An expression is a Lua string containing variables and numbers. Eg: (1+5)*10
application = cf.Application.GetInstance() project = application:NewProject() paraboloid = project.Contents.Geometry:AddParaboloid(cf.Paraboloid.GetDefaultProperties()) -- Add a work surface onto the paraboloid face workSurface = project.Definitions.WorkSurfaces:Add(paraboloid.Faces["Face1"], 0) -- Move the worksurface using a parametric expression workSurface.Offset = 1/5 * 40
The ParametricExpression object is derived from the CompositeValue object.
The following objects are derived (specialisations) from the ParametricExpression object:
Usage locations
The ParametricExpression object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Properties
- Variable object has property Expression.
- Variable object has property Maximum.
- Variable object has property Minimum.
- Mirror object has property RotationU.
- Mirror object has property RotationV.
- Mirror object has property RotationN.
- Scale object has property Factor.
- ModelAttributes object has property UnitFactor.
- CylindricalCircularArray object has property OffsetN.
- CylindricalCircularArray object has property PhiAngle.
- CylindricalCircularArray object has property Radius.
- LinearPlanarArray object has property OffsetU.
- LinearPlanarArray object has property OffsetV.
- AntennaArrayElement object has property MagnitudeScaling.
- AntennaArrayElement object has property PhaseOffset.
- AnisotropicDielectric object has property MassDensity.
- Dielectric object has property MassDensity.
- FreeSpace object has property MassDensity.
- GroundPlaneMedium object has property MassDensity.
- Zero object has property MassDensity.
- ImpedanceSheet object has property ImpedanceReal.
- ImpedanceSheet object has property ImpedanceImaginary.
- Metal object has property RelativePermeability.
- Metal object has property LossTangent.
- Metal object has property Conductivity.
- Metal object has property SurfaceRoughness.
- Windscreen object has property Offset.
- Capacitor object has property Capacitance.
- Resistor object has property Resistance.
- CableBundleCrossSection object has property SheathThickness.
- CableBundleCrossSection object has property CoatingThickness.
- CableBundleCrossSection object has property TwistPitchLength.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has property CoreRadius.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has property Magnitude.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has property Attenuation.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has property PropagationVelocity.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has property OuterRadius.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection object has property CoatingThickness.
- CableNonConductingElementCrossSection object has property FibreRadius.
- CableRibbonCrossSection object has property CoreRadius.
- CableRibbonCrossSection object has property CoreCount.
- CableRibbonCrossSection object has property CoreSpacing.
- CableRibbonCrossSection object has property InsulationThickness.
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection object has property CoreRadius.
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection object has property InsulationThickness.
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection object has property CoreRadius.
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection object has property InsulationThickness.
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection object has property TwistRadius.
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection object has property TwistPitchLength.
- CablePath object has property MaxSeparationDistance.
- CablePath object has property TwistAngle.
- CableProbe object has property PositionDistance.
- CableProbe object has property PositionPercentage.
- CableShield object has property GapBetweenLayers.
- ComplexLoad object has property ImpedanceImaginary.
- ComplexLoad object has property ImpedanceReal.
- Inductor object has property Inductance.
- Transformer object has property CoupledInductor1.
- Transformer object has property CoupledInductor2.
- Transformer object has property CouplingCoefficient.
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource object has property VoltageGain.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace object has property LocalMeshSize.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace object has property Thickness.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace object has property CoatingThickness.
- MeshTriangleFace object has property LocalMeshSize.
- MeshTriangleFace object has property Thickness.
- MeshTriangleFace object has property CoatingThickness.
- MeshPlate object has property LocalMeshSize.
- MeshPlate object has property Thickness.
- MeshPlate object has property CoatingThickness.
- MeshCurvilinearSegmentWire object has property LocalWireRadius.
- MeshCurvilinearSegmentWire object has property LocalMeshSize.
- MeshSegmentWire object has property LocalWireRadius.
