named midsurface to edit, targets, surface to offset, new target, targets being combined, surface thickness, and surface without thickness.
- *midsurface_remove_new_target
Deletes components named new target and targets being combined.
- *midsurface_remove_plate_base_conflicts
Removes conflicts between base surface information and planar or sweep plate information on all surfaces by changing the type of all relevant planar and sweep plates into offset plates.
- *midsurface_remove_target
Finds the surface vertex that is closest to a chosen point and, if it is close enough, removes targets from this vertex.
- *midsurface_set_not_a_plate_side
Assigns the given set of surfaces a non-plate type.
- *midsurface_show_for_edit
Displays all targets that are attached to the surface vertices and edges.
- *midsurface_switch_sides_within_plate
Switches the side of the plate to which the input surfaces belong.
- *midsurface_unsuppress_conflict_edges
Unsuppresses edges that separate surfaces with differing plate information.
- *midsurface_update_from_plate_edit
Removes relevant pre-existing midsurfaces and plate display components, extracts mid-surfaces corresponding to the existing plate edit information, and re-draws the plate display components.
- *midsurfaceextract
Extracts midsurfaces using a surface pair.
- *midsurfmesh
Creates a mesh on the mid-surface, with optional cleanup steps and mesh thickness assignment.
- *migrateloadcolcardstoanalysisparam
Updates solver cards defined as load collectors to analysisparameters entity and removes the CAALOAD load collector card.
- *migratetorigidwall
Converts RWALL from groups to rigidwalls with config 301, and RWALADD from loadcols to rigidwalls with config 302 for OptiStruct.
- *min_size_node_movement
Move feature nodes to solve minimum element size failures.
- *minmaxtitlemove
Moves a minimum or maximum title.
- *minmaxtitlesetcolor
Sets the color of a minimum or maximum title.
- *minmaxtitlesetfont
Sets the font of a minimum or maximum title.
- *mm_align
Edits or aligns the midmesh.
- *mode
Sets the operations performed when a full-size plot is generated in a command file.
- *modelcheck_applyautocorrection
Runs auto correction on the model, if checks are run.
- *modelcheck_applyautocorrectiononmark
Runs auto correction on specific entities for a given check, if checks are run.
- *modelcheck_applycorrection
Runs auto correction on a given check, if checks are run.
- *modelcheck_clearresults
Clears model checker results.
- *modelcheck_createchecks
Loads a model check config file and creates check and correction entities.
- *modelcheck_loadconfigfile
Loads the default model check config file associated with the current profile and creates check and correction entities.
- *modelcheck_organizechecks
Organize the model check check entities under a given parent folder.
- *modelcheck_runchecks
Runs model checker checks.
- *modelcleanup
Deletes the empty, unused, or undefined entities in the session based on the selected options.
- *modent_addcontentsbyids
Adds entities to a modular entity via IDs.
- *modent_addcontentsbymark
Adds entities to a modular entity via a mark.
- *modent_addrepresentations
Adds representation information to a modular entity.
- *modent_clonebymark
Creates instances of existing modular entities.
- *modent_deletebymark
Deletes a mark of modular entities.
- *modent_deleterepresentation
Deletes the representation information from a mark of modular entities.
- *modent_export
Exports a modular entity and its contents using the currently loaded solver template.
- *modent_realizerepresentation
Loads the contents of a modular entity representation.
- *modent_registerconstraintruleoptions
Registers a list of options that control the behavior of add/move/remove operations for a modular entity.
- *modent_removecontentsbyids
Removes entities from a modular entity via IDs.
- *modent_removecontentsbymark
Removes entities from a modular entity via a mark.
- *modent_reparentbymark
Reparents a single or multiple modular entities under a different parent.
- *modent_saverepresentation
Saves the contents of a modular entity representation.
- *modent_saverepresentation2
Saves the contents of a modular entity representation.
- *modent_unrealizerepresentation
Unloads the contents of a modular entity representation.
- *modifyicelement
Modifies a dependent node of an IC element.
- *ModifySectionHandle
Modify the section shape updating the handle position. The section is identifying automatically and the handle is identified by the old position.
- *morphalteranglevec
Alters the angle for three nodes using morphing and measuring perpendicular to a vector.
- *morphaltercurvectr
Alter the radius, curvature, or arc angle of edge or 2D domains on mark.
- *morphalterdistancevec
Alter the distance between two nodes using morphing and measuring along a vector.
- *morphapplyfesolver
Invokes the finite element solver solution for all perturbed domains with a limited number of elements.
- *morphapplylargedomains
Applies current morphing to large domains.
- *morphbeziershape
Create polynomial or spline based shapes for handles on the domains on mark.
- *morphbiasstyle
Applies updated bias style retroactively to existing perturbations.
- *morphbiasupdate
Updates the bias factor for the specified handle.
- *morphbiasupdatemulti
Updates the bias factor for the handles on the mark.
- *morphbiasupdateretroactive
Applies updated biases retroactively to existing perturbations.
- *morphcombineedges
Combines multiple edge domains into one edge domain.
- *morphcombinemorphvolumes
Combines the specified morph volumes and propagates the combination.
- *morphconnstodoms
Creates general domains for selected connectors.
- *morphconstraintapply
Applies all morph constraints to the model.
- *morphconstraintcreateangle
Creates a model type constraint based on the angle between three nodes.
- *morphconstraintcreatearcrad
Creates a model type constraint based on the radius or arc length of an edge domain.
- *morphconstraintcreateavm
Creates a model type constraint based on the area, volume, or mass of the elements on the mark.
- *morphconstraintcreatedof
Creates a constraint which fixes the x (or radial), y (or theta), and/or z degrees of freedom for the selected nodes for a given system.
- *morphconstraintcreateedge
Creates a tangency constraint between two edge or 2D domains or for a single edge domain.
- *morphconstraintcreateelems
Creates a mesh type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the specified mesh or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintcreateeq
Creates an equation type constraint for the specified nodes.
- *morphconstraintcreatefc
Creates either a fixed or cluster type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the options of having mesh stretching around those nodes and having the nodes rotate.
- *morphconstraintcreatelayer
Creates a layer type morphconstraint for the selected nodes such that they move relative to the selected elements.
- *morphconstraintcreatelength
Creates a model type constraint based on the length of a list of nodes.
- *morphconstraintcreateline
Creates a line type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the line or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintcreatematch
Creates a match type morphconstraint between two marks of elements so that they maintain a similar shape.
- *morphconstraintcreateplane
Creates a plane type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the plane or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintcreatesmooth
Creates a smooth type morphconstraint for the selected nodes.
- *morphconstraintcreatesurf
Creates a surface type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the surface or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintcreatevec
Creates a vector type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes bounded to move no closer than a given distance from the specified plane.
- *morphconstraintsetcolor
Sets the color for a morph constraint.
- *morphconstraintupdateangle
Updates a model type constraint based on the angle between three nodes.
- *morphconstraintupdatearcrad
Updates a model type constraint based on the radius or arc length of an edge domain.
- *morphconstraintupdateavm
Updates a model type constraint based on the area, volume, or mass of the elements on the mark.
- *morphconstraintupdatedof
Updates a constraint which fixes the x (or radial), y (or theta), and/or z degrees of freedom for the selected nodes for a given system.
- *morphconstraintupdateedge
Updates a tangency constraint between two edge or 2D domains or for a single edge domain.
- *morphconstraintupdateelems
Updates a mesh type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the specified mesh or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintupdateeq
Updates an equation type constraint for the specified nodes.
- *morphconstraintupdatefc
Creates either a fixed or cluster type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the options of having mesh stretching around those nodes and having the nodes rotate.
- *morphconstraintupdatelayer
Updates a layer type morphconstraint for the selected nodes such that they move relative to the selected elements.
- *morphconstraintupdatelength
Updates a model type constraint based on the length of a list of nodes.
- *morphconstraintupdateline
Updates a line type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the line or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintupdatematch
Updates a match type morphconstraint between two marks of elements so that they maintain a similar shape.
- *morphconstraintupdateplane
Creates a plane type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the plane or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintupdatesmooth
Creates a smooth type morphconstraint for the selected nodes.
- *morphconstraintupdatesurf
Creates a surface type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes either move along the surface or be bounded by it.
- *morphconstraintupdatevec
Creates a vector type morphconstraint for the selected nodes with the option of having those nodes bounded to move no closer than a given distance from the specified plane.
- *morphconvertmv
Converts the morph volumes on the mark to hexa elements or vice-versa.
- *morphcreatedomaindc
Creates a domain from the elements on the mark with various options.
- *morphcreatedomainedge
Creates a domain from node list.
- *morphcreatedomainglobalnodes
Creates a global domain governing the selected nodes.
- *morphcreateline
Creates a line for a given node list.
- *morphcreatemodelshape
Creates an arbitrary shape that can be used with a model constraint.
- *morphcreateresultsfile
Creates and loads a results file named autodv.animate from the selected shapes.
- *morphcreatetempline
Creates a line entity for a given node list.
- *morphdeleteall
Deletes all morphing entities.
- *morphdeletehandlesanddomains
Deletes all morphing handles and domains.
- *morphdeletemvedgenodes
Deletes the selected mid-edge nodes from the edges of morph volume.
- *morphdisplayconstraints
Displays the vectors defining the constraints on the mark.
- *morphdisplayconstraintvector
Draw vector to the screen.
