
Move feature nodes to solve minimum element size failures.


*min_size_node_movement mark_id


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


This command moves nodes along feature edges in a shell mesh to solve minimum element size failures. The mesh topology is not modified. The minimum element size is given by "Min Size" ( fail ) in the criteria file settings. The node movement is restricted to be along existing surfaces. The command expects that the criteria and parameter files are set. It honors the following fields from the parameter file to specify the maximum allowable node movement distance:
  1. Move across shared edges
  2. Move across free edges
  3. Move across non-manifold edges
Feature edges are constructed as:
  1. A set of 1D elements along FE edges
  2. If no 1D element is present in the model, using the feature angle given in the parameter file
  3. Node - geometry association

Node - geometry association is maintained after feature node are moved, however, free edge nodes may move tangential away from the surface and lose association.

Feature node movement is attempted in decreasing order of priority for:
  1. Internal low curvature shared edges
  2. Internal high curvature edges
  3. Free edges
  4. Non-manifold edges

Node movement is also part of the *rebuild_mesh command.


The ID of the mark containing the elements to correct. Valid values are 1 and 2.


To move feature nodes of selected shell elements with 5 mm criteria and parameter file settings:
*createstringarray 14 " 0 penalty value              0.00    0.00    0.50    1.00    5.00" \
  "  1 min length        1 2.0   5.000   4.333   3.666   3.000   2.833    2" \
  "  2 max length        1 1.5   5.000   6.200   7.320   9.000  11.290    0" \
  "  3 aspect ratio      1 1.0   1.000   2.000   4.000   5.000  10.000    0" \
  "  4 warpage           1 2.0   0.000   5.000  15.000  20.000  40.000    0" \
  "  5 max angle quad    1 1.0  90.000 110.000 140.000 150.000 165.000    0" \
  "  6 min angle quad    1 1.0  90.000  70.000  40.000  30.000  15.000    0" \
  "  7 max angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  80.000 120.000 130.000 155.000    0" \
  "  8 min angle tria    1 1.0  60.000  50.000  30.000  20.000  10.000    0" \
  "  9 skew              1 1.5   0.000  10.000  50.000  60.000  75.000    0" \
  " 10 jacobian          1 2.0   1.000   0.900   0.600   0.500   0.350    0" \
  " 11 chordal dev       0 0.0   0.000   0.300   0.800   1.000   2.000    0" \
  " 12 taper             0 1.0   0.000   0.200   0.500   0.600   0.900    0" \
  " 13 % of trias        1 2.0   0.000   3.000   4.500   6.000   9.000    0"
*setqualitycriteria 1 14 0
*elementchecksettings -1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*createstringarray 106 "fileversion 20180" "geometry_cleanup_flag             1" \
  "meshing_flag                      5" "element_size                      5.0" \
  "element_type                      2" "mesh_align                        3" \
  "element_order                     1" "surf_component                    1" \
  "feature_angle                     30.0" "holes_table_begin" "appl_surf(1)" \
  "appl_solid(0)" "appl_cordsfiles(0)" "appl_flanged_suppr(1)" "flanged_suppr_height(1.4)" \
  "narrow_slots_type(1)" "appl_rmv_washer_loops(1)" "abs_fixed_nodes_count_max(-8)" \
  "rad(0.0,2.2) do action(1) washer(0) " "rad(2.2,3.01) do action(0) elems(4) washer(0) " \
  "rad(3.01,4.7) do action(0) elems(6) washer(1) layers(3.5) " "rad(4.7,9.0) do action(0) elems(8) washer(1) layers(0.75*radius) " \
  "rad(9.0,11.0) do action(0) elems(8) washer(1) layers(7.0) " "rad(11.0,20) do action(0) elems(8) washer(1) layers(auto) " \
  "rad(0.0,2.2) solid(1) do action(1) " "rad(2.2,3.01) solid(1) do action(0) elems(4) " \
  "rad(3.01,20) solid(1) do action(0) elems(6) " "holes_table_end" "edge_fillet_recognition           1" \
  "max_fillet_radius                 5.0" "surface_fillet_table_begin" "surface_fillet_recognition(1)" \
  "minimize_transitions(1)" "rad(0,2.2) wid(3.0,6.2) do split(suppress_on)" \
  "rad(2.2,15) wid(3.4,6.2) do elems(1)" "rad(0,25.0) wid(6.2,9.2) do elems(2)" \
  "rad(0,35.0) wid(9.2,12.5) do elems(3)" "rad(0,40.0) wid(12.5,25.0) do chordal_deviation(0.2)" \
  "surface_fillet_table_end" "del_dupl_surfs_flag               2" "del_dupl_surfs_tol                -1" \
  "edges_stitch_flags                0" "max_edges_stitch_tol              -1.0" \
  "fix_overlapsurfs_flag             1" "overlapsurfs_maxtangangle         -1.0" \
  "merge_narrow_surfs                1" "narrow_surfs_merge_width          Lmin*0.67" \
  "beads_suppression                 1" "beads_recognition                 1" \
  "minimal_beads_height              1.4" "beads_treat_flags                 1" \
  "flange_recognition                1" "flange_elements_across            3" \
  "flange_max_width                  30.0" "flange_min_width                  8.0" \
  "flanges_treat_flags               1" "flange_max_remove_width           -1.0" \
  "appl_tria_reduction               1" "common_mesh_flow                  0" \
  "extract_thinsolids                1" "midsurf_method                    3" \
  "thinsolid_ratio                   0.3" "max_thickness                     10.0" \
  "extract_feature_angle             25.0" "pre_midsurf_cleanup               1" \
  "direct_midmesh                    0" "ignore_flat_edges                 1" \
  "flatten_connections               0" "defeat_open_width_on              1" \
  "defeat_open_width                 1.0" "supp_proxim_edges_on              1" \
  "supp_proxim_edges                 0.9" "combine_nonmanifold_on            1" \
  "combine_nonmanifold               0.7" "midmesh_extract_elem_size         2.0" \
  "remove_logo                       1" "logo_max_size                     30.0" \
  "logo_max_height                   1.4" "logo_min_concavity                1.0" \
  "threads_removal                   0" "threads_toremove_max_depth        5.0" \
  "threads_replacediametertype       -2" "folded_elems_angle                150.0" \
  "smooth_elems_target               0.2" "fillets_mesh_flow                 0" \
  "failed_elems_cleanup_flgs         8" "move_nodes_across_feature_edges   1" \
  "featureedge_nodes_moveacross_max  L*0.1" "move_nodes_across_free_edges      1" \
  "freeedge_nodes_moveacross_max     L*0.05" "move_nodes_across_t_edges         1" \
  "tedge_nodes_moveacross_max        L*0.05" "move_normal_flag                  1" \
  "move_normal_dist                  0.8" "divide_warped_quads               1" \
  "ignore_comps_boundary             0" "gen_topology_prepare_flags        7" \
  "cleanup_comp_flag                 0 " "comp_select                        " \
  "use_wildcards_for_compsnames      0" "cleanup_tolerances                auto" \
  "suppress_features_rate            1" "feat_charsize_method              1" \
  "custom_feat_suppr_maxangle        25.0" "uncond_constr_lines_suppress      0" \
  "aggressive_fillet_lines_suppress  0"
*createbatchparamsfromstrings 1 106
*createmark elements 1 all
*min_size_node_movement 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
