
Creates a single, selected type of impact points on the upper interior of a vehicle.


*createfmvss201u_createpoints pointtype=<value> ?option1=<value1>? ?option2=<value2>? … ?optionN=<valueN>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


This command creates a selected type of marking lines and impact points on the upper interior parts of a vehicle. Must be used after the *createfmvss201u_start command or otherwise will return an error. After all the required points are created, *createfmvss201u_end must be called for cleanup.


ap1=<value>, ap2=<value>, ap3=<value>, bp1=<value>, bp2=<value>, bp3=<value>, bp4=<value>, op1=<value>, op2=<value>, rp1=<value>, rp2=<value>, fh1=<value>, fh2=<value>, rh1=<value>, sr1=<value>, sr2h=<value>, sr2v=<value>, sr3=<value>
Needs to be set to 1 if the design point with the same name is to be created, 0 otherwise.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on A Pillar, 0 otherwise.
apillarpartsids={id1 id2 … idN}
The list of component IDs which make up the A pillar of the vehicle on the selected side.
The node ID of the node where user wants to mark BP2 point.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on B Pillar, 0 otherwise.
The node ID of the highest point on the door opening forward to the B Piller. Used in marking B pillar points.
bpillarpartsids={id1 id2 … idN}
The list of component IDs of the B pillar of the vehicle on the selected side.
The node ID of the lowest point on the door opening forward to the B Piller. Used in marking B pillar points.
The top node ID on the center line of the B Piller. Used in marking B pillar points.
The bottom node ID on the center line of the B Piller. Used in marking B pillar points.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on Front Header, 0 otherwise.
The component IDs of the sunroof if sunroof parts are present. Used in marking FH2 point.
interiorroofpartsids={id1 id2 … idN}
The list of component IDs which make up the Interior roof of the vehicle. This is used for the marking of the upper roof zone.
The node ID of the highest point on Instrument panel. Used in marking AP3 point.
The node ID of the node where user wants to mark OP1 point.
0 - OP1 point is marked automatically.
1 - User needs to select OP1 point.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on O Pillar, 0 otherwise.
The node ID of the highest point on the door opening forward to the O Piller. Used in marking O pillar points.
opillarpartsids={id1 id2 … idN}
The list of component IDs of the O pillar of the vehicle on the selected side.
The node ID of the lowest point on the door opening forward to the O Piller. Used in marking O pillar points.
The top node ID on the centre line of the O Piller. Used in marking O pillar points.
The bottom node ID on the centre line of the O Piller. Used in marking O pillar points.
The type of design points to be marked.
0 - AP - A Pillar
1 - UR – Upper roof zone
2 - BP - B Pillar
3 - OP - O Pillar
4 - RP - Rear Pillar
5 - FH - Front Header
6 - RH - Rear Header
7 - SR - Side Rail
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on Rear Header, 0 otherwise.
The node ID of the node where user wants to mark RP1 point.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on Rear Pillar, 0 otherwise.
rpillarpartsids={id1 id2 … idN}
The list of component IDs of the R pillar of the vehicle on the selected side.
The node ID of the node where user wants to mark SR3 point.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on Side Rail, 0 otherwise.
Needs to be set to 1 if design points are to be created on Upper roof Zone, 0 otherwise.


To mark A pillar design points, Upper roof zone and B pillar design points:
*createfmvss201u_start side=0 vehicledir=-1 method=0 seattraveldist=127.0 weatherstrippingoffset=0.0 wsoffset=0.0 sgrp={2000.000000,-400.000000,500.000000} sgrprear={2800.000000,-400.000000,500.000000} exteriorpartsids={10003,10006} interiorpartsids={10000,10004,10007,10008,10010,10011,10016,10017} windshieldpartsids={10001} 
*createfmvss201u_createpoints pointtype=0 apillarpartsids={10010} ap1=1 ap2=1 ap3=1 apbool=1 ippointid=57354
*createfmvss201u_createpoints pointtype=1 interiorroofpartsids={10000,10016,10017} urbool=1
*createfmvss201u_createpoints pointtype=2 bpillarpartsids={10007} bp1=1 bp2=1 bp2pointid=52327 bp3=1 bp4=1 bpbool=1 bphighestpointid=73386 bplowestpointid=53637 bpn1pointid=52774 bpn2pointid=51988


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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