- *morphdisplaydependencies
Displays dependencies for handles on mark.
- *morphdisplaysymmetries
Displays dependencies for handles on mark.
- *morphdomainautocolor
Automatically assign a different color to selected domains.
- *morphdomainsetcolor
Sets the color of a single domain.
- *morphdomainsupdatecolor
Sets the color of selected domains.
- *morphdoshape
Apply undo, redo, undo all, or redo all.
- *morphentitydelete
Deletes entities on a mark.
- *morphfitfaces
Fits selected faces to nodes or elements according to the specified parameters.
- *morphfittosurface
Fits domains, elements, or morph volume faces to surfaces or a mesh, matching boundary edges and projecting the interior nodes on to the target entities.
- *morphhandlecreatenodes
Creates handles at nodes on mark on domain.
- *morphhandlecreatenodesnodom
Creates handles at nodes on mark with no domain given.
- *morphhandlecreatexyz
Creates handle at x,y,z, location for the given system.
- *morphhandlepertnormal
Perturbs handles on mark normal to elements.
- *morphhandlepertxyz
Perturbs handles by a specified value.
- *morphhandleprojectentity
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the selected surfaces or elements.
- *morphhandleprojectentityoffset
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the selected surfaces or elements.
- *morphhandleprojectline
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the selected line list.
- *morphhandleprojectlineoffset
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the specified node list or line list.
- *morphhandleprojectplane
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the specified plane.
- *morphhandleprojectplaneoffset
Morphs a mesh by projecting selected handles on to the specified plane.
- *morphhandlerotate
Rotates handles on mark.
- *morphhandlescalexyz
Morphs a mesh by scaling the distances between handles and a specified node according to the specified system.
- *morphhandleupdatemulti
Updates dependencies for handles on mark.
- *morphhandleupdatesingle
Updates position and dependencies for specified handle.
- *morphhypermorph
Create shapes with xyz perturbations for handles on mark.
- *morphhypermorphnormal
Create shapes in the normal direction for handles on mark.
- *morphhypermorphvector
Create shapes in the direction of a vector for handles on mark.
- *morphhyperpreview
Draws vectors for shapes to be created.
- *morphhyperpreviewbezier
Draws vectors for shapes to be created using morphbeziershape if a shape is being used.
- *morphinterpolatesurf
Morphs a mesh on to a surface interpolated from the specified mark of nodes or lines.
- *morphkrigmanual
Set of commands to allow manual Kriging of the model.
- *morphlistupdate
Updates the morphing undo/redo list.
- *morphloaddata
Loads handle and/or shape data from a file.
- *morphloadmvols
Loads morph volume, handle, and shape data from a file.
- *morphloadshape
Reads local shapes stored in the specified file.
- *morphmanageedgemark
Adds a morph volume edge, subtracts a morph volume edge, or clears all morph volume edges from a morph volume edge user mark.
- *morphmanagefacemark
Adds a morph volume face, subtracts a morph volume face, or clears all morph volume faces from the specified user mark.
- *morphmanualapplyenvelope
Turns manually modified node positions into a morph.
- *morphmanualinit
Initializes the model to prepare for manual morphing.
- *morphmanualrestore
Restores the positions of nodes after a *morphmanualinit command.
- *morphmapdifference
Creates two lines and maps selected nodes from one to the other optionally following the curvature differences (rotate) between the lines and/or mapping about an axis (axis and plane) or using a number of linear mapping options.
- *morphmapdifferencesurf
Maps selected nodes from one surface or element mark to the other surface or element mark optionally following the curvature differences (rotate) between the surfaces or element marks and/or mapping about an axis (axis and plane) or using a number of linear mapping options.
- *morphmapedgestoequationoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to the surface of an equation.
- *morphmapedgestoextendedoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to extended versions of the specified surfaces or elements.
- *morphmapedgestolineoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified lines.
- *morphmapedgestonodelistoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified node list.
- *morphmapedgestoplaneoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified plane.
- *morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified surfaces.
- *morphmapedgestotacitoffset
Maps selected morph volume edges to the specified elements.
- *morphmaplinestolines
Maps selected elements lying on an initial set of lines to an interpolated cross section represented by another set of lines optionally rotating trailing nodes and/or mapping about an axis (axis and plane) or using a number of linear mapping options.
- *morphmapnormaloffset
Offset elements on mark in normal direction.
- *morphmaprecalc
Recalculate influences and prepare for mapping.
- *morphmapsections
Map elements on mark to section lines.
- *morphmaptoequationvecoffset
Maps nodes to the surface of an equation along a vector.
- *morphmaptoextendedvecoffset
Maps nodes to extended versions of the specified surfaces or elements.
- *morphmaptolinenodesoffset
Maps a node list to a line list along a vector.
- *morphmaptolinevecoffset
Maps nodes to a line list along a vector.
- *morphmaptonodelistvecoffset
Maps nodes to a line along a vector.
- *morphmaptonodesnodelistoffset
Maps a node list to a line along a vector.
- *morphmaptoplanevecoffset
Maps nodes to a plane along a vector.
- *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset
Maps nodes to surfaces along a vector.
- *morphmaptotacitvecoffset
Maps nodes to surfaces along a vector.
- *morphmaptshp
Adds a handle perturbation to the current temporary shape.
- *morphmaptshpedge
Adds and edge domain perturbation to the current temporary shape.
- *morphmaptshpface
Adds a 2D domain perturbation to the current temporary shape.
- *morphmvskinsolve
Solves for the interior nodes of a solid mesh which are registered to morph volumes when morphing in "skin only" mode.
- *morphnodesequaoffset
Moves the selected nodes to the surface of the specified function while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesextendedoffset
Moves the selected nodes to a mark of extended surfaces or elements while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodeslineoffset
Moves the selected nodes to a line while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesmatrixdiffenvelope
Reorients the selected nodes by taking the difference between two matrices while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesmeshoffset
Moves the selected nodes to a mesh while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesnodesoffset
Moves the selected nodes to a line created from a node list while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesnormalenvelope
Moves the selected nodes normal to the attached elements while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesplaneoffset
Moves the selected nodes to a plane while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesrotateenvelope
Rotates the selected nodes while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesshapeenvelope
Applies the specified shape while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodessurfoffset
Moves the selected nodes to the specified surfaces while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodestranslateenvelope
Translates the selected nodes while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphnodesvectoroffset
Moves the selected nodes to a line extending along a vector created from two nodes while morphing the affected elements.
- *morphorganizedomain
Organizes elements on mark into specified domain.
- *morphorganizedomainsplit
Splits edge domain at given node.
- *morphpartition
Organizes elements on mark into specified domain.
- *morphpositionshapemark
Positions shapes from one part of the mesh to another, scales them, and applies them only to the nodes on the mark.
- *morphrecalcmvhandles
Recalculates the influences for the handles on morph volumes.
- *morphrecalculateconstraints
Recalculates out-of-date morph constraints.
- *morphreflectshapemark
Reflects shapes in accordance with symmetries and applies them only to the nodes on the mark.
- *morphregistergeometry
Controls the registration of geometric entities for morphing.
- *morphremeshedges
Remeshes selected elements or domains with the target element size.
- *morphremoveconstraint
Remove constraint(s).
- *morphrenamehandle
Renames a handle.
- *morphreparam
Reparameterizes domains on the mark.
- *morphrotatetrue
Rotates handles on mark using 'true' rotation.
- *morphsavedata
Saves global handles and shapes to a file.
- *morphsavemvols
Saves morph volume, handle, and shape data to a file.
- *morphsaveshape
Reads local shapes stored in the specified file.
- *morphsculptmesh3
Sculpts the affected elements according to the selected tools and parameters, optionally using a finite element solver to resolve the mesh stretching.
- *morphsetactive
Sets an active parameter for either morph constraints or symmetries.
- *morphsetsmoothignoredelems
Assigns elements to be ignored when performing element test criteria for shape combination checking via *morphshapesmooth.
- *morphsetsmoothtests
Sets the element test criteria used for shape combination checking via *morphshapesmooth.
- *morphshapeapply
Applies the shapes on the mark to the model.
- *morphshapeapplynodes
Applies the shapes on the mark to only the selected nodes.
- *morphshapecreatecolor
Creates a new shape out of the applied morphs, with a specified color.
- *morphshapecreatecolorsystem
Creates a new shape out of the applied morphs specifying the color and coordinate system.
- *morphshapecreatelist
Creates a number of new shapes from the morph list.
- *morphshapecreateorthogonal
Creates shapes, design variables, dlink2s, and equations to enable non-linear shape variables in linear optimization.
- *morphshapecreateorthogonalbound
Creates shapes, design variables with the specified bounds, dlink2s, and equations to enable non-linear shape variables in linear optimization.
- *morphshapelinkedapply
Applies all shapes stored on an internal list at their stored multipliers as well as any shapes linked to those shapes via desvar, deqatn and dlink2 cards.
- *morphshapelinkedpush
Adds a shape and a multiplier to a list of shapes to be used by *morphshapelinkedapply.
- *morphshapepreview
Applies (with a multiplier of one) or unapplies selected shapes.
- *morphshapesmooth
Checks the element quality for all combinations of the selected shapes either as they are currently or after smoothing them.
- *morphshapeupdatecolor
Updates the color of a shape.
