A two-dimensional matrix.
-- Create a default 2x2 complex matrix of zeros cm1 = cf.ComplexMatrix.Zeros(2) -- Assign values to each element of the matrix cm1[1][1] = 1 + j cm1[2][1] = 2 + 2*j cm1[1][2] = 3 + 3*j cm1[2][2] = 4 + 4*j -- Create a 2x2 complex matrix with a fill value of 2 + j cm2 = cf.ComplexMatrix(2, 2, 2 + j) -- Determine the transpose and determinant of the matrix transpose = cm1:Transpose() determinant = cm1:Determinant() -- Some of the valid operators for 'ComplexMatrix' cm3 = cm1 * 2 cm4 = cm2 * (3 + j) cm5 = cm1 + 2 cm6 = cm1 - 1 cm7 = cm1 + cm2 cm8 = cm1 - cm2
Usage locations
The ComplexMatrix object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Methods
- ComplexMatrix object has method Duplicate().
- ComplexMatrix object has method Inverse().
- ComplexMatrix object has method Transpose().
- ComplexMatrix object has method SubMatrix(number, number, number, number).
- ComplexMatrix object has method FFT().
- ComplexMatrix object has method IFFT().
- ComplexMatrix object has method Conj().
- Matrix object has method FFT().
- Matrix object has method IFFT().
- Static functions
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Power(ComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function MultiplyByElement(ComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function MaxMatrix(ComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function MinMatrix(ComplexMatrix, ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function MultiplyByElement(ComplexMatrix, Complex).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Power(ComplexMatrix, Complex).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function MultiplyByElement(ComplexMatrix, number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Power(ComplexMatrix, number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Power(ComplexMatrix, Matrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function ConjugateByElement(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Negate(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Zeros(number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Ones(number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Diagonal(List of Complex).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Identity(number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function New(number, List of Complex).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function New(List of Complex, number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function New(number, number, Complex).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function New(number, number).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Tan(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Sqrt(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Sin(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Log10(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Log(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Floor(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Exponent(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Ceil(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Cos(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Atan(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Asin(ComplexMatrix).
- ComplexMatrix object has static function Acos(ComplexMatrix).
Property List
Method List
- Abs ()
- Calculate the absolute value of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Angle ()
- Calculate the angle of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Conj ()
- Calculate the conjugate of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Determinant ()
- Calculate the determinant of the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicate the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- ExportMatFile (filename string, varname string)
- Writes the given ComplexMatrix object to a *.mat file. (Returns a boolean object.)
- FFT ()
- Calculates the fast Fourier transform of the column or row matrix. For a matrix containing multiple columns and rows, the fast Fourier transform will be calculated for each of the columns. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- IFFT ()
- Calculates the inverse fast Fourier transform of the column or row matrix. For a matrix containing multiple columns and rows, the inverse fast Fourier transform will be calculated for each of the columns. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Imag ()
- Extract the imaginary part of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Inverse ()
- Calculate the inverse matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Magnitude ()
- Calculate the magnitude of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Max ()
- Extracts the maximum from the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Mean ()
- Calculates the mean value of the elements of the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Min ()
- Extracts the minimum from the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Phase ()
- Calculate the phase of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Real ()
- Extract the real part of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- ReplaceImag (matrix Matrix)
- Replace the imaginary component of the complex matrix.
- ReplaceReal (matrix Matrix)
- Replace the the real component of the complex matrix.
- ReplaceSubMatrix (matrix ComplexMatrix, rowstart number, columnstart number)
- Replace the sub matrix starting at the given indices with the provided matrix.
- SubMatrix (rowstart number, rowend number, columnstart number, columnend number)
- Obtain the sub matrix from the given parameters. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Sum ()
- Calculates the sum of all the elements of the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Transpose ()
- Calculate the transpose of the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
Constructor Function List
- Diagonal (values List of Complex)
- Creates a diagonal matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Identity (size number)
- Creates an identity matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- New (rows number, columnValues List of Complex)
- Creates a new matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- New (rowValues List of Complex, columns number)
- Creates a new matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- New (rows number, columns number, fill Complex)
- Creates a new matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- New (rows number, columns number)
- Creates a new matrix with uninitialised elements. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Ones (size number)
- Creates a new matrix filled with ones. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Zeros (size number)
- Creates a new matrix filled with zeros. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
Static Function List
- AbsoluteByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the absolute value of each entry. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Acos (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the arc cosine of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- AngleByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the angle value of each entry. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Asin (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the arc sine of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Atan (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the arc tangent of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Average (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the mean of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Ceil (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the ceiling of all the elements in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- ConjugateByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the angle value of each entry. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Cos (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the cosine of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Exponent (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the exponent of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Find (matrix Matrix)
- Finds all entries in the matrix that are non-zero. (Returns a table object.)
