
Surfaces and solids that are contained in input selection, are topologically detached from either the rest of the model, or from another selection.


*detach_geom entitytype=<value> mark0=<mark_id> ?mark1=<mark_id>? ?organize=<value>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


This command detaches the selected geometry topologically from another selection or from the rest of the model. In mark0, the user gives the selection of geometry which will be detached from other geometries. If mark1 selection is provided, then the geometry in mark0 is detached only from the geometry in mark1. If mark1 is not provided, then the geometry in mark0 is detached from the rest of the model.

Additionally, the boundary surfaces of solids, which are in the input selection, are also organized into solid’s component, if they are found to be in different components. The reorganization of solid boundary surfaces is controlled by the optional argument organize.


The type of entities selected in mark0 and mark1 as input. Valid entity types are surfaces, solids, components, parts and subsystems.
The ID of the mark containing the input entities that are going to be detached from other geometries. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The ID of the mark containing a second set of geometry. If this input is provided, entities on mark0 are detached only from the entities on mark1. Otherwise, entities with mark0 are detached from all the other entities in the model. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Controls the reorganization of solid boundary surfaces. Valid values are 0 (default) or 1. If set to 1, boundary surfaces of solids on mark0 are reorganized so that they are in the same component as the solid.


To detach surfaces and solids in part ID 4, from the rest of the model and also to make sure that all the solids in part ID 4 are adjusted so their boundary surfaces are also in their solid’s component:
*createmark parts 1 4
*detach_geom entitytype=parts mark0=1 organize=1
To detach surfaces ID 60, 49, 42, 58, 7 and 11 from surfaces ID 52, 38 and 29, while keeping the connectivity with the rest of the model:
*createmark surfaces 1 60 49 42 58 7 11
*createmark surfaces 2 52 38 29
*detach_geom entitytype=surfaces mark0=1 mark1=2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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