- *morphshrinkmvols
Applies shrinking to selected morph volumes.
- *morphsmooth
Applies smoothing to selected domains.
- *morphsmoothmorphbased
Uses a morphing based smoothing algorithm to smooth a mesh and improve element quality.
- *morphsplitmorphvolumes
Splits the morph volumes in the model given the specified morph volume edge.
- *morphstoredomains
Stores or restores a copy of current domains, handles, and shapes.
- *morphstorematch
Matches domains to surfaces for a subsequent fitting operation.
- *morphstoremorphvolumes
Stores or restores a copy of current morph volumes and handles.
- *morphsubdivide
Subdivides selected 3D domains.
- *morphsurfaces
Calls surface morphing function.
- *morphsymmetrycreateaxis
Creates symmetry dependent on system.
- *morphsymmetryrefresh
Recalculates symmetric relationships between handles
- *morphsymmetryupdateaxis
Update one symmetry.
- *morphsymmetryupdatebyd
Update symmetries for a domain.
- *morphtranslateshapemark
Translates shapes to specified node positions and applies them only to the nodes on the mark.
- *morphupdatedatabase
Updates morph volume database.
- *morphupdatedisplay
Updates the display of morphing entities.
- *morphupdatedomainmethod
Updates method for selected 1D domains.
- *morphupdatedomains
Updates global domains.
- *morphupdateendbymvol
Updates the end conditions of edges on selected morph volumes.
- *morphupdateendcondition
Updates the end condition of one or two morph volume edges.
- *morphupdatemodelcheck
Scans through all morphing entities and updates all of those that require attention, such as domains needing to be recalculated.
- *morphupdatemvedgenodes
Updates the mid-nodes of the specified morph volume edge.
- *morphupdatemvnodes
Updates nodes on mark to be registered for the morph volumes on mark.
- *morphupdatemvols
Updates morph volumes on mark.
- *morphupdateparameter
Updates integer/real morphing parameters.
- *morphupdateparameterstring
Updates string morphing parameters.
- *morphupdateshapes
Updates or converts shapes.
- *morphvolumeconnect
Joins the specified morph volumes.
- *morphvolumecreate
Creates a matrix of morph volumes.
- *morphvolumecreateflex
Creates a series of morph volumes using a selected profile (elements, morph volumes, lines, matrix) along a line, vector, through elements, or about an axis.
- *morphvolumecreatenodes
Creates a morph volume for the given nodes enclosing the elements on the mark.
- *morphvolumecreateplus
Creates a matrix of morph volumes and optionally applies shrinking.
- *morphvolumedeleteempty
Deletes any morph volumes that have no nodes registered to them.
- *morphvolumeequivalence
Joins morph volumes on a mark together which are within a specified tolerance.
- *morphvolumereflect
Creates morph volumes by reflecting the selected morph volumes using reflective symmetries.
- *morphwritenodes
Writes node positions and perturbations to a file.
- *move_clipping_sphere_to_XYZ_and_fit
Re-centers the view around a specified point, zooms in or out to fit a specified radius around that point, and does all of this in a specified number of frames of animation rather than instantly.
- *move_feature
Moves a selection of elements and pastes them onto the displayed shell elements at the target location.
- *movecuttingplane
Moves a cutting plane a specified distance.
- *moveinclude
Moves an include file to a new location in the include hierarchy.
- *moveincludecontents
Moves the contents of one include to another, with an option to delete the source include.
- *movemark
Organizes entities into collectors.
- *movemarkgroup
Organizes main/secondary elements into groups.
- *movesegments
Moves segments from original set-segment to another set-segment.
- *movesolvermasses
Moves the child solvermasses from one parent solvermass to another parent solvermass.
- *movesubmodel
- *multi_surfs_lines_merge
Merge selected set of surfaces into topologically valid body, optionally using input free lines to create additional trim lines on surfaces.
- *multi_trim_by_offset_edges
Trims the selected surfaces by offsetting selected edges by a given distance. Offset can be applied multiple times.
- *nameview
Gives a name to a view.
- *newidoption
Defines how new IDs are assigned for a submodel.
- *nodeaddtempmark
Adds nodes to the temporary node mark.
- *nodecleartempmark
Clears all of the nodes from the temporary node mark.
- *nodecloud2facet
Generate STL facets from a node cloud.
- *nodecreateatintersection
Create nodes or points at locations of intersection between the input geometric entities.
- *nodecreateatlineparams
Create nodes or points at parametric locations on a line.
- *nodecreateatplaneintersection
Create nodes or points at locations of intersection between the input geometric entities and a plane or vector.
- *nodecreateatpointmark
Creates free nodes at the same locations as the points placed on the input mark.
- *nodecreateatsurfparams
Create nodes or points at parametric locations on a surface.
- *nodecreateatvectorplaneintersection
Create node or point at location of intersection between two vectors or a plane and a vector.
- *nodecreatebetweennodes
Create nodes or points on line or surface between given list of nodes.
- *nodecreatelinemarkparams
Creates nodes or points at parametric locations on lines.
- *nodecreateonlines
Create nodes along lines, with optional biasing.
- *nodelistbypath
Creates a node path from the starting node to the ending node.
- *nodelistbypath2
Creates a node path from the starting node to the ending node.
- *nodemarkaddtempmark
Places a node on the temporary node mark.
- *nodemarkbypath
Creates a node path from the starting node to the ending node.
- *nodemarkclear
Deletes temporary nodes and preserved nodes.
- *nodemarkcleartempmark
Clears a group of nodes from the temporary node mark.
- *nodemodify
Modifies the location of a node in space.
- *nodeplaceatxyz
Moves a node to a location on a surface and associates the node to the surface.
- *nodesandelemsclear
Clear numbers from the modeling window for all nodes and elements.
- *nodesassociatetogeometry
Associates nodes to points, lines, surfaces or solids.
- *nodetoelementgapscreate
Creates node-to-element gap elements (CGAPG) for use with the OS solver
- *nonstructuralmasscreate
Creates a group with non-structural mass configuration.
- *nonstructuralmasscreateall
Creates a group with non-structural mass configuration for all properties of a specified card image.
- *nonstructuralmassupdate
Updates a group with non-structural mass configuration.
- *nonstructuralmassupdateall
Updates a group with non-structural mass configuration for all properties of a specified card image.
- *normalsadjust2
Adjusts the normals of 2D and 3D elements.
- *normalsadjustbynodes
Adjusts the normals of 3D elements according to nodes of a solid element.
- *normalsdisplay
Turns on the display of 2D and 3D element normals.
- *normalsoff
Turns off the display of element/surface normals.
- *normalsreverse
Reverses the normals of 2D and 3D elements.
- *numbers
Turns the numbers mark on or off.
- *numbersclear
Clears all of the entities out of the numbers mark.
- *numbersmark
Places the entities in the mark on the numbers mark. This will display the ID of the entity.
- *offset_surfaces_and_modify
Offsets selected surfaces or solids.
- *offset_surfaces_display_offset
Creates segments indicating the direction of surface or solid offsets for visualization/review.
- *optimized_elements_remesh2
Remeshes elements with the user specified algorithm and optimization of node positions.
- *optimized_mesh
Generates a mesh with the selection of the best meshing algorithm and optimization of node positions.
- *optimsmooth
Applies the quality index optimization smoothing algorithm to a mark of plate elements.
- *orderchangetofirst
Converts second order elements to first order.
- *orderchangetosecond
Converts first order elements to second order.
- *organizecomponents
Reorganizes elements in existing components based on selected policy.
- *organizeRegionsAcrossModules
Organize selected regions to newly created modules per region.
- *orient_normals_outside_solid
Re-orients the normals of a solid inside or outside, depending on the orientation flag.
- *ossmooth_12
Extract the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results, and achieve smoothed plies from free-size optimization results on composites.
- *ossmooth_createsurf_auto
Creates surfaces from OSSmooth isosurface and autobead results.
- *ossmooth_geometry
Extract the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results.
- *ossmooth_reanalysis
Extract the final geometry from OptiStruct topology optimization results and inherit the boundary conditions for reanalysis.
- *ossmooth_savesurf
Exports the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results.
- *ossmooth2
This command extracts the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography or shape optimization results.
- *panelcreation
Creates a panel entity.
- *parsesolveroutputfile
Creates tables from solver output files.
- *pastefromclipboard
Paste entities from the HyperMesh clipboard.
- *penetrationcheck
Checks the given components for contact surface penetrations.
- *penetrationcheckend
Releases the memory from previous penetration check command operations.
- *PenetrationCheckSummary
Generates a summary log file for last run penetration check.
- *penetrationchecktwo
Checks penetration for entities selection type groups, elems2elems, nodes2elems, and elemsonly.
- *penetrationdisplay
Displays the amount of penetration through nodes, vectors, or contour.
- *penetrationrecheck
Modifies the element thickness to correct penetration problems.
- *permutemark
Permutes the entities on a mark.
- *perturbationshapecreate
Creates a perturbation shape.
- *perturbationshapeupdate
Updates a perturbation shape.
- *plot
Plots the current model.
- *plotaxisnodes
Plots a curve based on the values of marked nodes ordered along an axis.
- *plotinfotitlemove
Moves the plot information title.
- *plotinfotitlesetcolor
Sets the color of the plot information title.
- *plotinfotitlesetfont
Sets the font of the plot information title.