- MeshSegmentWire object has property LocalMeshSize.
- MeshTetrahedronRegion object has property LocalMeshSize.
- PointRefinement object has property MeshSize.
- PolylineRefinement object has property Radius.
- PolylineRefinement object has property MeshSize.
- EdgeMeshRefinement object has property MeshSize.
- AnalyticalCurve object has property ParametricStart.
- AnalyticalCurve object has property ParametricEnd.
- ConstrainedSurface object has property SymmetryPlaneUValue.
- ConstrainedSurface object has property SymmetryPlaneVValue.
- EllipticArc object has property Eccentricity.
- Helix object has property Turns.
- Helix object has property PitchAngle.
- HyperbolicArc object has property Eccentricity.
- PathSweep object has property TwistAngle.
- PathSweep object has property ScaleFactor.
- Split object has property RotationU.
- Split object has property RotationV.
- Split object has property RotationN.
- Stitch object has property Tolerance.
- SurfaceRegularLines object has property Spacing.
- Edge object has property LocalWireRadius.
- Edge object has property LocalMeshSize.
- Face object has property LocalMeshSize.
- Face object has property Thickness.
- Face object has property CoatingThickness.
- Region object has property LocalMeshSize.
- RemoveSmallFeaturesSettings object has property GashAspectBound.
- RemoveSmallFeaturesSettings object has property SmallFeatureSize.
- RepairAndSewFacesSettings object has property AngularTolerance.
- RepairAndSewFacesSettings object has property SewTolerance.
- RepairEdgesSettings object has property LinearTolerance.
- RepairPartsSettings object has property DeviationUpperBound.
- RepairPartsSettings object has property MaxSmallEdgeLength.
- RepairPartsSettings object has property SmootheningAngularTolerance.
- RepairPartsSettings object has property SpecifiedEdgeRepairTolerance.
- SimplifyPartRepresentationSettings object has property EdgeTolerance.
- SimplifyPartRepresentationSettings object has property OperatingPrecisionTolerance.
- SimplifyPartRepresentationSettings object has property SurfaceNormalTolerance.
- WorkSurface object has property Offset.
- FarFieldData object has property StartFromPoint.
- FarFieldData object has property NumberThetaPoints.
- FarFieldData object has property NumberPhiPoints.
- FarFieldData object has property DataBlockNumber.
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has property ReadFromLine.
- NearFieldDataFileStructure object has property DataBlockNumber.
- NearFieldDataFullImport object has property DataBlockNumber.
- SolutionCoefficientData object has property DataBlockNumber.
- SphericalModeDataFromFile object has property DataBlockNumber.
- CrossShape object has property ArmLengthU.
- CrossShape object has property ArmLengthV.
- CrossShape object has property StripWidth.
- StripCrossShape object has property SlotWidth.
- StripCrossShape object has property ArmLengthU.
- StripCrossShape object has property ArmLengthV.
- StripCrossShape object has property StripWidth.
- EllipseShape object has property RadiusU.
- EllipseShape object has property RadiusV.
- HexagonShape object has property Width.
- StripHexagonShape object has property StripWidth.
- StripHexagonShape object has property Width.
- PlaneShape object has property Depth.
- PlaneShape object has property Width.
- RingShape object has property InnerRadius.
- RingShape object has property OuterRadius.
- OpenRingShape object has property GapAngle.
- OpenRingShape object has property StartAngle.
- OpenRingShape object has property InnerRadius.
- OpenRingShape object has property OuterRadius.
- SplitRingShape object has property GapAngle.
- SplitRingShape object has property StartAngle.
- SplitRingShape object has property InnerRadius.
- SplitRingShape object has property OuterRadius.
- SpiralCrossShape object has property ArmLength.
- SpiralCrossShape object has property EdgeLength.
- SpiralCrossShape object has property SpiralLength.
- SpiralCrossShape object has property StripWidth.
- TCrossShape object has property ArmLength.
