Reference information is provided in the appendix.
CADFEKO and POSTFEKO have a powerful, fast, lightweight scripting language integrated into the application that allows you to create models, get hold of simulation results and model configuration information and much more.
The CADFEKO application programming interface provides details regarding the hierarchy of the object as well as the methods, functions and properties available for each object.
See what's new in the latest release.
The Feko Getting Started Guide contains step-by-step instructions on how to get started with Feko.
The Feko Example Guide contains a collection of examples that teaches you Feko concepts and essentials.
Feko is a comprehensive electromagnetic solver with multiple solution methods that is used for electromagnetic field analyses involving 3D objects of arbitrary shapes.
CADFEKO is used to create and mesh the geometry or model mesh, specify the solution settings and calculation requests in a graphical environment.
POSTFEKO, the Feko post processor, is used to display the model (configuration and mesh), results on graphs and 3D views.
EDITFEKO is used to construct advanced models (both the geometry and solution requirements) using a high-level scripting language which includes loops and conditional statements.
One of the key features in Feko is that it includes a broad set of unique and hybridised solution methods. Effective use of Feko features requires an understanding of the available methods.
Feko offers state-of-the-art optimisation engines based on generic algorithm (GA) and other methods, which can be used to automatically optimise the design and determine the optimum solution.
The Feko utilities consist of PREFEKO, OPTFEKO, ADAPTFEKO, the Launcher utility, Updater and the crash reporter.
Feko writes all the results to an ASCII output file .out as well as a binary output file .bof for usage by POSTFEKO. Use the .out file to obtain additional information about the solution.
A large collection of application macros are available for CADFEKO and POSTFEKO.
CADFEKO and POSTFEKO have a powerful, fast, lightweight scripting language integrated into the application allowing you to create models, get hold of simulation results and model configuration information as well as manipulation of data and automate repetitive tasks.
A collection of anisotropic dielectric media.
A collection of finite antenna arrays.
A collection of CableConnectors.
A collection of of connector pins that can be connected to cable signals and cable schematic components.
A collection of cable cross sections.
A collection of cable harnesses.
A collection of cable paths.
A collection of cable probes.
A collection of cable schematic components.
A collection of cable shields.
A collection of cable signals.
A collection of characterised surface media.
An abstract (base) collection for objects.
An abstract (base) object for collections of mesh.
A collection of solution currents for this solution configuration.
A collection of cutplanes.
A collection of dielectric media.
A collection of domain connections for this solution configuration.
A collection of edges.
A collection of solution error estimations for this solution configuration.
A collection of faces.
A collection of solution far fields for this solution configuration.
A collection of solution receiving antennas.
A collection of field data.
A collection of all of the items contained in a form group box.
A collection of all of the items contained in a form.
A collection of all of the items contained in a form layout.
A collection of all of the items contained in a form scroll area.
A collection of geometry.
A group of geometry.
A collection of geometry groups.
A collection of impedance sheet media.
A collection of layered dielectric media.
A collection of loads.
The Collection of sub windows in the main window.
The media library of predefined and user defined media.
A collection of editable meshes.
A collection of faces meshed with curvilinear triangles.
A collection of unmeshed cylinders that are part of a mesh model.
A collection of unmeshed plates that are part of a mesh model.
A collection of MeshRefinementRules.
A collection of wires meshed with curvilinear segments.
A collection of wires meshed with segments.
A collection of mesh setting definitions.
A collection of regions meshed with tetrahedra.
A collection of faces meshed with triangles.
A collection of metallic media.
A collection of solution model decomposition for this solution configuration.
A collection of named points in the model.
A collection of solution near fields for this solution configuration.
The collection on nets on a schematic.
A collection of non-radiating networks.
A collection of geometry operators.
A collection of optimisation operators.
A collection of optimisation masks.
A collection of optimisation searches.
A collection of ports.
A collection of protected components.
A collection of regions.
A collection of geometry used to provide rendering to protected models.
A collection of SAR calculation requests for this solution configuration.
A collection of schematic links that connects circuit elements on the schematic with the geometry model.
A collection of shapes.
A collection of shielded enclosures.
A collection of solution configurations in the project.
A collection of solution sources.
A collection of spherical modes receiving antennas.
A collection of terminals on a component.
An abstract (base) collection of edge entities with topology information.
A collection of transforms applied to the geometry.
A collection of transmission / reflection coefficient calculations requests for this solution configuration.
A collection of unit cells.
A collection of variables in the model.
A collection of windscreens.
A collection of wires.
A collection of work surfaces in the model.
A collection of workplanes in the model.
Many objects have static functions, but only a limited number of functions are available directly in the application namespace (cf) or sub-namespace.
Enumerations are lists of values that can be used. The enumerations CADFEKO are available under the cf namespace and grouped together under enums.
Constants have been defined for use in expressions and calculations.
The POSTFEKO application programming interface provides details regarding the hierarchy of the object as well as the methods, functions and properties available for each object.
Each geometry and calculation request are entered on a separate line in the .pre and are referred to as cards.
A collection of how-tos are included that covers advanced concepts.
A collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ) relating to advanced concepts are included.
Common problems that you may encounter are discussed as well as their solutions.
When meshing a model, you can either use the automatic meshing algorithm to calculate the appropriate mesh settings or you can specify the mesh sizes. When you specify the mesh sizes, the mesh sizes should adhere to certain guidelines.
Feko makes use of a local peak SAR algorithm.
Control the execution of Feko by specifying the memory management and environment variables.
The .mat file, .lud file and .rhs file are not generated by default, but can be read externally.
Feko integrates with various products within Altair HyperWorks Products such as HyperStudy. Integration with third-party products is also supported through the powerful scripting and plug-in infrastructure.
Use the correct structure, convention and syntax for a SPICE circuit definition in Feko.
View the list of commonly used acronyms in Feko.
Feko creates and uses many different file types. It is useful to know what is stored in the various files and weather they were created by Feko and if it is safe to delete them. The files are grouped as either native files that have been created by Feko or non-native files that are supported by Feko. Non-native files are often exported by Feko even if the formats are not under the control of the Feko development team.
A Feko Errors, Warnings and Notes Reference Guide is available as a reference for messages that may be encountered in Feko.