- *plotinfotitlesettext
Sets the text to be displayed in the plot information title.
- *plotmassdistribution
Plots the distribution of the mass assigned on nodes.
- *plotnodelist
Plots a curve based on the values of a contour along a list of nodes.
- *plottitlemove
Moves the plot title.
- *plottitlesetcolor
Sets the color of the plot title.
- *plottitlesetfont
Sets the font for the plot title.
- *plottitlesettext
Sets the text for the plot title.
- *plydrape
Drapes plies using kinematic draping.
- *plynormalsdisplay
Controls the display of 2D element ply normals.
- *plynormalsreverse
Reverses the 2D element ply normals.
- *plyrealization_option
Extracts/projects elements belonging to ply contours.
- *pointcreateatnodemark
Creates free points at the same locations as the nodes placed on input mark.
- *pointmodify
Specifies new coordinates for the point.
- *positiondummy
Positions the components of a dummy.
- *positionentity
Positions selected entities in space.
- *positionipimpact
Visualizes the positioned headform and exports the model for solver run.
- *positionmark
Positions a selection of entities in space.
- *prepare_solid_holes_for_meshing
Detects holes in a 3D model and prepares them for meshing.
- *pressureonelement_curve
Creates a pressure load on an element.
- *pressures
Creates pressure loads on elements.
- *pressuresonentity
Creates a pressure load on a surface or an element.
- *pressuresonentity_curve
Creates a pressure load on a mark of elements, surfaces, components or sets, potentially with its magnitude defined by a curve.
- *processflange
Given a set of fixed points, this command splits the edges of surfaces by adding a fixed point on the edge.
- *projectmarktoplane
Projects a group of entities to a plane.
- *projectpointstoedges
Create surface vertices by projecting the points onto the edges perpendicular to the edge.
- *projectsystem
References a vector that is projected on the element plane. Re-orients and visualizes the element (material) coordinate system for selected elements.
- *propagate_welds
Use this command to create a series of weld points between surfaces.
- *propagatesplithexas
Given a hexa element and two nodes diagonally across a face of that element, splits the hexa according to a set pattern and propagates that split to any hexa adjoining the opposite face of the hexa and so on through the displayed elements of the database.
- *pushtofront
Sets a visualization mode to keep certain entities visible in front of others.
- *qismoothconstrained
This command tries to improve the selected elements' quality index by QI optimizing elements nodes positions.
- *qismoothfixfailed
Selectively applies QI smoothing (the quality index-based node-position optimization) to elements violating the quality index thresholds. Allowed displacements of nodes on the feature edges are limited by user-specified thresholds. The command tries to fix the failed elements while making moving the feature nodes as little as possible.
- *quad_split
Split warped quads into trias such that it does not create intersections.
- *quatrotate
Defines a rotation θ about the vector [x, y, z].
- *quit
Stops the execution of a command file.
- *rbe3
Creates an RBE3 element.
- *rbe3withset
Creates an RBE3 element. The attached set may be created from a given mark of dependent nodes while the RBE3 element is created.
- *rbody_mesh
Creates a rigid body mesh on surfaces.
- *readbatchparamsfile
Use this command to set cleanup parameters directly in the command file when using automatic topology cleanup with the *autotopocleanup command.
- *readfile
Reads a HyperMesh database into the current session and deletes any existing model.
- *readmeshcontroltemplate
Imports a Mesh Control template file.
- *readnodepositionsfromdynainfile
Moves nodes in the current model to positions given in a dynain file.
- *readnodepositionsfromh3dfile
Modes nodes in the current model to positions given in an H3D file.
- *readqiviewsettings
Loads a file containing the element quality view mode settings.
- *readqualitycriteria
Reads quality criteria from the specified criteria file and sets the criteria as current.
- *realizecontactsurfstosets
Realizes all contact surfaces of a given card image to segment sets.
- *realizecsfbdsectiontostdfbdsection
Realize cross-section based freebodysections to standard freebodysections.
- *realizeengineeringentities
Realize engineering entities.
- *realizeengineeringentity
Realize an engineering entity.
- *realizeentity
Realizes an engineering entity into solver data.
- *realizefieldloads
Realizes engineering loads into classical loads or groups.
- *realizehmentity
Realizes HyperMesh entities.
- *realizemasselementstosolvermasses
Creates nodal group solvermasses out of mass elements.
- *realizesetstocontactsurfs
Realizes all segment sets of a given card image to contact surfaces.
- *realizesolvermassestomasselements
Creates mass elements from solver mass entities.
- *rebuild_mesh
Remeshes selected shell elements with quality and flow considerations.
- *rebuild_mesh_advanced
Remesh/Improve selected shell elements with quality and flow considerations, and optional flow guide selections to guide the mesh directions.
- *redohistorystate
Redoes one or more history states.
- *refine_adaptive
Refines elements based on proximity and angle.
- *refine_by_patterns
Refines a zone of elements using an all quad pattern.
- *refine_by_patterns_multiple_points
Refines multiple zones of elements using an all quad pattern.
- *refineelementsbydeviation
Refine elements to chordal deviation.
- *refineelementsbysize
Refine elements to target element size.
- *reflectmark
Reflects a selection of entities about a plane.
- *reflectmarkwithoption
Reflects a selection of entities about a plane with an option to specify how to handle bar elements.
- *rejectmark
Rejects the entities held on the reject mark.
- *rejectmesh
Discards a generated mesh (if any) for the specified face within the automeshing module.
- *relativerotatedummyjoint
Rotates a dummy joint relative to its current location.
- *remap
Remaps a list of nodes to a line.
- *remesh_element_intersection
Remeshes 2D elements at intersection locations.
- *remesh_main_secondary_boolean
Performs intersection and Boolean operations of 2D elements.
- *remesh_optistruct
Remeshes the current model with FE type definitions maintained, used to improve the mesh quality in OptiStruct free shape, shape or topography optimization.
- *remove_fe_cracks
Stitches free edge loops in FE.
- *remove_solid_holes
Detects and removes holes in 3D geometry.
- *removeassembly
Deletes assemblies and their contents, including recursive children.
- *removecrbrelation
Removes a main-secondary relationship for LS-DYNA *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES keyword.
- *removecutbetweenlocations
Removes the cut or fillet of a surface between two locations.
- *removeedgefillets
Defeatures surface edge fillets.
- *removeelemsfromcontactsurf
Removes elements from a contactsurf.
- *removeelemsfromcontactsurfusingnodes
Removes elements from a contactsurf using face nodes.
- *removefilletbetweennodes
Removes the edge fillet between two nodes.
- *removeinclude
Deletes the include file from the database, optionally removing all of its contents as well.
- *removeincludefromdisplay
Removes the entities contained in the specified include file from the current display.
- *removeincludes
Deletes the include files from the database, optionally removing all its contents as well.
- *removemodel
Removes a secondary model.
- *removeposition
Removes a solver position from another solver position entity.
- *removesegments
Removes segments from multiple set-segments.
- *removesubmodel
Deletes a solversubmodel or include file, optionally removing all of its contents as well.
- *removetempcleanupfile
Use this command to remove temporary files created by the use of *autotopocleanup.
- *removetransformation
Removes transformations from positions.
- *removeview
Deletes a saved view from the database.
- *renamecollector
Renames a collector.
- *renamecollectorbyid
Renames a collector to its ID.
- *renamefile
Renames a file.
- *renameviewmask
Renames a view saved using *saveviewmask.
- *renumber
Renumbers the internal HyperMesh IDs for the specified entity type.
- *renumberall
Renumbers the internal HyperMesh IDs for all entities in the model.
- *renumberelemsnodesasmapgrid
Orders nodes and elements in grid format and renumber nodes and elements with specified start ID.
- *renumbersolverid
Renumbers the solver IDs for the specified entity type.
- *renumbersolveridall
Renumbers the solver IDs for all entities in the model.
- *renumbersolveridlist
Renumbers the solver IDs sent in an ordered list for the specified entity type.
- *reorderinclude
Changes the order of the include files in a model.
- *repair_midmesh_line_imprinter
Imprint geometric lines to the mesh in the direction provided by the user.
- *reparammark
Reparameterizes the lines on a mark.
- *replacenodes
Replaces single or multiple nodes simultaneously with a single command.
- *replacenodes_multiple
Replaces multiple nodes simultaneously.
- *replacentitywithentity
Replaces a single component.
- *replacentitywithentitymark
Replaces multiple components.
- *replacesetentitydata
Sets the data required for part replacement.
- *rescanunresolvedids
Discards the unresolved IDs database and creates a new one by examining every entity and its link to other entities to see which are actually unresolved.
- *reset_elemsize_criteria
Adjusts the current quality criteria to the specified ideal element size.
- *reset_thickness_legend
Resets the thickness legend to its default values.
- *resetcuttingplanesbase
Sets the origin coordinates for all cutting planes.
- *resetreview
Resets the entity review of the *reviewentity command.
- *resize
Sets the resize flag in HyperMesh.
- *restoreviewmask
Restores a view saved using *saveviewmask.
- *retainmarkselections
Sets the display state of marked entities.
- *reversecontactsurfnormals
Change normals (inward to outward, vice versa) of contactsurf.
- *reversesegments
Reverses segments normal.
- *reverseview
Reverses the display with respect to a view saved using *saveviewmask.
- *reviewclearall
Removes/clears all entities from the review list.
