Target Category: Delfino, F280x, Piccolo
Target Sub-Category: Quadrature Encoder
Description: The eQEP block lets you configure the enhanced quadrature encoder pulse.
Interactive mode: In this mode, only the QPOSCNT1 output pin is active, and all parameters in the dialog are inactive except Capture Unit.
Additional information: Texas Instruments SPRU791A document.
Count Mode: For quadrature encoder behavior, select Quadrature. For other behaviors, see Texas Instruments documentation.
Gate Index Pulse: Enables gating of index pulse.
Inc/Dec Rev Count on Index Pulse: Enables the counting of index pulses.
Invert Index Pulse: Inverts the index pulse.
Invert QEPA input: Inverts the input on QEPA.
Invert QEPB input: Inverts the input on QEPB.
Invert Strobe: Inverts the strobe signal.
Max Position: Indicates the maximum position.
Mux Pin Assignment: Assigns a peripheral I/O port to a physical pin on the device.
Position Counter Reset On: Indicates when the position counter is reset. The position counter can be configured to operate in four modes. In each of these modes, the position counter is reset to 0 on overflow and to QPOSMAX on underflow. For more information, see Texas Instruments documentation.
Index Event: If the index event occurs during the forward movement, then position counter is reset to 0 on the next eQEP clock. If the index event occurs during the reverse movement, the position counter is reset to the value in the QPOSMAX register on the next eQEP clock.
First Index Event: If the index event occurs during forward movement, the position counter is reset to 0 on the next eQEP clock. If the index event occurs during the reverse movement, the position counter is reset to the value in the QPOSMAX register on the next eQEP clock. This is done only on the first occurrence and subsequently the position counter value is not reset on an index event, but rather on maximum position.
Maximum Position: If the position counter is equal to QPOSMAX, then the position counter is reset to 0 on the next eQEP clock for forward movement and position counter overflow flag is set. If the position counter is equal to 0, the position counter is reset to QPOSMAX on the next QEP clock for reverse movement and position counter underflow flag is set.
Unit Time Out Event: In this mode, the QPOSCNT value is latched to the QPOSLAT register and then the QPOSCNT is reset to either 0 or QPOSMAX, depending on the direction mode selected by QDECCTL[QSRC] bits on a unit time event. This is useful for frequency measurement.
Strobe Effect on Position Counter: Determines the action that occurs when the strobe receives a signal.
Swap A/B Channels: Normally, QEPA input is fed to the QA input of the quadrature decoder and the QEPB input is fed to the QB input of the quadrature decoder. By activating Swap A/B Channels, the input to the quadrature decoder is swapped, thereby reversing the counting direction.
Unit: Specifies the unit to be configured.