PID Regulator

Embedded Category: F280x

Block Category: TI 32-bit DMC

cmd = command input

ref = plant measurement input

out = PID output

Operating Mode Availability

      Simulation mode: YES

      C code generation mode: YES

The PID Regulator block implements a fixed-point PID controller.

Kc: Indicates the speed at which the PID value comes out of a saturated limit condition.

Kd: Indicates the controller gain proportional to derivative of (cmd-ref).

Ki: Indicates the controller gain proportional to integral of (cmd-ref).

Kp: Indicates the controller gain proportional to (cmd-ref).

Lower Limit: Indicates the lower limit on both output and integral state.

Upper Limit: Indicates the upper limit on both output and integral state.

Use External Gains: Specifies external gains rather than Kp, Ki, Kd, and Kc.