
Draws a segment in the new target component. This segment connects the point to offset with the target point.


*show_new_target face offsetpoint_x offsetpoint_y offsetpoint_z target_x target_y target_z code


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Draws a segment in the new target component. This segment connects the point to offset with the target point.


Index of the surface to be offset.
X coordinate of the point to be offset.
Y coordinate of the point to be offset.
Z coordinate of the point to be offset.
X coordinate of the pilot point.
Y coordinate of the pilot point.
Z coordinate of the pilot point.
  • 0 - The target point is a midpoint between the offset point and the pilot point.
  • 1 - The target point is the pilot point.
  • 2 - The target point is a midpoint between the offset point and the pilot point. If the offset point is at a vertex of the surface to offset, the target is combined with any existing targets for that vertex and displays the combined target in the new target component.
  • 3 - The target point is the pilot point. If the offset point is at a vertex of the surface to offset, the target is combined with any existing targets for that vertex and displays the combined target in the new target component.
  • 4 - Behaves exactly as option 2, but also displays the targets being combined and the target planes in the targets being combined component.
  • 5 - Behaves exactly as option 3, but also displays the targets being combined and the target planes in the targets being combined component.
  • -1 - The command combines the targets that existed at the vertex; the pilot point is ignored.
  • -5 - As for option -1, but also displays the targets being combined component.


Users cannot manually employ this command, because HyperMesh must internally generate the index values (they cannot simply be typed in).

