DRESP1 - Static Stress/Strain Item Codes

Element Stress/Strain Item ASCII Code Number Code 1
CELAS Stress/Strain S 2
CROD Both ends SAB -
End A SA 2
End B SB 2
CBAR 2 All stresses/strains SALL -
End A pt. C SAC 2
End A pt. D SAD 3
End A pt. E SAE 4
End A pt. F SAF 5
End B pt. C SBC 10
End B pt. D SBD 11
End B pt. E SBE 12
End B pt. F SBF 13
Axial end A SAX -
Axial end B SBX -
Max end A SAMAX 7
Max end B SBMAX 14
CBEAM 2 All stresses/strains SALL -
End A pt. C SAC 4
End A pt. D SAD 5
End A pt. E SAE 6
End A pt. F SAF 7
End B pt. C SBC 104
End B pt. D SBD 105
End B pt. E SBE 106
End B pt. F SBF 107
Axial end A SAX -
Axial end B SBX -
Max end A SAMAX 8
Max end B SBMAX 108
CSHEAR Maximum Shear SHMAX 2
Average Shear SHAVG 3
Safety Margin SHMRG 4
All Solid elements von Mises SVM 13
Signed von Mises SSVM -
Max Principal Stress SMP -
Major Principal SMAP 8
Mid Principal SMDP 16
Minor Principal SMIP 22
Normal X SXX 6
Normal Y SYY 14
Normal Z SZZ 20
Shear XY SXY 7
Shear YZ SYZ 15
Shear XZ SXZ 21
Equivalent Plastic Strain PLAS -
Surface Stress (von Mises) SVMS 3 -
Surface Stress (Max Principal Stress) SMPS 3 -
Surface Stress (Minor Principal) SMIPS 3 -
Neuber correction NEUB -
All Shell elements von Mises both surfaces SVMB -
Major Principal both surfaces SMPB -
von Mises 1 SVM1 9
von Mises 2 SVM2 17
Signed von Mises both surfaces SSVMB -
Signed von Mises 1 SSVM1 -
Signed von Mises 2 SSVM2 -
Major Principal 1 SMP1 7
Major Principal 2 SMP2 15
Minor Principal both surfaces SMIPB -
Minor Principal 1 SMIP1 8
Minor Principal 2 SMIP2 16
Normal X both surfaces SXB -
Normal X 1 SX1 3
Normal X 2 SX2 11
Normal Y both surfaces SYB -
Normal Y 1 SY1 4
Normal Y 2 SY2 12
Shear XY both surfaces SXYB -
Shear XY 1 SXY1 5
Shear XY 2 SXY2 13
Equivalent Plastic Strain both surfaces PLASB -
Equivalent Plastic Strain 1 PLAS1 -
Equivalent Plastic Strain 2 PLAS2 -
Neuber correction both surfaces NEUBB -
Neuber correction 1 NEUB1 -
Neuber correction 2 NEUB2 -
Axisymmetric elements 4 Radial Stress SR
Hoop Stress ST
Axial Stress (Polar Z direction) SA
Shear Stress SRA


  1. OptiStructprovides partial support for Nastran item codes. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct, it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used.
  2. For Bar elements that reference PBARL, PBEAML, it is recommended that the special stress item codes listed under DRESP1 - Static Stress Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL, PBEAML Properties be used. Stress/strain items listed here for CBAR and CBEAM elements using PBAR, PBEAM, PBARL, or PBEAML properties include only normal stress/strain.
  3. Surface Stress Item codes are not supported for RTYPE=GPSTR.
  4. Stress responses for axisymmetric elements are supported only for size optimization (only material property – DVMREL1, DVMREL2) and shape optimization.