Draw Text

Block Category: Draw

Input Image Format

Input Image Requirements: None


      image: Input image.

      string: Indicates the text string placed on the image.

      x and y: Indicate the x y coordinates of where the text will be place, with respect to the upper left corner. (Optional)

Description: The Draw Text block writes a text string on an image. Placement of the text string is controlled by either the Position parameters in the dialog or input connectors on the block.

Font Size: Specifies the size of the text string in pixels.

Font Style: Specifies the style of the Hersey font.

Intensity: Specifies the brightness of the gray scale text. An intensity value of 1 is black; an intensity value of 255 is white.

Parameter from Input

Get inputs: When selected, x and y inputs are added to the Draw Text block that control the placement of the text.

Position: When Get inputs is not activated, you specify the x and y coordinates of where the text will be place, with respect to the upper left corner, in the X and Y parameters.

Thickness: Specifies the thickness of text characters.


In this example, the text “Wild Life” is superimposed on the video display.
