
There are three editions of Altair Embed®:

      Altair Embed SE is a complete environment for modeling and simulating complex dynamic systems.

      Altair Embed Pro is an extension of Embed SE tht allows you to generate optimized code and automatically download the code to run on popular microprocessors for Arduino®, Linux® Raspberry.

      Embed Personal offers all the features and capabilities in Embed Pro; however, the license times out after 180 days. Embed Personal is not for commercial use.

Help is available for all three editions, and for simplicity, Help always refers to the product as Embed, regardless of the edition you are using. Features that do not apply to a specific edition are properly noted.

Click here to see what’s in each edition.


Intellectual property rights notice

Intellectual Property Rights Notice: 


Copyright ©1986-2024 Altair Engineering Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


This Intellectual Property Rights Notice is exemplary, and therefore not exhaustive, of the intellectual property rights held by Altair Engineering Inc. or its affiliates. Software, other products, and materials of Altair Engineering Inc. or its affiliates are protected under laws of the United States and laws of other jurisdictions.


In addition to intellectual property rights indicated herein, such software, other products, and materials of Altair Engineering Inc. or its affiliates may be further protected by patents, additional copyrights, additional trademarks, trade secrets, and additional other intellectual property rights. For avoidance of doubt, copyright notice does not imply publication. Copyrights in the below are held by Altair Engineering Inc. or its affiliates. Additionally, all non-Altair marks are the property of their respective owners. If you have any questions regarding trademarks or registrations, please contact marketing and legal.


This Intellectual Property Rights Notice does not give you any right to any product, such as software, or underlying intellectual property rights of Altair Engineering Inc. or its affiliates. Usage, for example, of software of Altair Engineering Inc. or its affiliates is governed by and dependent on a valid license agreement.         


Altair® HyperWorks®, a Design & Simulation Platform

Altair® AcuSolve® ©1997-2024

Altair® Activate® ©1989-2024

Altair® Automated Reporting Director™ ©2008-2022

Altair® Battery Damage Identifier™ ©2019-2024

Altair® Battery Designer™ ©2019-2024

Altair® CFD™ ©1990-2024

Altair Compose® ©2007-2024

Altair® ConnectMe™ ©2014-2024

Altair® DesignAI™ ©2022-2024

Altair® EDEM™ ©2005-2024

Altair® EEvision™ ©2018-2024

Altair® ElectroFlo™ ©1992-2024

Altair Embed® ©1989-2024

Altair Embed® SE ©1989-2024

Altair Embed®/Digital Power Designer ©2012-2024

Altair Embed®/eDrives ©2012-2024

Altair Embed® Viewer ©1996-2024

Altair® e-Motor Director™ ©2019-2024

Altair® ESAComp® ©1992-2024

Altair® expertAI ©2020-2024

Altair® Feko® ©1999-2024

Altair® Flow Simulator™ ©2016-2024

Altair® Flux® ©1983-2024

Altair® FluxMotor® ©2017-2024

Altair® GateVision PRO™ ©2002-2024

Altair® Geomechanics Director™ ©2011-2022

Altair® HyperCrash® ©2001-2023

Altair® HyperGraph® ©1995-2024

Altair® HyperLife® ©1990-2024

Altair® HyperMesh® ©1990-2024

Altair® HyperMesh® CFD ©1990-2024

Altair® HyperMesh ® NVH ©1990-2024

Altair® HyperSpice™ ©2017-2024

Altair® HyperStudy® ©1999-2024

Altair® HyperView® ©1999-2024

Altair® HyperView Player® ©2022-2024

Altair® HyperWorks® ©1990-2024

Altair® HyperWorks® Design Explorer ©1990-2024

Altair® HyperXtrude® ©1999-2024

Altair® Impact Simulation Director™ ©2010-2022

Altair® Inspire™ ©2009-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Cast ©2011-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Extrude Metal ©1996-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Extrude Polymer ©1996-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Form ©1998-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Mold ©2009-2024

Altair® Inspire™ PolyFoam ©2009-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Print3D ©2021-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Render ©1993-2024

