Creates fastener connectors, elements, properties, and materials using the Huth formula.
*fastenercreation ?<option1>=<value1>? ?<option2>=<value2>? ... ?<optionN>=<valueN>?
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Creates fastener connectors, elements, properties, and materials using the Huth formula. Currently only supported for Abaqus profile.
Valid column labels in the CSV file are:
- x,y,z for location
- x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 for start and end point of line
- lineid for ID of line
- nodeid for ID of node
- pointid for ID of point
- material for ID of material
- diameter for fastener diameter
- tolerance or length for tolerance of line
- cid for system ID if the locations are in a specific system
The default Huth constants are:
- Coefficient a: 2/3 for metallic and bolted graphite/epoxy, 2/5 for riveted metallic
- Coefficient b: 3 for bolted metallic, 2.2 for riveted metallic, 4.2 for bolted graphite/epoxy
- Coefficient b1=b/n b2=b/n^2 where n is the number of shear
- coeffa1=<value>
- The a1 value when method="User defined(Huth)".
- coeffb1=<value>
- The b1 value when method="User defined(Huth)".
- coeffb2=<value>
- The b2 value when method="User defined(Huth)".
- componentmark=<value>
- The ID of the mark of components for finding attached shells or projections. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- conntype=<value>
- The connection type, Bolts or Rivets.
- createupdateoption=<value>
- 0 - Connector creation
- diameter=<value>
- The diameter value when diameteropt=Value.
- diameteropt=<value>
- Calculated - Consider from file if it has diameter information, else from perpendicular lines on markid
- elemtype=<value>
- The solver element type. Must be set to Fastener for creating CONN3D in Abaqus.
- entitytype=<value>
- The type of entity for create (lines, points, nodes) and update (connectors) operations.
- fileloc=<value>
- The full file path which contains values like diameter, line ID, node ID, point ID, material ID, point location, etc... when filelocopt=1.
- filelocopt=<value>
- If set to 1, fileloc is used.
- k4=<value>
- The stiffness value k4.
- k5=<value>
- The stiffness value k5.
- k6=<value>
- The stiffness value k6.
- markid=<value>
- The ID of the mark of entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- materialid=<value>
- The material ID when youngmodopt=material
- method=<value>
- "Huth Formula"
- numlayer=<value>
- The number of layers when numlayeropt=Value.
- numlayeropt=<value>
- Calculated - Automatic calculation (default)
- orientopt=<value>
- The orientation option:
- projectiondirection="<value1> <value2> <value3>"
- The direction values when projectionmethod="along discrete direction"
- projectionmethod=<value>
- The method for calculating the projection. Valid values are:
- projectionspecificlink=<value>
- The component ID when projectionmethod="normal to specific link"
- systemid=<value>
- The system ID when orientopt=UserDefined
- tolerance=<value>
- The tolerance value when toleranceopt=Value.
- toleranceopt=<value>
- The connector tolerance:
- youngmodopt=<value>
- material - Value is taken from materialid
To create fasteners on all lines (via comps), with diameter of 5, automatic number of layers, Young's modulus taken from material 1, and the tolerance calculated using lines:
*createmark comps 1 all
*createmark lines 2 all
*fastenercreation entitytype=lines filelocopt=0 diameteropt=Value diameter=5 numlayeropt=Calculated numlayer=-1 method={Huth Formula} elemtype=fastener youngmodopt=material materialid=1 toleranceopt=Calculated k4=100 k5=1.0E8 k6=1.0E8 conntype=Bolts mark=2 orientopt=Auto componentmark=1
Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect
errors, you can use the catch
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History