- Floor (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the floor of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than or equal to each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than or equal to each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than or equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than or equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- ImagByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the imaginary value of each entry. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are equal. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are equal. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than or equal to each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than or equal to each other. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than or equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than or equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Log (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the log of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Log10 (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the log10 of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- MagnitudeByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the magnitude value of each entry. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- MaxMatrix (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the maximum of two corresponding entries from two matrices. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- MaxValue (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the maximum of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- MinMatrix (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the minimum of two corresponding entries from two matrices. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- MinValue (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the minimum of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- MultiplyByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the exponent of all the elements in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- MultiplyByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Calculate the exponent of all the elements in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- MultiplyByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Calculate the exponent of all the elements in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Negate (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Negate each entry of the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are not equal. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are not equal. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries not equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries not equal to the specified value. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- PhaseByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the phase value of each entry. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Raise all entries of the first matrix to the power of each entry in the second matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, exponent Complex)
- Raise each entry to the power of the exponent. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, exponent number)
- Raise each entry to the power of the exponent. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Raise all entries of the first matrix to the power of each entry in the second matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- RealByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the real value of each entry. (Returns a Matrix object.)
- Sin (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the sine of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- Sqrt (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the square root of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
- SumTotal (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the sum of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a Complex object.)
- Tan (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the tan of all the entries in the matrix. (Returns a ComplexMatrix object.)
Index List
- [number]
- Access the specified row in the matrix. (Read ComplexMatrixIndexer)
Property Details
Method Details
- Abs ()
- Calculate the absolute value of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The absolute value.
- Angle ()
- Calculate the angle of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The angle.
- Conj ()
- Calculate the conjugate of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The conjugate.
- Determinant ()
- Calculate the determinant of the matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The determinant of the matrix.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicate the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The duplicated matrix.
- ExportMatFile (filename string, varname string)
- Writes the given ComplexMatrix object to a *.mat file.
- FFT ()
- Calculates the fast Fourier transform of the column or row matrix. For a matrix containing multiple columns and rows, the fast Fourier transform will be calculated for each of the columns.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The calculated FFT complex matrix.
- IFFT ()
- Calculates the inverse fast Fourier transform of the column or row matrix. For a matrix containing multiple columns and rows, the inverse fast Fourier transform will be calculated for each of the columns.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The calculated IFFT complex matrix.
- Imag ()
- Extract the imaginary part of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The imaginary value.
- Inverse ()
- Calculate the inverse matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The inverse of the matrix.
- Magnitude ()
- Calculate the magnitude of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The magnitude value.
- Max ()
- Extracts the maximum from the matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The maximum value.
- Mean ()
- Calculates the mean value of the elements of the matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The mean value.
- Min ()
- Extracts the minimum from the matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The minimum value.
- Phase ()
- Calculate the phase of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The phase.
- Real ()
- Extract the real part of all the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The real value.
- ReplaceImag (matrix Matrix)
- Replace the imaginary component of the complex matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(Matrix)
- The new imaginary matrix component.
- ReplaceReal (matrix Matrix)
- Replace the the real component of the complex matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(Matrix)
- The new real matrix component.
- ReplaceSubMatrix (matrix ComplexMatrix, rowstart number, columnstart number)
- Replace the sub matrix starting at the given indices with the provided matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The new sub matrix.
- rowstart(number)
- Starting row index of the sub matrix.
- columnstart(number)
- Starting column index of the sub matrix.
- SubMatrix (rowstart number, rowend number, columnstart number, columnend number)
- Obtain the sub matrix from the given parameters.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The sub matrix.