- TCrossShape object has property EdgeLength.
- TCrossShape object has property StripWidth.
- TrifilarShape object has property Length.
- TrifilarShape object has property StripWidth.
- MeshSettings object has property TetrahedronEdgeLength.
- MeshSettings object has property TriangleEdgeLength.
- MeshSettings object has property WireRadius.
- MeshSettings object has property WireSegmentLength.
- LocalMeshSettings object has property TetrahedronEdgeLength.
- LocalMeshSettings object has property TriangleEdgeLength.
- LocalMeshSettings object has property WireRadius.
- LocalMeshSettings object has property WireSegmentLength.
- GlobalMeshSettings object has property TetrahedronEdgeLength.
- GlobalMeshSettings object has property TriangleEdgeLength.
- GlobalMeshSettings object has property WireRadius.
- GlobalMeshSettings object has property WireSegmentLength.
- VoxelSettings object has property VoxelSize.
- VoxelSettings object has property WireRadius.
- WaveguideMeshPort object has property MaxModalExpansionIndexM.
- WaveguideMeshPort object has property MaxModalExpansionIndexN.
- WaveguidePort object has property MaxModalExpansionIndexM.
- WaveguidePort object has property MaxModalExpansionIndexN.
- WirePort object has property PositionPercentage.
- CharacteristicModes object has property NumberOfModes.
- CurrentSource object has property Magnitude.
- CurrentSource object has property Phase.
- CurrentSource object has property Impedance.
- FEMModalSource object has property Magnitude.
- FEMModalSource object has property Phase.
- VoltageSource object has property Magnitude.
- VoltageSource object has property Phase.
- VoltageSource object has property Impedance.
- WaveguideSource object has property Magnitude.
- WaveguideSource object has property Phase.
- AbstractPointSource object has property Magnitude.
- AbstractPointSource object has property Phase.
- AbstractPointSource object has property Phi.
- AbstractPointSource object has property Theta.
- ElectricDipole object has property Magnitude.
- ElectricDipole object has property Phase.
- ElectricDipole object has property Phi.
- ElectricDipole object has property Theta.
- MagneticDipole object has property Magnitude.
- MagneticDipole object has property Phase.
- MagneticDipole object has property Phi.
- MagneticDipole object has property Theta.
- ImpressedCurrent object has property StartMagnitude.
- ImpressedCurrent object has property StartPhase.
- ImpressedCurrent object has property EndMagnitude.
- ImpressedCurrent object has property EndPhase.
- ImpressedCurrent object has property Radius.
- FarFieldSource object has property Magnitude.
- FarFieldSource object has property Phase.
- FarFieldSource object has property Theta.
- FarFieldSource object has property Phi.
- NearFieldSource object has property Magnitude.
- NearFieldSource object has property Phase.
- PCBSource object has property Magnitude.
- PCBSource object has property Phase.
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has property Magnitude.
- SolutionCoefficientSource object has property Phase.
- SphericalModeSource object has property Magnitude.
- SphericalModeSource object has property Phase.
- SphericalModeSource object has property Theta.
- SphericalModeSource object has property Phi.
- PlaneWave object has property Magnitude.
- PlaneWave object has property Phase.
- PlaneWave object has property PolarisationAngle.
- PlaneWave object has property Ellipticity.
- DomainConnectivity object has property Tolerance.
- FarFieldReceivingAntenna object has property Theta.
- FarFieldReceivingAntenna object has property Phi.
- SphericalModeReceivingAntenna object has property Theta.
- SphericalModeReceivingAntenna object has property Phi.
- Frequency object has property Start.
- Frequency object has property End.
- Frequency object has property NumberOfDiscreteValues.
- TransmissionLine object has property LineLength.
- TransmissionLine object has property Attenuation.
- TransmissionLine object has property Z0Real.
- TransmissionLine object has property Z0Imaginary.
- TransmissionLine object has property PropagationVelocity.
- GroundPlane object has property ZValue.
