
Synchronizes the contents of one module occurrence to the specified target occurrences that share a common module prototype.


*ME_ModuleOccurrenceInstancesSyncContents src_me_id target_me_ids ?options?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Every module occurrence has an associated module prototype. A single module prototype may provide the base definition for multiple module occurrences, that is, a prototype of a wheel, might have four occurrences in a vehicle.

This command synchronizes a single occurrence with one or more additional instanced occurrences of a common prototype. It will clear any current contents of the target occurrences and copy/synchronize the contents of the source occurrence into the targets.


The ID of the source module which provides the content to be synchronized.
The IDs of the target modules to receive the synchronized content (need to be enclosed in quotes if more than one ID is provided). Specifying a single value of 0 is a shortcut to target all other instanced occurrences that share a common prototype with src_me_id.
List of input options, passed as a comma separated string enclosed in quotes. Valid options are:
excluded_entity_types=<type1> <type2> ... <typeN>
A space separated list of module entity types to exclude from synchronization.
0 - Do not update the current rep and mapped/loaded rep status of the target occurrences.
1 - Update the current rep and mapped/loaded rep status of the target occurrences to be same as source.
If specified, the command will calculate the target parts ignoring anything specified in target_me_ids.
The options are:
1 – Same Representation. Syncs to instances with the same representation loaded.
2 – All Loaded. Syncs to instances with any representation loaded.
3 – Non-empty. Syncs to instances that have a content i.e. parts with content, but have not been loaded.
4 – All. Syncs to all instances.
The ID of the user mark. Valid values are 1 or 2. If specified, the successfully synced parts will be placed on the specified user mark.


To synchronize the contents of module ID 22 to all other instanced occurrences that share a common module prototype. The affected synced occurrences that are calculated by the command will be placed on outputmark ID 1 for any post-processing:
*ME_ModuleOccurrenceInstancesSyncContents 22 “” “target_mode=4, target_outputmark=1”
To synchronize the contents of module ID 22 to specified target occurrences 24, 26 and 28. The operation will ignore copying/synchronizing properties and materials (to avoid duplicates) and will update the target occurrences’ rep statuses:
*ME_ModuleOccurrenceInstancesSyncContents 22 “24 26 28” "copy_partrep_status=1, excluded_entity_types=props mats"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
