Creating an NI-simulated device

You can create a virtual (or simulated) device using the NI Measurement & Automation Explorer and attach the device to an Embed diagram to modulate and display signals.

1.    Launch NI-MAX.

2.    Right-click Devices and Interfaces to Create New device.

3.    Choose Simulated NI-DAQmx Device or Modular Instrument, then click Finish.

4.    Choose a device from the NI-DAQmx Simulated Devices menu tree.

5.    Communicate with the simulated device from Embed.

a.    Start Embed and insert an NI block (Blocks > Real Time) into the work area.

b.    Right-click the block.

c.     In the dialog, select the device from the Device # dropdown. That is, select a number that corresponds to your device. Then select a Type.

d.    Click OK or press ENTER.

e.    Connect either a Signal Producer or Consumer block to the NI block and click Go.