- Sum ()
- Calculates the sum of all the elements of the matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The sum.
- Transpose ()
- Calculate the transpose of the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The transpose of the matrix.
Static Function Details
- AbsoluteByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the absolute value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The result matrix.
- Acos (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the arc cosine of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- AngleByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the angle value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The result matrix.
- Asin (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the arc sine of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Atan (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the arc tangent of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Average (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the mean of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The mean value.
- Ceil (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the ceiling of all the elements in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- ConjugateByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the angle value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Cos (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the cosine of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Diagonal (values List of Complex)
- Creates a diagonal matrix.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- Exponent (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the exponent of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Find (matrix Matrix)
- Finds all entries in the matrix that are non-zero.
- Floor (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the floor of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The matrix used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(Complex)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(number)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than or equal to each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are greater than or equal to each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than or equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(Complex)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- GreaterThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries greater than or equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(number)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- Identity (size number)
- Creates an identity matrix.
- Input Parameters
- size(number)
- The size of the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- ImagByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the imaginary value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The result matrix.
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are equal.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are equal.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- value(Complex)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- IsEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- value(number)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The matrix used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(Complex)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThan (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(number)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than or equal to each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are less than or equal to each other.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than or equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(Complex)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- LessThanOrEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries less than or equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- value(number)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- Log (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the log of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Log10 (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the log10 of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- MagnitudeByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the magnitude value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The result matrix.
- MaxMatrix (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the maximum of two corresponding entries from two matrices.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- MaxValue (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the maximum of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The maximum value.
- MinMatrix (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the minimum of two corresponding entries from two matrices.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- MinValue (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the minimum of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The minimum value.
- MultiplyByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the exponent of all the elements in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix used to perform operation.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The multiply matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result of the two matrices entries multiplied with each other.
- MultiplyByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Calculate the exponent of all the elements in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix used to perform operation.
- value(Complex)
- The value that will be multiplied to each of the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result of all the entries multiplied by the scalar value.
- MultiplyByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Calculate the exponent of all the elements in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix used to perform operation.
- value(number)
- The value that will be multiplied to each of the entries in the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result of all the entries multiplied by the scalar value.
- Negate (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Negate each entry of the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- New (rows number, columnValues List of Complex)
- Creates a new matrix.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- New (rowValues List of Complex, columns number)
- Creates a new matrix.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- New (rows number, columns number, fill Complex)
- Creates a new matrix.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- New (rows number, columns number)
- Creates a new matrix with uninitialised elements.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are not equal.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Determines if the entries of two matrices are not equal.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value Complex)
- Determines if a matrix has entries not equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- value(Complex)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- NotEqual (matrix ComplexMatrix, value number)
- Determines if a matrix has entries not equal to the specified value.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- value(number)
- The value used to test each entry.
- Return
- Matrix
- One and zero filled matrix.
- Ones (size number)
- Creates a new matrix filled with ones.
- Input Parameters
- size(number)
- The size of the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.
- PhaseByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the phase value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The result matrix.
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Raise all entries of the first matrix to the power of each entry in the second matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The power of all the elements in the matrix.
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, exponent Complex)
- Raise each entry to the power of the exponent.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- exponent(Complex)
- The exponent.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, exponent number)
- Raise each entry to the power of the exponent.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- exponent(number)
- The exponent.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Power (matrix ComplexMatrix, matrix Matrix)
- Raise all entries of the first matrix to the power of each entry in the second matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The first matrix.
- matrix(Matrix)
- The second matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The power of all the elements in the matrix.
- RealByElement (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculates the real value of each entry.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Matrix
- The result matrix.
- Sin (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the sine of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Sqrt (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the square root of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- SumTotal (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the sum of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- Complex
- The sum.
- Tan (matrix ComplexMatrix)
- Calculate the tan of all the entries in the matrix.
- Input Parameters
- matrix(ComplexMatrix)
- The matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The result matrix.
- Zeros (size number)
- Creates a new matrix filled with zeros.
- Input Parameters
- size(number)
- The size of the matrix.
- Return
- ComplexMatrix
- The new matrix.