- *reviewclearbyid
Removes/clears entities from the review list based on an entity ID.
- *reviewclearbymark
Removes/clears entities from the review list based on a mark.
- *reviewcontactnormalinconsistency
Graphically reviews the group entity region where the contact normal is inconsistent.
- *reviewentity
Graphically reviews a specified entity.
- *reviewentitybymark
Graphically reviews a mark of entities.
- *reviewmaterialorientation
- *reviewmaterialorientation_option
Reads and plots the first axis of the element (material) coordinate system for selected elements.
- *reviewreferencegeometry
Reviews reference geometry control volume.
- *reviewsystem
Reads and plots the x-axis of the element (material) coordinate system for selected elements.
- *reviewtwomark
Graphically reviews two mark of nodes with different colors.
- *rigid
Creates a rigid element between two nodes.
- *rigidlink
Creates a rigid link element between an independent node and multiple dependent nodes.
- *rigidlinkbycollector
Creates a rigid link with one independent node and dependent node defined by a collector.
- *rigidlinkinodecalandcreate
Creates a rigidlink elem by calculating the independent node based on selection of dependent nodes. Location of independent nodes will be at the geometric center of dependent nodes.
- *rigidlinkupdatebycollector
Updates connectivity and properties of a rigid link element with one independent node and dependent node defined by collector.
- *rigidlinkupdatecalcinodebycollector
Updates a rigidlink by calculating the independent node based on selection of dependent nodes defined by comps, mats, assems, props sets and nodes.
- *rigidlinkwithset
Create a rigid link element with dependent nodes attached as a node set connected to the element. The attached node set may exist before or may be created from a given mark of dependent nodes while the rigid link element is created.
- *rigidlinkwithset_twonodes
Create a rigid link element "55" between two nodes, with a dependent node attached as a node set connected with the element.
- *rigidscombine
Combines rigids and rigidlinks.
- *rigidwall_geometry
Adds geometric definition to a rigid wall.
- *rigidwallsize
Sets the size for axis and motion arrow plotting.
- *rlinkcalcinodeandcreateforcollector
Creates a rigidlink by calculating the independent node based on selection of dependent nodes defined by collector. The supported collectors are comps, mats, assems, props and sets.
- *rod
Creates a rod element.
- *rotate
Rotates the model based on a user-defined rotation axis.
- *rotateabout
Defines a new center of rotation for *rotate() and *quatrotate() commands.
- *rotatedummy
Rotates the dummy by an arbitrary axis that is specified by the *createplane() command.
- *rotatedummyrootbodytoeulerangles
Rotates a dummy about a given point.
- *rotatemark
Rotates a selection of entities about a plane normal.
- *rundesignmethod
Run the design method for a given design point set.
- *savefailednodesvectors
Saves the location, magnitude, and direction of the penetrated areas.
- *savefailedsurfstomark
Scans all the displayed surfaces, finds those for which all the meshing algorithms failed, and places them on the specified mark. This command is used after one of the commands performing meshing by surfaces.
- *saveviewmask
Saves the current view orientation and visible entities.
- *scale_thickness
Scales the thickness of an entity.
- *scalemark
Scales a selection of entities by multiplying the coordinates.
- *scalemarkwithsystem
Scales a selection of entities by multiplying the coordinates relative to the specified system.
- *screencopy
Allows users to create a bitmap of the screen and send it to the printer.
- *screenfile
Allows users to create a bitmap of the screen and save it in a file.
- *seatbelttensioning
Updates the nodes of a seatbelt to any intermediate/final configuration. This is attained while tensioning with a choice to maintain the length of the seatbelt.
- *seatfoamdeformer
Deforms the selected seat foam components with a choice to create their initial reference geometries.
- *secondorderfix2
Advanced fixing of middle nodes for 2nd order elements.
- *section_plane_mesh
Generates a shell mesh from a selection of planar boundary elements.
- *segmentsetaddfaces
Adds elements using the face/edge option to a segment set.
- *segmentsetaddfacesusingfacenumber
Adds faces of elements using a specific face number to a segment set.
- *segmentsetaddmixedfaces
Adds element faces to a segment set.
- *segmentsetaddshells
Adds selected 1D and 2D elements to a segment set.
- *segmentsetadjustnormal
Adjusts a segment set normal using an orientation element.
- *segmentsetcreateusingfacenumber
Creates a segment set using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
- *segmentsetcreatewithfaces
Creates a segment set using 2D element edges or 2D/3D element faces.
- *segmentsetcreatewithmixedfaces
Creates a segment set using a mixture of solid elements and shell elements.
- *segmentsetcreatewithshells
Creates a segment set using 1D or 2D elements.
- *segmentsetremoveelems
Removes elements from a segment set.
- *segmentsetremoveelemsusingnodes
Removes elements from a segment set using face nodes.
- *segmentsetreversenormals
Reverse normals of a segment set.
- *segregateByPatches
Creates components using the patches/clusters of connected shell elements.
- *selfstitchcombine
Performs equivalencing of edges within surfaces or/and between surfaces.
- *selfstitchcombine2
Performs equivalencing of edges within surfaces or/and between surfaces.
- *separate_fillets
Detects fillets in 3D models, groups them by radius and width, and moves the fillet surfaces to separate components created for the fillet groups.
- *separate_holes_in_3d_body_new
Detects holes in 3D models, groups them by diameter and moves the surfaces defining the holes to separate components created for each hole diameter group.
- *set_acousticmesh_options
Assigns certain options used during acoustic cavity meshing.
- *set_default_quality_criteria
Sets the default criteria, adjusted to a specified element size, as the current quality criteria.
- *set_flags_for_2dmesh_context
Preserves selection topology used by 2D meshing.
- *set_meshedgeparams
Sets some of the edge-specific parameters for the automeshing module.
- *set_meshfaceparams
Sets some of the face-specific parameters for the automeshing module.
- *set_midsurface_z_offset
Sets the z-offset value assigned to a midsurface.
- *set_preserved_edges
Marks edge geometry to be preserved during batch meshing, or clears the "preserved" flag from preserved edges.
- *setanimationframe
Sets the animation frame.
- *setanimationtime
Sets the transient animation time.
- *setautoupdatesets
Controls automatic updating of sets, segment sets, and contact surfaces during mesh changes.
- *setcleanupglobalflags
Sets or clears global flags used for switching of some default modes for geometry autocleanup, element cleanup and element QI smoothing.
- *setcolor
Set a colormap entry for the entity colors.
- *setcomponentdisplayattributes
Sets a component to the specified style and color.
- *setcomptopologydisplay
Sets the various types of geometry display at the component level.
- *setcurrentinclude
Specifies the include file into which HyperMesh should place newly created entities.
- *setcurrentmodel
Sets the specified model as current.
- *setcuttingplaneactive
Turns the specified cutting plane on/off.
- *setcuttingplanecolor
Sets the color of the base of the specified cutting plane.
- *setcuttingplanesbase
Sets the origin coordinates for all cutting planes.
- *setcuttingplanethickness
Sets the specified cutting plane thickness value.
- *setcuttingplanethicknesson
Turns the specified cutting plane thickness on/off.
- *setdisplayattributes
Sets all components in the model to the specified style and coloring method.
- *setedgedensitylink
Sets the method for linking opposite edge densities during automeshing.
- *setedgedensitylinkbytypeandaspectratio
Sets the method for linking opposite edge densities during automeshing.
- *setedgedensitylinkwithaspectratio
Sets the method for linking opposite edge densities during automeshing.
- *setelementcheckmethod
Sets the method (solver) used for calculating specific element quality check parameters which are generally those used by an FE solver.
- *setelemparamcolor
Sets the color for a specified element quality parameter for elements violating the threshold.
- *setelemparamscolors
Sets the color for all element quality parameters for elements violating the threshold.
- *setelemparamsvisualpriorities
Sets the priority for all element quality parameters when reviewing multiple criteria.
- *setelemparamvisualpriority
Sets the priority for a specified element quality parameter when reviewing multiple criteria.
- *setelemqualityparamactive
Sets the on/off state for a specified element quality parameter.
- *setentitytypesupportedbyenggid
Sets the entity types which will be supported by an engineering ID.
- *setentitytypesupportedbynamepool
Enables the entity types to have duplicate names for the specified types.
- *setfacetfactor
Refines geometry graphical facets based on user settings.
- *setglobalply
Sets the ply name to review.
- *setglobalply_option
Sets the ply/layer name to review.
- *sethistorylimit
Sets the maximum number of history states to allow.
- *sethistorymemorylimit
Sets the maximum amount of memory that history states are allowed to use.
- *sethistoryrecord
Sets whether history recording is enabled or disabled.
- *setisosurfaceparameters
Sets the display parameters of the isosurface.
- *setlegendbackgroundcolor
Sets the HyperMesh legend background color.
- *setlightsource
Set direction of the global light source.
- *setmarkdisplayattributes
Set the display attributes (wireframe/hidden line, color, etc.) for the entities contained in a mark.
- *setmarktopologydisplay
Sets the topology visualization style for the marked geometric entities.
- *setmeshparams
Sets 2D meshing edge and face parameters used during surface and element meshing.
- *setnormalsdisplaytype
Sets the display type for element normals.
- *setoffsetconflictoptionmessage
Set the message option when there is offset conflict during drag-and-drop.