Altair® Inspire™ Studio ©1993-2024

Altair® Material Data Center™ ©2019-2024

Altair® Material Modeler™ ©2019-2024

Altair® Model Mesher Director™ ©2010-2024

Altair® MotionSolve® ©2002-2024

Altair® MotionView® ©1993-2024

Altair® Multi-Disciplinary Optimization Director™ ©2012-2024

Altair® Multiscale Designer® ©2011-2024

Altair® newFASANT©2010-2020

Altair® nanoFluidX® ©2013-2024

Altair® NVH Director™ ©2010-2024

Altair® NVH Full Vehicle™ ©2022-2024

Altair® NVH Standard™ ©2022-2024

Altair® OmniV™ ©2015-2024

Altair® OptiStruct® ©1996-2024

Altair® physicsAI™ ©2021-2024

Altair® PollEx™ ©2003-2024

Altair® PSIM™ ©1994-2024

Altair® Pulse™ ©2020-2024

Altair® Radioss® ©1986-2024

Altair® romAI™ ©2022-2024

Altair® RTLvision PRO™ ©2002-2024

Altair® S-CALC™ ©1995-2024

Altair® S-CONCRETE™ ©1995-2024

Altair® S-FRAME® ©1995-2024

Altair® S-FOUNDATION™ ©1995-2024

Altair® S-LINE™ ©1995-2024

Altair® S-PAD™ © 1995-2024

Altair® S-STEEL™ ©1995-2024

Altair® S-TIMBER™ ©1995-2024

Altair® S-VIEW™ ©1995-2024

Altair® SEAM® ©1985-2024

Altair® shapeAI™ ©2021-2024

Altair® signalAI™ ©2020-2024

Altair® Silicon Debug Tools™ ©2018-2024

Altair® SimLab® ©2004-2024

Altair® SimLab® ST ©2019-2024

Altair® SimSolid® ©2015-2024

Altair® SpiceVision PRO™ ©2002-2024

Altair® Squeak and Rattle Director™ ©2012-2024

Altair® StarVision PRO™ ©2002-2024

Altair® Structural Office™ ©2022-2024

Altair® Sulis™©2018-2024

Altair® Twin Activate® ©1989-2024

Altair® ultraFluidX® ©2010-2024

Altair® Virtual Gauge Director™ ©2012-2024

Altair® Virtual Wind Tunnel™ ©2012-2024

Altair® Weight Analytics™ ©2013-2022

Altair® Weld Certification Director™ ©2014-2024

Altair® WinProp™ ©2000-2024

Altair® WRAP™ ©1998-2024



Altair® HPCWorks®, a HPC & Cloud Platform

Altair® Allocator™ ©1995-2024

Altair® Access™ ©2008-2024

Altair® Accelerator™ ©1995-2024

Altair® Accelerator™ Plus ©1995-2024

Altair® Breeze™ ©2022-2024

Altair® Cassini©2015-2024

Altair® Control™ ©2008-2024

Altair® Desktop Software Usage Analytics™ (DSUA) ©2022-2024

Altair® FlowTracer™ ©1995-2024

Altair® Grid Engine® ©2001, 2011-2024

Altair® InsightPro™ ©2023-2024

Altair® Hero™ ©1995-2024

Altair® Liquid Scheduling ©2023-2024

Altair® Mistral™ ©2022-2024

Altair® Monitor™ ©1995-2024

Altair® NavOps® ©2022-2024

Altair® PBS Professional® ©1994-2024

Altair® PBS Works™ ©2022-2024

Altair® Software Asset Optimization (SAO) ©2007-2024

Altair® Unlimited™ ©2022-2024

Altair® Unlimited Data Analytics Appliance™ ©2022-2024

Altair® Unlimited Virtual Appliance™ ©2022-2024



Altair® RapidMiner®, a Data Analytics & AI Platform

Altair® AI Hub ©2001-2023

Altair® AI Edge ©2001-2023

Altair® AI Cloud ©2001-2023

Altair® AI Studio ©2001-2023

Altair® Analytics Workbench™ ©2002-2024

Altair® Knowledge Hub ©2017-2024

Altair® Knowledge Studio® ©1994-2024

Altair® Knowledge Studio® for Apache Spark ©1994-2024

Altair® Knowledge Seeker ©1994-2024

Altair® IoT Studio ©2002-2024

Altair® Monarch® ©1996-2024

Altair® Monarch® Classic ©1996-2024

Altair® Monarch® Complete ©1996-2024

Altair® Monarch® Data Prep Studio ©2015-2024
Altair® Monarch Server ©1996-2024

Altair® Panopticon ©2004-2024

Altair® Panopticon™ BI ©2011-2024

Altair® SLC™ ©2002-2024

Altair® SLC Hub™ ©2002-2024

Altair® SmartWorks©2002-2024

Altair® RapidMiner® ©2001-2023



Altair One® ©1994-2024

Altair® License Utility™ ©2010-2024

Altair® TheaRender® ©2010-2024

Altair® OpenMatrixTM ©2007-2024

Altair® OpenPBS® ©1994-2024

Altair® OpenRadiossTM  ©1986--2024


Third-party software license agreements

All third-party license agreements are in Embed2024.txt in <Embed-install-directory>\notices.