
Appends a mark with entities of the given type that match a defined pattern of identifying information.


*appendmarksolverdata EntityType SolverNumber MarkID Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Arg4…


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Appends a mark with entities of the given type that match a defined pattern of identifying information.


The type of entities to add to the mark. See details below for different entities supported.
A unique number for each solver that HyperMesh interfaces with:
  • 1 - OptiStruct, Nastran
  • 2 - Abaqus
  • 4 - Autodv
  • 6 - PAM-CRASH
  • 8 - ANSYS
  • 9 - LS-DYNA3D
  • 10 - Deform
  • 11 - HFSolver
  • 16 - Moldflow
  • 18 - PAM-CRASH
  • 19 - HyperXtrude
  • 20 - Radioss
  • 21 - Permas
The mark ID to which the entities found by this command will be appended.
Valid values are 1 and 2.
Arg1, Arg2, …
Various arguments that vary based on entity type.
For each entity, the attribute # in the solver template and its value need to be defined in pair. Refer to the Templates section of the Reference Guide to learn more about attributes and their values.
Table 1. Arg Table
Entity Type arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6
NODES unused attrib1 value1 ...
ELEMS config type attrib1 value1 ...
COMPS Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
LINES unused attrib1 value1 ...
SURFS unused attrib1 value1 ...
LOADS config type entitytype attrib1 value1 ...
SYSTS unused 0-any definitioncode

1-coordinate based

2-node based

(see below)

0-any type




attrib1 value1 ...
LOADCOLS Card Image/ Template Tag loadstepid attrib1 value1 ...
SYSTCOLS Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
SETS Card Image/ Template Tag entitytype

1000-justrlink nodesets

1001-omit rlink nodesets

0-any set


2- ordered


attrib1 value1 ...
PROPS Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 3-formula


Groups config type ttag loadstepid attrib1 value1
Groups - rwalls config=5 type ttag loadstepid geometrytype motiontype

(see below)

Plots unused attrib1 value1 ...
Curves unused attrib1 value1 ...
Blocks Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Mats Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Assems unused attrib1 value1 ...
Titles unused attrib1 value1 ...
Vectorcols Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Vectors unused attrib1 value1 ...
Equations unused config attrib1 value1 ...
Cards Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Outputblocks unused loadstepid entitytype attrib1 value1 ...
Outputblocks (elems) unused loadstepid 2 class (see note) attrib1 value1
Loadsteps unused attrib1 value1 ...
HM_points unused attrib1 value1 ...
HM_splines unused attrib1 value1 ...
Sensors unused attrib1 value1 ...
Designvars config attrib1 value1 ...
Beamsectcols Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Beamsects unused attrib1 value1 ...
Optitableentrs unused attrib1 value1 ...
Optifunctions unused attrib1 value1 ...
Optiresponses unused attrib1 value1 ...
Dvprels config attrib1 value1 ...
Opticonstraints unused attrib1 value1 ...
Desvarlinks unused attrib1 value1 ...
Objectives unused attrib1 value1 ...
Controlvols Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Opticontrols unused attrib1 value1 ...
Optidscreens unused attrib1 value1 ...
HM_tag unused attrib1 value1 ...
Dobjrefs unused attrib1 value1 ...
Contactsurfs Card Image/ Template Tag attrib1 value1 ...
Connectors unused attrib1 value1 ...
Shapes unused attrib1 value1 ...
Handles unused attrib1 value1 ...
Domains unused attrib1 value1 ...
Symmetrys unused attrib1 value1 ...
Solids unused attrib1 value1 ...
Morphconstraints unused attrib1 value1 ...
Hypercubes unused attrib1 value1 ...
Ddvals unused attrib1 value1 ...


To add all the properties that use the Nastran PBUSH card:
*createmark props 1
*appendmarksolverdata props 1 1 857 All 

Here the Property entities ("props") that use Nastran (solver "1") attribute ID 857 (from the ARG. Table) set to any value, are added to the mark.

To add all the LS-DYNASingle_surface_contacts to the mark:
*createmark props 1
*appendmarksolverdata(groups, 9, 1, 3, 1, 2389, 0, 97, 1, 4733, 0)

For example, you can use this command to create a mark containing all the components in the model that use the LS-DYNA *PART_INTERTIA card image.