
Creates a report for FBD panel and FBD bar from panel and freebodysection entities respectively.


*createfbdreport report_type entity_type mark_id subcase_ids resultid=<value> ?<option1>=<value1>? ?<option2>=<value2>? ... ?<optionN>=<valueN>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Creates a report for FBD panel and FBD bar from panel and freebodysection entities respectively.

This queries the raw grid-point and element force data from result entities multiple subcases of the elements and nodes contained under the panel/freebodysection entities. It is then formalized and calculated with respect to local or elemental system to get the final FBD force values. A table is then created which contains the detailed panel/freebodysection entities, subcase details and FBD force values.


The type of report to generate. Valid values are panel and bar.
The type of entity for the report. For panel reports, this must be panels. For bar reports, this must be freebodysection.
The ID of the mark containing the input panels or freebodysections. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The subcase IDs to consider, as a comma separated string with each substring consisting of the result file ID, subcase ID and step ID. For example: {1_1_0,1_2_0, 2_1_0, 2_1_1}.
The ID of the result entity to use. This is a mandatory option.
0 - No envelope calculation (default)
1 - Envelope calculation
For panel reports only:
0 - Element forces (default)
1 - Grid-point forces
The tolerance to limit the values for the table creation. Default is 0.00001.


Create an FBD panel report with element forces:
*createmark panels 1 1 2 3
*createfbdreport panel panels 1 {1_1_0,1_2_0,2_1_0,2_1_1} resultid=1
Create an FBD panel report with grid-point forces:
*createmark panels 1 1 2 3
*createfbdreport panel panels 1 {1_1_0,1_2_0,2_1_0,2_1_1} resultid=1 gpf=1
Create an FBD panel report with envelope:
*createmark panels 1 1 2 3
*createfbdreport panel panels 1 {1_1_0,1_2_0,2_1_0,2_1_1} resultid=1 gpf=1 envelope=1
Create an FBD bar report:
*createmark freebodysections 1 1 2 3
*createfbdreport bar freebodysections 1 {1_1_0,1_2_0,2_1_0,2_1_1} resultid=1
Create an FBD bar report with envelope:
*createmark freebodysections 1 1 2 3
*createfbdreport bar freebodysections 1 {1_1_0,1_2_0,2_1_0,2_1_1} resultid=1 envelope=1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History