- Load object has property ImpedanceReal.
- Load object has property ImpedanceImaginary.
- Load object has property Resistance.
- Load object has property Capacitance.
- Load object has property Inductance.
- Power object has property SourcePower.
- Power object has property Z0Real.
- Power object has property Z0Imaginary.
- SAR object has property SubstrateLayer.
- UnitCell object has property DistanceU.
- UnitCell object has property DistanceV.
- UnitCell object has property SkewAngle.
- UnitCell object has property ZValue.
- OptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- SParameterOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- FarFieldOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- ImpedanceOptimisationGoal object has property ReferenceImpedance.
- ImpedanceOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- NearFieldOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- PowerOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- ReceivingAntennaOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- SAROptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- TransmissionReflectionOptimisationGoal object has property Weight.
- OptimisationCombination object has property Weight.
- OptimisationGoalObjective object has property TargetValue.
- OptimisationSearch object has property NumberOfPoints.
- OptimisationSearchAdvancedSettings object has property NumberOfRuns.
- OptimisationSearchAdvancedSettings object has property SeedValue.
- MeshImporter object has property ScaleFactor.
- MeshImporter object has property SegmentLength.
- MeshImporter object has property VertexTolerance.
- MeshImporter object has property WireRadius.
- ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValue object has property ManuallySpecifiedExpression.
- AntennaArraySource object has property MagnitudeScaling.
- AntennaArraySource object has property PhaseOffset.
- AnisotropicDielectricLayers object has property PrincipleDirection.
- AnisotropicDielectricLayers object has property Thickness.
- DielectricFrequencyPoint object has property Conductivity.
- DielectricFrequencyPoint object has property Frequency.
- DielectricFrequencyPoint object has property LossTangent.
- DielectricFrequencyPoint object has property RelativePermittivity.
- DielectricModelling object has property AngularFrequencyLowerLimit.
- DielectricModelling object has property AngularFrequencyUpperLimit.
- DielectricModelling object has property AttenuationFactor.
- DielectricModelling object has property Conductivity.
- DielectricModelling object has property LossTangent.
- DielectricModelling object has property PhaseFactor.
- DielectricModelling object has property RealPermittivityVariation.
- DielectricModelling object has property RelativeHighFrequencyPermittivity.
- DielectricModelling object has property RelativePermittivity.
- DielectricModelling object has property RelativeStaticPermittivity.
- DielectricModelling object has property RelaxationFrequency.
- IsotropicDielectricLayers object has property Thickness.
- CoaxialInsulationLayer object has property Thickness.
- MagneticFrequencyPoint object has property Frequency.
- MagneticFrequencyPoint object has property LossTangent.
- MagneticFrequencyPoint object has property RelativePermeability.
- MagneticModelling object has property LossTangent.
- MagneticModelling object has property RelativePermeability.
- MetallicFrequencyPoint object has property Conductivity.
- MetallicFrequencyPoint object has property Frequency.
- MetallicFrequencyPoint object has property LossTangent.
- MetallicFrequencyPoint object has property RelativePermeability.
- PolderTensor object has property DCBiasField.
- PolderTensor object has property LineWidth.
- PolderTensor object has property LossTangent.
- PolderTensor object has property RelativePermittivity.
- PolderTensor object has property SaturationMagnetisation.
- SurfaceImpedanceFrequencyPoint object has property Frequency.
- SurfaceImpedanceFrequencyPoint object has property ImpedanceImaginary.
- SurfaceImpedanceFrequencyPoint object has property ImpedanceReal.
- CableBundleCableSpecification object has property OffsetX.
- CableBundleCableSpecification object has property OffsetY.
- CableBundleCableSpecification object has property Rotation.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property FilamentDiameter.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property MinimumOpticalCoverage.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property NumberOfCarriers.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property NumberOfFilaments.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property ShieldThickness.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property TransferCapacitance.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property WeaveAngle.
- ShieldLayerSettings object has property WeaveAngleDeviation.
