Oversampling the ADC results in a reduction of noise. For every four oversamples, you will see one additional bit of precision. Examples of how to oversample an ADC channel are in Examples > Embedded > Piccolo > ADC.
The ADC Config dialog is dependent on the target you select. If you selected an older device, the dialog box parameters are different from the ones shown below.
12-bit/16-bit: Specifies either a 12-bit or 16-bit analog measurement. This parameter is available only for devices that support it.
ADCCLK: Specifies the analog-to-digital converter clock.
ADC Unit: Specifies the ADC unit to be configured. You configure multiple ADC units in a single ADC Config block. ADC Config retains the settings for each unit. This parameter is available only for devices that support it.
Dual Sample: If a dual sampling is selected, two consecutive SOCs (SOCx and SOC(x+1) or ADCRESULTx and ADCRESULTx+1) are used. The even numbered ADCRESULT contains the ADCINAy value while the next (odd numbered) ADCRESULT contains the corresponding ADCINBy value. Only these ADC inputs can be dual sampled. On clicking the dual sample, the even numbered ADCRESULT Src field must contain only the ADCINA0 to ADCINA7. Once the ADCINAy value is selected, the next odd numbered ADCRESULR Src field must contain the ADCINBy ONLY with the selection fixed. This parameter is available only for devices that support it.
Interrupt on Conversion End: Generates interrupt on conversion end.
Interrupt on Conversion Start: Generates interrupt on conversion start.
Reference: Specifies the voltage reference. This parameter is available only for devices that support it.
Setup PGA Gains: Invokes a dialog to set the gain mode and output filter resistance for all PGAs.
Single Ended/Differential: When you choose Single Ended, Embed compares a single channel relative to analog ground. When you choose Differential, Embed measures the voltage difference between pairs of channels. This parameter is available only for devices that support it.
SYSCLK: Indicates the speed of the CPU clock.
Dual Sample: Lets you sample pairs of channels simultaneously. This parameter is available for targets that do not have multiple ADC units.
Sample Clks: Specifies the sample and hold duration in units of system clocks.
Src: Specifies the analog pin on which to measure the voltage.
Trigger: Specifies the signal that will trigger a conversion.