- *setoption
Sets various option values.
- *setply
- *setply_option
Sets the ply/layer number to review.
- *setqualitycriteria
Defines the current element quality criteria via flexible string input.
- *setqualitythresholdcolor
Sets the color for a specified element quality index range.
- *setqualitythresholdscolors
Sets the color for all element quality index ranges.
- *setredoconnectparams
Specifies parameters for redo connectivity element remeshing.
- *setreviewbyid
Adds entities to the review list based on an entity ID.
- *setreviewbymark
Adds entities to the review list based on a mark.
- *setreviewbymarkenhanced
Adds entities to the enhanced review list based on a mark.
- *setreviewbyname
Adds entities to the review list based on an entity name.
- *setreviewcolormode
Sets the color mode for non-review list entities.
- *setreviewmode
Turns on/off the review list.
- *setreviewtransparentmode
Sets the transparency mode for non-review list entities.
- *setsimulationstep
Sets the current subcase and simulation step.
- *setsolver
Sets the solver.
- *setsolverusessegmentsets
Enables/disables support for segment sets.
- *setsphereclip
Toggles the spherical clipping feature on and off.
- *setsubmodeltype
Sets the sub-model type supported by ID manager.
- *setsurfacenormalsdisplaytype
Sets the display type for surface normals.
- *setsystem
Sets the element (material) orientation by setting the angle. This angle is measured from the I-J (1-2) edge of the element around the normal of the element. Re-orients and visualizes the element (material) coordinate systems for selected elements.
- *settransparency
Toggles the shaded surface transparency feature on and off.
- *settrimcuttingplanes
Turns the cutting plane trim option on/off.
- *settopologydisplaytype
Sets the various types of geometry display (wireframe, shaded, etc.)
- *setusefeatures
Specifies the mode for defining and using feature edges for element-based re-meshing.
- *setvalue
Updates an existing entity/entities with new/modified data.
- *setviewangles
Sets the view based on angles.
- *shapevarcreate_xproduct
Creates a shape variable by using the cross product of two other shape variables.
- *shapevarupdate_xproduct
Updates a shape variable created from the cross product of two other shape variables.
- *shell_mesh_smoother
Performs smoothing on selected mesh patches.
- *shelloffset
Offsets shells along their element normal direction.
- *show_new_edge_target_by_number
Displays the target for a selected surface edge number in the new target component.
- *show_new_target
Draws a segment in the new target component. This segment connects the point to offset with the target point.
- *showall
Turns on the display of all entities.
- *showentity
Turns on the display of an entity.
- *showentitybymark
Turns on the display of a mark of entities.
- *showview
Shows the entities with respect to a view saved using *saveviewmask.
- *shrinkwrapmesh
Generates a shrink wrap mesh of shell or solid elements.
- *simulationsetangle
Sets the angle used to evaluate complex results. The evaluated results are used in contour and assigned plots.
- *simulationtitleon
Controls the display of the simulation title.
- *sketchdisassociateentities
Removes the association between the sketch and its realized entities.
- *sketchedit
Edits the sketch entity by adding/removing/modifying entities with various operations.
- *sketchintersect
Adds intersected curves into the sketch by intersecting selected entities with the sketch work plane.
- *sketchproject
Projects line and surface entities into the sketch work plane along the normal direction.
- *sl_feature_mesh
Performs feature-based meshing of surfaces using meshcontrols.
- *sl_meshsurfaces
Performs feature-based meshing of surfaces using an XML config file.
- *sliversfixfe
Fixes sliver edges of FE geometry surfaces.
- *slivertetrafix
Fixes sliver tetra and wedge elements and optimizes node positions based on certain quality criteria.
- *smooth3d
Optimizes node locations of 3D elements against user supplied quality criteria.
- *smoothelements
In the automeshing module, applies the specified smoothing operator to the mesh (if any) found on the face for the given number of times.
- *snap_nodes_to_original_geometry_location
Relocates moved nodes to their original locations on the surface.
- *solid_cavity_detect_end
Releases memory from the *solid_cavity_detect_start command.
- *solid_cavity_detect_fill
Creates solids from detected cavities and optionally merges the created solids with the parent.
- *solid_cavity_detect_local
Extracts cavity surfaces based on input rims and a face of that cavity.
- *solid_cavity_detect_modify_rims
Modify a partially detected cavity by adding and removing rims.
- *solid_cavity_detect_modify_surfaces
Modify a partially detected cavity by adding and removing surfaces.
- *solid_cavity_detect_start
Detects cavities (protrusion only) from a solid.
- *solid_extrude_from_surfs
Create solids by extruding a set of selected surfaces along a given vector.
- *solid_facesfind
Find new 2D faces from 3D elements in select components.
- *solid_fixedptsmaker
Used in the Solidmap panel to create fixed points on the edges of selected components. These points are generated from nodes on the component’s edges that fall within a specified tolerance, and are meant to be transitory.
- *solid_fixedptssuppressor
Suppresses the selected fixed points.
- *solid_offset_from_surfs
Create solids by normally offsetting a set of selected surfaces.
- *solid_prepare_entitylst
Used to read entities on mark ID 1 into an internal solidmap entity array.
- *solid_prepare_nodeline
Used to read nodes on list ID 2 into an internal solidmap node array.
- *solid_rotate
Rotates solids about an axis by 360 degrees and creates the swept volume.
- *solid_split_by_tool
Splits solid geometry using various tool types.
- *solid_untrim
Untrims solids by removing surfaces that separate them.
- *solidblock
Create a parallelepiped block solid.
- *solidcone
Create a full or partial cone or cylindrical solid.
- *solidcreatedragsurfalongline
Create one or more solids by dragging one or more surfaces along a line.
- *solidcreateruled
Create a solid that interpolates linearly or smoothly between input surfaces.
- *solidcreatespinsurfwithoffsetangle
Create solids by rotating a set of selected surfaces around a given axis.
- *solidmap_begin
Marks the beginning of a solid mapping command block.
- *solidmap_end
Marks the end of a solid mapping command block.
- *solidmap_equivalence
Used for equivalencing two sets of nodes for solid mapped meshing.
- *solidmap_equivalence2
Equivalences two sets of nodes for solid mapped meshing.
- *solidmap_prepare_usrdataptr
Used to setup the inputs to a solid mapping command block.
- *solidmap_set_source_size
Sets the source 2D mesh size for the next call to *solidmap_end.
- *solidmap_solids_begin
Starts a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
- *solidmap_solids_begin2
Starts a multiple-solid solidmap command block, with optional source and destination hints.
- *solidmap_solids_begin3
Initializes the line mesh parameters after resolving the density conflicts of the lines in the solid.
- *solidmap_solids_end
Ends a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
- *solidmap_solids_set_density
Sets the per-edge element density within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
- *solidmap_solids_set_elemsize
Sets the per-edge element size within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
- *solidmap_solids_set_face_params
Sets the per-surface mesh type and mesh flags within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
- *solidmap_solids_set_mapface
Sets the surface shared by the 4 input points to the mapped type within a multiple-solid solidmap command block.
- *solidmesh9lines
Creates a solid mesh on a volume formed by nine lines.
- *solidmesh12lines
Creates a solid mesh in a volume formed by twelve lines.
- *solidmeshwithsurfaces
Creates a mesh of solid elements by first extruding an existing 2D finite element mesh, and then mapping the extruded mesh into a volume.
- *solidrc_fillhole_nodelist
Creates a patch of elements from a list of nodes.
- *solids_create_from_surfaces
- *solverconvert
Converts a model from one solver to another.
- *solverdeckcleanup
Deletes or retains certain solver specific entities, based on their validity in the current model.
- *sort_midsurfaces
Sorts mid-surfaces from the "Middle Surface" component into other components.
- *spatialrenumbering
Renumbers the solver IDs for the specified entity type based on spatial locations.
- *specialelements
Creates special elements like gasket elements between a source and target, or updates penta/hexa elements to special elements like gasket elements.
- *sphereclipautofit
Toggles the autofit feature for spherical clipping on or off.
- *sphereclipcenter
Sets the center for spherical clipping.
- *sphereclipradius
Set the radius for spherical clipping.
- *sphgenerate_new
Generates SPH elements with various options.
- *splinesurface
Creates a 3D or planar surface defined by a set of lines, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a Coons patch surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *split_elements_by_structure_pattern
Creates a transition mesh between refined and boundary regions.
- *split_elements_by_structure_pattern_freeselection
Creates a refined mesh inside a selected area and makes the transition using structured patterns .
- *split_hex_continuum
Split solid element layers through all edges that are topologically parallel to the selected edges while maintaining connectivity and associativity.
- *split1delements
Split 1D elements using various options.
- *splitcontactfromcontactgroup
Disassociates a group (contact pair/tie) entity from a contact group.
- *splitelementbyedges
Splits shell element edges that are intersected by a line joining the input points.
- *splitelementbyelemselect
Splits shell element patches using patterns based on the patch shared edges.
- *splitelements
Splits shell elements using various methods.
- *splitelementswith1D
Splits shell elements on all sides, along with all connected 1D elements.
- *splitsolidelements
Divides the given solid elements into hexa or tetra elements.
- *splitSurfaceRegions
Splits regions based on the connectivity of the contained surfaces.
- *spring
Creates a spring element between two nodes using an orientation vector.
- *springfournoded
Creates a spring element between four nodes using an orientation vector.