- CartesianDescription object has property N.
- CartesianDescription object has property U.
- CartesianDescription object has property V.
- CylindricalDescription object has property N.
- CylindricalDescription object has property Phi.
- CylindricalDescription object has property Rho.
- NurbsControlPoint object has property Weight.
- SphericalDescription object has property Phi.
- SphericalDescription object has property R.
- SphericalDescription object has property Theta.
- CartesianStructure object has property UPoints.
- CartesianStructure object has property VPoints.
- CylindricalStructure object has property NPoints.
- CylindricalStructure object has property PhiPoints.
- SphericalModeOptions object has property SphericalMJ.
- SphericalModeOptions object has property SphericalMagnitude.
- SphericalModeOptions object has property SphericalN.
- SphericalModeOptions object has property SphericalPhase.
- SphericalStructure object has property PhiPoints.
- SphericalStructure object has property ThetaPoints.
- MeshAdvancedSettings object has property SmallFeatureSize.
- MeshAdvancedSettings object has property SmallFeatureSizeRatio.
- FDTDBoundarySettings object has property BufferPosition.
- FDTDBoundarySettings object has property BufferSize.
- VoxelAdvancedSettings object has property AspectRatioThreshold.
- VoxelAdvancedSettings object has property GrowthRateThreshold.
- VoxelAdvancedSettings object has property SmallVoxelThreshold.
- FrequencyContinuousSettings object has property MaxSamples.
- FrequencyContinuousSettings object has property MinIncrement.
- FrequencyExportSettings object has property NumberOfSamples.
- FrequencyFDTDSettings object has property ConvergenceThreshold.
- FrequencyFDTDSettings object has property MaximumTimeInterval.
- FrequencyFDTDSettings object has property MinimumTimeInterval.
- FundamentalModeOptions object has property Magnitude.
- FundamentalModeOptions object has property Phase.
- FundamentalModeOptions object has property Rotation.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property MaxIterations.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property MaxRLGORayInteractions.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property MaxUTDRayInteractions.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property PhiIncrement.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property StoppingCriterion.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property ThetaIncrement.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property UIncrement.
- HighFrequencySettings object has property VIncrement.
- IntegralEquation object has property CFIEFactor.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property BlockSize.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property FillInPerRow.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property LevelOfFill.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property MaxIterations.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property MaxResiduum.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property StabilisationFactor.
- IterativeSolverSettings object has property StoppingCriterion.
- MLFMMSolverSettings object has property ManuallySpecifiedBoxSize.
- PeriodicBoundaryBeamSquintAngle object has property Phi.
- PeriodicBoundaryBeamSquintAngle object has property Theta.
- PeriodicBoundaryPhaseShift object has property FirstVector.
- PeriodicBoundaryPhaseShift object has property SecondVector.
- PlanarSubstrate object has property Thickness.
- PointRange object has property Increment.
- PointRange object has property NumberOfPoints.
- PortProperties object has property Impedance.
- PortProperties object has property IndexM.
- PortProperties object has property IndexN.
- PortProperties object has property Rotation.
- UnitCellLayer object has property Rotation.
- UnitCellLayer object has property Thickness.
- WaveguideModeOptions object has property IndexM.
- WaveguideModeOptions object has property IndexN.
- WaveguideModeOptions object has property Magnitude.
- WaveguideModeOptions object has property Phase.
- WaveguideModeOptions object has property Rotation.
- WindscreenSolutionMethod object has property OffsetA.
- OptimisationGoalProcessingSteps object has property Value.
- OptimisationMaskValues object has property X.
- OptimisationMaskValues object has property Y.
- OptimisationVariable object has property MaximumValue.
- OptimisationVariable object has property MinimumValue.
- OptimisationVariable object has property NumberOfGridPoints.
- OptimisationVariable object has property StartValue.
- Methods
- ParametricExpressionList object has method Append().
- ParametricExpressionList object has method Get(number).