
Creates a beamsection entity from one or more section cuts on entities.


*beamsectioncreatefromsectioncut entitytype=<value> mark=<mark_id> ?option1=<value1>? ?option2=<value2>? … ?optionN=<valueN>?


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Creates a beamsection entity from a section cut on entities. Multiple planes can be used to create the same number of beamsections at once.


The type of input entity. Valid values are elements, surfaces and solids. If config=3 (shell section), solids are not allowed.
The ID of the mark of input entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The reduction point to compute beamsection properties.
0 - Plan base
1 - Centroid
2 - Shear center (default)
3 - Frame center
The beamsection config.
0 - Solid
3 - Shell
4 - Elastic (default)
The tolerance value (in percentage) to consolidate similar beamsections while applying a section cut. If the maximum relative variation for the area, inertias and warping constant between two beamsections is less than the tolerance value, both beamsections are considered as equivalent. In that case, only one unique beamsection is created.
value < 0.0 - No consolidation is done (default)
value > 0.0 - Consolidation is done between all beamsections computed at once on the same section cut process.
If config=4 (elastic section), the maximum contact distance between two separated domains.
value < 0.0 - The maximum contact value will be considered as 0.8-times the average element size. (default)
value = 0.0 - No contact
value > 0.0 - Defines the maximum contact distance between elements from two different domain loops. The contact is then ensured by a classical MPC method, using a mortar finite elements method.
Creates a sketch from beamsection topology after properties computation. It will map the domain description to the sketch topology.
0 - Do not create (default)
1 - Create
If config=4 (elastic section), the default material rule to compute beamsection properties. If the value is not set to geometric, the average moment of inertia will be evaluated considering Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio from entity intersected by a plane. It results in the evaluation of stiffness terms as EA /EIyy /EIzz /GJ of the full section. The material impacts the centroid and shear center location as well as warping properties. If a region is fully defined (no mix of entities with and without material assigned), the max, mean, nearest and user values are ignored. If a region is missing material property, then this parameter defines how to consider material for undefined regions.
1 – Geometric: section properties are derived from the area moments of inertia without considering any material. User can select a target material that will be assigned to the created property. (default)
2 - Max: applies the highest Young Modulus (and related Nu) from the list of materials seen in intersection.
3 - Mean: applies the averaged Young Modulus (and Nu) from the list of materials seen in intersection.
4 - Nearest: applies the highest Young Modulus (and related Nu) from the closest region with material assigned.
5 - User: applies target material for this region. Requires material selection.
The merge tolerance to close gaps. If config=3 (shell section), all segments extremities in tolerance will be merged. If config=0 (solid section) or config=4 (elastic section), and entitytype=LINES or entitytype=ELEMS for 1D elements, segments in tolerance will be merged to create closed loops.
If config=0 (solid section) or config=4 (elastic section), the order to use for closed section meshing. The element order will change the interpolation functions, so properties may vary.
1 - First order (default)
2 - Second order
The plane base to execute the section cut. This option should be provided as a list of global x, y, z coordinates by plane. The total size of the list will then be 3 x number of planes.
The plane normal to execute the section cut. This option should be provided as a list of global x, y, z coordinates by plane. The total size of the list will then 3 x number of planes.
The finite plane corners to execute a finite section cut instead of using an infinite plane. This option should be provided as a list of global x, y, z coordinates by plane. Each plane should be defined by 4 corners. The total size of the list will then be 12 x number of planes.
If defaultmaterial=5, the ID of the material to be used to compute beamsection properties.
The angle used to smooth curves while defining the beamsection topology. Valid values are 0 to 90 (default 60).
yaxis={x y z}
The beamsection y-axis in global system. This option should be provided as a list of global x, y, z coordinates by plane. The total size of the list will then be 3 x number of planes. If not provided, the y-axis will be inferred from source entities using the principal axis.
If config=3 (shell section), the maximum distance for autoweld on two separated domain loops.
value < 0.0 - Autoweld applied in all cases
value = 0.0 - No autoweld applied (default)
Autoweld applied between two domains only if the minimum perpendicular distance between both domains is less than welddistance value.


To create two solid sections from a 3D elements section cut:
*createmark elems 1 all
*beamsectioncreatefromsectioncut entitytype=ELEMS mark=1 config=0 planebase={1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0} planenormal={7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0}
To create three shell sections from surface section cut, autoweld, consolidate sections and create a sketch:
*createmark surfaces 1 all
*beamsectioncreatefromentities entitytype=SURFS mark=1 config=3 welddistance=-1.0 createsketch=1 consolidationtol=10.0 planebase={1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0} planenormal={10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0}
To create an elastic section from a finite solid section cut and create a sketch:
*createmark solids 1 all
*beamsectioncreatefromentities entitytype=SOLIDS mark=1 config=4 createsketch=1 planebase={1.0 2.0 3.0} planenormal={4.0 5.0 6.0} planesize={7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0}


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2022.3 - Added new option vertexangle.