- *springos
Creates a spring element between two nodes using various orientation methods.
- *springsosupdate
Updates a spring element using various orientation methods.
- *springsupdate
Updates the properties of spring elements.
- *springthreenoded
Creates a spring element between three nodes using an orientation vector.
- *stackdisplay
Displays the stack direction of selected entities.
- *stackreverse
Reverses the stack direction of selected entities.
- *start_batch_import
Initializes a sequence of multi-file batch import/merge operations.
- *startnotehistorystate
Defines the start of a history state.
- *stiffenedpanelmesh
Creates a stiffened panel mesh between lines or on surfaces.
- *storemeshtodatabase
Converts a generated mesh (if any) into elements in the specified component.
- *summary
Prints or displays a summary from a specified template.
- *superelementset
Sets the super element flag on a group of nodes.
- *surface_rmesh
Used by the R-Mesh macro to quickly generate a quad/tria shell mesh for rigid tool surfaces.
- *surface_stitch
Performs stitching of edges within surfaces or/and between surfaces.
- *surfaceaddnodesfixed
Adds meshing fixed points to a mark of surfaces, either by breaking edges or adding interior fixed points. The coordinates of the fixed points are supplied by a list of nodes.
- *surfaceaddpoint
Add a fixed point on a surface at the specified coordinates.
- *surfaceaddpointsfixed
Adds meshing fixed points to a mark of surfaces, either by breaking edges or adding interior fixed points. The coordinates for the fixed points are supplied by a pointmark.
- *surfacecone
Creates a full or partial cone, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a conical region for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfaceconefull
Creates a cone with a specified center and radius, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a conical region for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacecopyedges
Create lines from the edges of a surface.
- *surfacecreatedraglinealongline
Create one or more surfaces by dragging one or more lines along a line.
- *surfacecreatedraglinealongnormal
Creates one or more surface by dragging the input lines along their curvature direction.
- *surfacecreatedraglinealongvector
Create surface(s) by extruding line(s) along a vector.
- *surfacecreatedragnodesalongline
Create one or more surfaces by dragging a line which is created by a set of input nodes along another line.
- *surfacecreatenormalfromedges
Creates surfaces in the normal direction from the edges of adjacent surfaces.
- *surfacecreatenurbs
Create a NURBS surface using input parameters.
- *surfacecreateruled
Create surfaces that interpolates linearly or smoothly between input lines.
- *surfacecreatespinlinewithoffsetangle
Spins lines to create surfaces by specifying a start and end angle.
- *surfacecreatespinnodeswithoffsetangle
Spins a list of nodes to create a surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher.
- *surfacecreatetangentfromedges
Create surfaces extending in the tangent direction from the surfaces along selected edges.
- *surfacedisplaynormals
Turns on the display of surface normals.
- *surfacefilletremove
Defeatures/removes selected fillet surfaces.
- *surfaceimprintpoints
Imprints locations/points, given by coordinates, onto surfaces within a given max distance.
- *surfaceintersectmark
Creates lines by intersecting surfaces with a plane or other surfaces.
- *surfaceintersectmark2
Creates lines by intersecting surfaces with a plane or other surfaces.
- *surfacemark_duplicate_check
Check identity between input surface sets.
- *surfacemark_find_organize_symmetry
Identify symmetry between surfaces in a given set, with respect to a given reflection plane.
- *surfacemarkaddnodesfixed
Add fixed points to a surface at locations specified by nodes.
- *surfacemarkclipwithline
Splits a group of surfaces with a line by projecting that line perpendicularly onto the surfaces.
- *surfacemarkclipwithlines
Splits a group of surfaces with lines by projecting those lines perpendicularly onto the surfaces.
- *surfacemarkfeatures
Reorganize the topology of a given set of surfaces based on various input test parameters. There are five separate tests available as well as options to close orphans and update or move (explained below). If the arguments to a test are -1, the test is not done. Therefore, the command is used for a variety of combinations of various tests.
- *surfacemarkmerge
Combines the selected surfaces into one surface, and divides the surface along the internal edges that correspond to fillets and feature lines.
- *surfacemarkremoveallpinholes
Removes all pinholes of a specified size from the specified surfaces.
- *surfacemarkremovelinefillets
Defeatures specific surface edge fillets.
- *surfacemarkremovepinholes
Removes pinholes.
- *surfacemarksplitwithelemedges
Trims the selected surfaces by specified FE/element edges.
- *surfacemarksplitwithline
Splits a mark of surfaces with a line swept along a vector.
- *surfacemarksplitwithlines
Splits a mark of surfaces with lines swept along a vector.
- *surfacemarksplitwithnodes
Splits a group of surfaces with a smooth line defined by the nodes.
- *surfacemarksplitwithplane
Splits a group of surfaces with an infinite plane.
- *surfacemarksplitwithsurface
Splits a group of surfaces with another surface.
- *surfacemarkuntrim
Removes any trim lines from the selected surfaces and lets the surface expand to its natural limits. The trim lines are separated from the surface and placed in the current component.
- *surfacemode
Sets the mode for automesh surface and shell mesh generation.
- *surface_patch
Creates surfaces using selected lines.
- *surfaceplane
Creates a square, planar surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a square planar surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfaceprimitivefromlines
Create a primitive type surface from selected lines.
- *surfaceprimitivefrompoints
Create a primitive type surface from selected nodes or points.
- *surfacereversenormals2
Reverses the normals of surfaces.
- *surfaceskin
Creates a skin surface across a line list, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a skin surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacespherefromfournodes
Creates a sphere which passes through the four specified nodes, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of such a sphere for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacespherefromthreepoints
Creates a full or partial sphere, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of such a sphere for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacespherefull
Creates a sphere with a specified center and radius, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of such a sphere for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacesplinefillholes
Creates spline surfaces on all loops of selected lines.
- *surfacesplinefillholes2
Creates spline surfaces on all loops of selected lines.
- *surfacesplinefrommesh
Creates geometry on selected 2D mesh elements. Uses selected plot elements to create edges between surfaces.
- *surfacesplinefrompoints
Creates a spline surface using selected nodes or points as boundary conditions.
- *surfacesplineonlinesloop
Create a single spline surface on a loop of lines.
- *surfacesplineonnodesloop2
Creates a spline surface using a node list as boundary conditions.
- *surfacesplinepatchforholes
Creates a spline surface inside all loops of selected lines.
- *surfacesplitwithcoords
Splits a surface with a line created between using coordinates.
- *surfacesplitwithline
Splits a surface with a line by sweeping the line along a vector.
- *surfacesplitwithplane
Splits a surface with an infinite plane.
- *surfacesplitwithsurface
Splits one surface with another.
- *surfacestringcreatemidline
Creates midlines for strings of narrow surfaces (fillets, rib tops, etc...).
- *surfacetorus
Creates a full or partial torus, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a toroidal region for the automesher to use with the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacetorusfromthreepoints
Creates a torus which passes through the three specified nodes, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher. It also can identify a toroidal region for the automesher to use with the mesh without surface option.
- *surfacetorusfull
Creates a torus with specified radii, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use in the automesher.
- *surfmark_trim_by_elemmark
Trims the selected surfaces by selected elements using input lines or edges as reference.
- *surfmark_trim_by_surfmark
Trims surfaces along the intersection(s) with other surfaces.
- *swapcards
Swaps the card image of an entity.
- *swapcontactmainsecondary
Swaps the main and secondary entities of groups.
- *sweep_envelope
Sweeps a volume along a trajectory, extracting only the envelope of the swept volume as a mesh.
- *syncpropertybeamsectionvalues
Copies the beam section values to property values. Currently valid only for Nastran and OptiStruct.
- *system
Creates and updates coordinate systems.
- *systemcommand
Executes a system command.
- *systemcreate3nodes
Creates a rectangular coordinate system.
- *systemorthobound
Makes sure that a child system lies within the specified euler angle bounds with respect to the parent child system. If it does not, it moves the child system in the most direct path so that it does.
- *tableaddcolumn
Adds a column of data to the right of a table.
- *tableaddrow
Adds a row of data to the bottom of a table.
- *tablecontour
Contours node/element data from a table.
- *tablecreate
Creates a new table.
- *tabledeletecolumn
Deletes a column of data from a table.
- *tabledeleterow
Deletes a row of data from a table.
- *tableexport
Exports data from a table to a file.
- *tableinsertcolumn
Inserts a column of data into a table.
- *tableinsertrow
Inserts a row of data into a table.
- *tablepopulate
Populates a table with data from a delimited file.
- *tableupdatecell
Updates the value of a cell in a table.
- *tableupdatecolumn
Updates the values in a column of a table.
- *tableupdatelabels
Updates the column labels of a table.
- *tableupdaterow
Updates the values in a row of a table.
- *tangentbetweenlines
Creates a tangent line between two lines.
- *tangentbetweennodeandline
Creates a tangent line between a node and a line.
- *templatefileset
Sets the global template file name.
- *tetmesh
Creates tetra meshes and CFD tetra meshes (with boundary layers).
- *tetmesh_create_size_ctrl
Creates a special component for use as an element size control box.
- *tetmesh_set_input
Supplies additional input to *tetmesh.
- *time
Prints the current time to the command file.
- *titlecreate
Creates a title.
- *titledraw
Draws a title.
- *titlemodify
Modifies a title entity.
- *titlepop
Pops a title to the front.
- *titlepush
Pushes a title to the background.
- *titlesetcurrent
Sets a title to be the current title.
- *toggleincludefromdisplay
Toggles the entities contained in the specified include file to/from the current display.
- *topography_reanalysis
Extract the final geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results and inherit the boundary conditions for reanalysis.
- *transformmark
Transforms a selection of entities using a transformation matrix.
- *translatemark
Translates a selection of entities along a vector.
- *translatemarkwithsystem
Translates a selection of entities along a vector of the specified system.
- *transparencymark
Makes the shaded surfaces in components on the mark transparent.
- *transparencyvalue
Sets the level of transparency for the shaded surface in components that are set to be transparent.
- *triangle_clean_up
Fixes sliver/bad quality elements which fail the user-defined aspect ratio.
- *trim_by_offset_edges
Offset selected surface edges and trim attached surfaces.
- *trim_elements2
Trims 2D elements using 1D or 2D elements.
- *trim_elems_by_multi_circular_hole
Trims shell elements with a circular hole and adds optional washer layers.
- *trim_mesh_by_mesh
Trims intersecting meshes using the source, target, or both.
- *trim_shell_elems_by_shell_elems
Trim 2D elements with 2D elements along their intersection lines, and remove small penetrating parts of elements between the intersection lines and free element edges.
- *trueview
Modifies the view so that a model-defined vector is normal to the screen.
- *undohistorystate
Undoes one or more history states.
- *unlockallentities
Unlock all entities with the same entity type and ID pool across includes.
- *unlockentities
Removes entity locks.
- *unlockview
Deletes the saved view with the name "Lock".
- *unmaskall
Unmasks all supported entities.
- *unmaskall2
Unmasks all supported entities.
- *unmaskentitiesincollector
Unmasks the specified entities contained within the specified collectors.
- *unmaskentitymark
Unmasks the entities on the specified mark.
- *unmasksegments
Unmasks segments.
- *unmaskshown
Unmasks all supported entities in the current view window.
- *unmaskshown2
Unmasks all supported entities in the current view window.
- *unrealizeengineeringentities
Unrealize engineering entities.
- *unrealizeengineeringentity
Unrealize an engineering entity.
- *unsmoothelements
From within the automeshing module, undoes the last operation of the *smoothelements() command for the specified face.
- *untrim_selected_edges
Untrims selected surface free edges.
- *update1delements
Updates 1D beams, bars, and rods, and optionally assigns properties. Alternatively, properties and offset can be calculated from a section cut on the model.
- *UpdateBinderSections
Update the binder shape using the current section. The binder and the section are identified automatically.
- *updatefeatures
Specifies for element remesh with feature edges when 1D elements selected as features are also refined.
- *updatefree1delements
Updates rigidlink and RBE3 elements to remove free legs and optionally update the weights.
- *updateidrange
Updates an ID range.
- *updateinclude
Updates include file basic information.
- *updateincludedata2
Updates include file solver specific information.
- *UpdateLatitudeLineDrag
This command updates the latitude line shape and the addendum surface shape, after the latitude line handle drag.
- *updateoffset
Updates the definition of the offset.
- *updatepositions
Reorganize entities in case of an addition, removal, or deletion of transformations, or a change in transformation order operations.
- *updatepropertyidforfejoints
Updates the property ID for the given FE joint elements.
- *updatereferencegeometry
Updates a reference geometry control volume.
- *updatestackedentities
Stacks composites entities in a hierarchy.
- *usercheck
Runs a template that can be used to check element quality.
- *vabs
Generates VABS cross-sectional ply mesh information along with an OptiStruct solver file.
- *validatefeatures
Validates the selected feature entities and flags them for re-detection.
- *vectorcreate_xproduct
Creates a vector entity by using the cross product of two other vectors.
- *vectorplot
Creates a vector plot from results data.
- *vectorsoff
Remove review vectors from the screen.
- *vectorupdate_xproduct
Updates a vector entity created from the cross product of two other vectors.
- *vertexrelease
Unstitches the selected vertex.
- *verticescombine
Given one surface fixed point to retain, and one or more additional fixed points, combines all of the points into the first point. Some surface edges or entire surfaces may be deleted in the process.
- *verticesmarksuppress
Removes the selected fixed points from their surfaces and gives the option to create free points at those locations.
- *verticesrelease
Unstitches selected vertices.
- *view
Modifies the current view.
- *view_restoreprevious
Return to previous view state.
- *viewset
Sets the graphics view.
- *visualizemode
Sets the parameters for visualization mode.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_add_box
Adds elements within a box to the include entities in the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_add_buffer_layers
Adds buffer layers to all include entities in the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_add_entities
Adds entities to the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_add_entities_with_buffer
Adds entities to the voxel domain with a number of buffer layers.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_add_planar_constraint
Adds a planar constraint to the voxel session.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_add_volume
Adds a volume surrounding a given point to the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_create
Creates voxel elements from the inputs given to the voxel session.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_drag_faces
Drags faces of existing voxels to create new voxels.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_end
Ends the voxel hex mesh module.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_fill_voids
Sets the mode for filling closed volumes during voxel creation.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_import
Imports an existing voxelization in to the current voxel session.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_init
Initializes the voxel hex mesh module.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_remove_buffer_layers
Removes buffer layers from all include entities in the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_remove_constraints
Removes all planar constraints for the current voxel session.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_remove_entities
Removes entities from the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_remove_volume
Removes a volume surrounding a given point from the voxel domain.
- *voxel_lattice_hex_mesh_renumber_to_grid_position
Renumbers the voxel elements according to grid numbering.
- *wadlines_createlines
Creates multiple wadlines.
- *wadlines_createspheres
Creates sphere surfaces for testing the rear reference line of pedestrian impact.
- *wadlines_hardpartzone
Creates the hard part zone by duplicating and trimming the vehicle outer components with test zone boundaries.
- *wadlines_windscreenperiphery
Creates the hard part zone for the pedestrian tool by duplicating and trimming vehicle outer components with the test zone boundaries.
- *walldisplay
Displays a wall.
- *weld
Creates a weld element between two nodes.
- *wind_tunnel_mesh
Generates a hex mesh for the far-field, a tetra mesh for the interface clearance, and a 3D boundary-layer mesh on the body.
- *window
Modifies the current window.
- *window_entitymark
Fits the view to the entities on the mark.
- *writecurrentqualitycriteria
Writes the current quality criteria to the specified file.
- *writeengineeringandcontroldata
Saves a binary file with the engineering and control data.
- *writefile
Saves a binary HyperMesh database.
- *writeh3dwithoptions
Writes an H3D file using various options to control the exported data.
- *writemodelcheckresultfile
Writes out model check results to a file.
- *writepart
Exports part information.
- *writeqiviewsettings
Writes a file containing the element quality view mode settings.
- *writequalitysummary
This command is executed from the 2D page’s Quality Index tool. It has little to no valid usage in custom macro scripts, because it does not perform any calculations.
- *xelem_bynodelist
Creates a new element (/XELEM) of config 27 and type 1 using a node list.
- *xelem_bysetid
Creates a new element (/XELEM) of config 27 and type 1 using a node set.
- *xyplotchangemode
Changes the mode of an extended plot.
- *xyplotcoloroverride
Sets the override color for xy plots.
- *xyplotcreate
Creates an xy plot.
- *xyplotcreateandsize
Creates an xy plot with the indicated position and dimensions.
- *xyplotcreatecomplex
Creates an extended or dual plot that contains two sub-plots.
- *xyplotcurvecreate
Creates a curve.
- *xyplotcurvemodify
Modifies a curve.
- *xyplotcurvepermute
Permutes a curve.
- *xyplotdraw
Draws an xy plot.
- *xyplotexpand
Expands a plot to cover the entire graphics region of the screen.
- *xyplotfindcurves
Resizes the xy plot window so the curves on the xy plot are fully visible.
- *xyplotmodify
Modifies an xy plot.
- *xyplotonecurvemath
Performs a math function on a curve.
- *xyplotorganize
Organizes the active plots so that they are fully visible on the screen.
- *xyplotpage
Pages through the active xy plots making each plot the entire size of the screen, then pauses until a mouse click.
- *xyplotpop
Pops an xy plot to the top level.
- *xyplotpush
Pushes an xy plot to the bottom level.
- *xyplotreadcurve
Reads curves from an ASCII file.
- *xyplotreadengineeringcurve
Reads in stress/strain information for HyperForm.
- *xyplotregisterexternalreader
Registers a translator for use in the Edit Curves panel.
- *xyplotregisterimporttemplate
Registers an import template.
- *xyplotsetcurrent
Sets the current xy plot.
- *xyplotsetcurve
Sets the current curve.
- *xyplotsetcurves
Sets the curve pointers on a plot.
- *xyplotsetsecondcurve
Sets the second curve to be used when performing mathematical functions on a curve.
- *xyplotstack
Stacks the active xy plots.
- *xyplottwocurvemath
Performs a math function on two curves.
- *xyplotwindow
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the plot window.
- *xyplotzoomout
Modifies the window of an xy plot by zooming out (reducing the size of the curves).
- Deprecated Tcl Modify Commands
The list of deprecated Tcl modify commands, and the new commands to use.
- Undocumented Tcl Modify Commands
The list of undocumented Tcl modify commands.